Tang Zhenli’s ‘conspiracy’! !!
In the sound of extensive discussion, time passed day by day.
During this period, the research and development team of the Northwest Aerospace Base ‘Phoenix’ was still working hard.
At this time, it has been less than half a month before the original first flight date of ‘Phoenix’, and all projects have entered the final stage. Cumbersome, but an indispensable process for the entire ‘Phoenix’!
The ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha and ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace unmanned fighter aircraft also began to be installed in the cabin under the main body of the ‘Phoenix’.
The list of 500 people covered before was also initially confirmed. After a hasty glance, after confirming that Wu Shaoying’s name was there, Tang Zhenli submitted the list to the “830” technical department of Longguoke.
After dealing with matters related to the ‘Phoenix’, Tang Zhenli opened the drawer of his desk and took out a small box. After opening it carefully, Tang Zhenli’s expression was rarely moved. The inside of the small box was nothing else. Yes, but a brilliant diamond ring!
This diamond ring was bought by Toqilu some time ago. He couldn’t get away from the space base, so he could only come up with this method…
Looking at this diamond ring, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered slightly, and Wu Shaoying’s shadow filled his mind. Ever since he went to visit the class that day, an idea came to his mind to propose marriage!
And it was proposed during the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’! ! !
After not seeing him for a few months, Tang Zhenli decided not to let that girl wait for him any longer after experiencing the pain of missing his lover for the first time! After being separated from her for only a few months, she felt the melancholy of lovesickness, but Wu Shaoying waited for her for more than ten years.
Tang Zhenli didn’t want her to wait any longer. In this case, give her a stable support!
For a girl, the most touching love words are never ‘I love you’, but in a romantic atmosphere, that affectionate ‘marry me’!
So, as soon as the idea of ​​a marriage proposal came into being, he followed it…
It looks very simple, even a little hasty, but this is exactly Tang Zhenli’s style of doing things… pure and direct!
Mainly, he really couldn’t bear Wu Shaoying to wait for him any longer.
As a scientific researcher, Tang Zhenli has already devoted himself to the field of scientific research all his life, so this cannot make Wu Shaoying wait any longer.
Thinking back to the pictures of getting along with Wu Shaoying from childhood to adulthood, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.
He has never been a low EQ in the eyes of the public, but when he is obsessed with his own field, he will subconsciously ignore many things, such as the former Wu Shaoying…
Looking back now, if I could have found out earlier, maybe Wu Shaoying wouldn’t have to wait so long for me…
Tang Zhenli didn’t know what it would be like to wait for a person for more than ten years, and he didn’t dare to imagine.
This marriage proposal seems to be hastily, but in retrospect now, the bond between the two has been forged a long time ago, and a diamond ring in exchange for more than ten years of relationship is not in a hurry!
Looking back now, Wu Shaoying and herself are the white moonlight of each other’s youth, shining each other forward, but the difference is that Wu Shaoying realized early on that Tang Zhenli was his own white moonlight, but Tang Zhenli didn’t realize it under the unintentional neglect. .
“Let our youth have a clichéd yet perfect ending…
Looking at the diamond ring in his hand, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed a little bit of stars, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered subconsciously.
To tell the truth, Tang Zhenli is only twenty-three years old even if he is considered to be a false age this year. If he gets married at this time, it is enough to count as an early marriage.
But Tang Zhenli doesn’t care about this, he only cares about Wu Shaoying now…
“dong dong dong~”
When I was in the office, there was a knock on the door of the office, and Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but separate his thoughts from the marriage proposal…
“Come in!”
As Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, the door of the office was pushed open, and Qi Lu walked in slowly. When she saw the diamond ring box in Tang Zhenli’s hand, she couldn’t help but set off waves in her heart.
Although Qi Lu was one of the few insiders at this time, she still couldn’t control the fluctuations in her heart.
However, when he thought of the work report, Qi Lu could only temporarily suppress this emotion.
“Tang Gong, the ‘Phoenix’ project has been fully assembled, the tenth re-inspection has also been completed, and the eleventh re-inspection is now ready!” Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was still holding the diamond ring box in his hand, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Understand, then nodded slightly, and then said. From the new novel network disk resource library https://wwa.lanzoui.com/b010pzc9i
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This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
“Um… well, since that’s the case, let’s go with the plan!”
“It’s Tang Gong”
After speaking, Qi Lu only felt a little hesitant for a while.
“What’s wrong? Is there anything else?”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but turn his head and glance at her.
“Oh, it’s alright, just
Finally, Qi LuHe simply came to Tang Zhenli and suggested directly.
I don’t know what Qi Lu said with his eyes, he was stunned by Tang Zhenli for a while, until finally even Tang Zhenli looked at his most important assistant in surprise.
At first he thought that Qi Lu was talking to him about work matters, but after listening carefully, Qi Lu was actually giving him advice for a marriage proposal!
Thinking of Qi Lu’s suggestion, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help showing a little strangeness on his face.
This idea… is really novel! Presumably Wu Shaoying will also like it…
“Okay, then… Mr. Tang, I’m leaving first!”
After finishing speaking, Qi Lu left the office straight away, and when he came to the corridor, Qi Lu took a deep breath, with a hint of relief and freedom in his expression.
Then he returned to his usual serious appearance, moved his steps, and left slowly.
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