Application for the test flight of the ‘Phoenix’!
After that, Tang Zhenli didn’t stay here for long. After spending just a few hours with Wu Shaoying, Tang Zhenli set foot on the return plane again.
In fact, this temporary visit to the class is already the limit of what Tang Zhenli can do. At present, the progress of the ‘Phoenix’ is getting faster and faster. This time I went to the test site for another two days. I can imagine the backlog How many.
So when he boarded the plane, seeing Wu Shaoying’s reluctant expression, he could only resolutely tell the pilot to leave.
Looking at the smaller and smaller figure still standing in the same place below, Tang Zhenli said something silently in his heart.
wait for me!
After another one-hour flight, Tang Zhenli returned to the Northwest Aerospace Base after a two-day absence.
After getting off the plane, Tang Zhenli walked directly from the airport to his office. At this time, the research and development team of the unmanned tactical mecha returned to the Northwest Aerospace Base after an afternoon of trekking.
The test results of the unmanned tactical mecha were also spread in the entire ‘Phoenix’ research and development team for a while. Similarly, Tang Zhenli predicted the third stage test results through a piece of paper.
In addition to the heated discussions, everyone’s respect for Tang Zhenli became more and more serious!
It is a miracle that the budget is calculated through complete data, and it is exactly the same as the actual data!
However, everyone is a person who has a great psychological limit on Tang Zhenli, and since they didn’t see it with their own eyes this time, this matter did not spread, and it was just a discussion among the staff after dinner.
Here, Tang Zhenli, who returned to the office, saw the backlog of files on his desktop at a glance. When he opened the computer, he saw all kinds of emails.
Stacked up!
Upon seeing this, Tang Zhenli could only look at the documents one by one, sign what needs to be signed, and approve what needs to be approved…
For now, under the circumstance that the unmanned tactical mecha and the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter have passed the test perfectly, the construction of the unmanned tactical mecha’s assembly line has been reported, but it is less than ten years before the report to the Ministry of Science and Technology. Minutes, the reply document has not arrived yet, but the funds are in place.
This is the first time Tang Zhenli has seen the Ministry of Science and Technology send money so simply!
I just heard from somewhere that Wang Zhi, the God of Wealth of the Ministry of Science and Technology, has a very bad life recently. It is said that after drinking some time ago, the incident happened to the Ministry of Finance and the military. The first leaders of many other departments are ‘wanted’ , and also put some cruel words like seeing once and beating once..
It seems that the last time I did a lot of money..
However, for Tang Zhenli, these are not things that he cares about. As long as the funds are in place, the ‘Phoenix’ will naturally be able to enter the construction quickly.Lane!
At this time, the two production lines of the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned aircraft have begun to take shape. With sufficient funds, the two production lines of the unmanned tactical mecha will soon be put into construction.
In addition to the construction of the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ at this time, under the three-pronged approach, the process of the ‘Phoenix’ test flight is just around the corner!
On the other side, the Shanghai Stock Exchange,
Coincidentally, when Tang Zhenli returned to the Northwest Aerospace Base, the college entrance examination officially ended on this day!
At this time, at the gate of Shanghai No. 4 Middle School,
— on a silver sedan,
Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe kept patrolling among the students leaping out of their eyes.
But I don’t know if the couple was born without the talent to find someone. While they were waiting, the back door was opened, and they looked
The relaxed Tang Ziyue got into the car directly.
Seeing this, Chen Xinyao said directly to her daughter with anticipation on her face.
“Zi Yue, how do you feel about yourself?” 1
“Yes, Ziyue, are you sure about going to Huaqing?”
Tang Lizhe also said.
“Mom and dad, it’s safe! And I’m not going to Huaqing…”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue waved her hand towards the couple, and then said, revealing incomparable confidence in her words.
For some reason, Tang Ziyue only felt that this year’s college entrance examination questions were all on the point of her own meeting. She was confident that even if Dragon University’s score line was higher than Huaqing University this year, she could still be an alumni with her brother!
“It’s okay, as long as the score is enough, go where you want to go!”
Seeing this, Tang Lizhe also showed a reassuring smile,
She looked at Tang Ziyue with relief.
With that said, Tang Lizhe started the car and drove slowly towards the home.
As the car drove on the road, Tang Ziyue’s face also showed a hint of hope and longing. Needless to say, Xiao Nizi was thinking about her brother again.
“Mom, during my college entrance examination, is there any news about my brother!”
At this moment, Tang Ziyue seemed to have thought of something, rolled her eyes, and then said to Chen Xinyao in an expectant tone.
Chen Xinyao, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, then a look of embarrassment appeared on her face, and finally she could only half-answer and half-explain.
“That’s not true. Your brother is so busy that it’s common for him to forget it, but after the exam, take a good rest for a few months. Where do you want to go, Mom will accompany you!”
Unexpectedly, when Chen Xinyao’s voice fell, Tang Ziyue’s face was pulled down instantly, and she didn’t seem to notice the second half of Chen Xinyao’s words.
Damn Tang Zhenli, at the expense of himself, he still wants to be an alumnus of Longjian University of Science and Technology!
groan! Damn, damn, damn it!
Thinking of this, Tang Ziyue’s small fist threw two fists towards the front seat of 830, as if to vent her dissatisfaction!
But dissatisfaction turned into dissatisfaction. Tang Ziyue also knew that her brother was under a lot of pressure. Even if she didn’t know about the ‘Phoenix’, she would always learn something from her teachers and classmates.
Some people say it is the hope of the rise of the Dragon Kingdom, and they say it is the symbol of the Dragon Kingdom’s return to its peak. …
But no matter who said it, everyone seems to take the ‘Phoenix’ very seriously, and the pressure on the shoulders of the elder brother who is in charge of the ‘Phoenix’ can be imagined.
J Therefore, Tang Ziyue’s feelings towards Tang Zhenli are very complicated at this time, and she is a little angry and distressed.
But no matter what Tang Ziyue thought, Tang Zhenli still had to wait until after the test flight of the ‘Phoenix’ before he had free time.
And as the seasons change, time is slowly passing.
In the blink of an eye, several months have passed quietly, and the weather has changed from cool to hot, and then from hot to cool.
But anyway, the time came to September unknowingly…
At this time, at the Northwest Aerospace Base, in Tang Zhenli’s office,
Several ‘Phoenix’ flight test plans are on the desk,
And Tang Zhenli looked at these plans with a little thought in his eyes…

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