: The Future of Long Kingdom’s Scientific Research! ! !
Quietly, half a month passed quietly,
Tomorrow is an ordinary day, but because the first flight of the “Phoenix” is scheduled for tomorrow, the original ordinary day will no longer be ordinary!
At this time, the Northwest Aerospace Base is heavily guarded. In order to ensure the safety to the greatest extent, the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom dispatched almost all the troops of the Northwest Military Region to protect the entire Northwest Aerospace Base.
So now, within one kilometer of the entire Northwest Space Base, you can see endless stretches of tents. Judging by the nearly 80,000 troops dispatched by the entire Northwest Military Region, there are at least thousands of tents!
Not to mention that there are all kinds of fully equipped armored units. From this, we can see how important the senior management of the Dragon Kingdom regards the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’!
With so many troops dispatched, in addition to the task of protection, it is not without the meaning of showing off their muscles!
In addition to the ground troops, an air defense identification zone has been set up in the entire northwest area of ​​Longguo, prohibiting all aircraft from approaching!
You must know that 19, this is not the air defense identification zone with a radius of 100 kilometers set up during the test of the “Sword Holder” unmanned tactical mecha. The air defense identification zone set up this time covers the entire northwest land of Longguo !
That is to say, nearly one-third of the airspace in Longguo has been set up as an air defense identification zone.
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
———— The teacher is ready to go out at any time!
Even the military dispatched a supersonic fighter plane of the Air Force Aviation Regiment, a total of 36 planes, formed into teams of 30-30, divided into 12 teams to patrol the airspace around the Northwest Aerospace Base!
Therefore, a few whistling sounds can be heard from time to time over the Northwest Aerospace Base. Whenever a UFO is found, the
The machine will shoot it down without hesitation!
The first flight of the “Phoenix” is of great significance. It is related to the first step of the Dragon Kingdom in space exploration, and it is the key foreshadowing for the next stage of the “Tianting Project”. More importantly, it is also related to the Dragon Kingdom’s space. The establishment of strategic troops!
For the Dragon Kingdom, whether the Dragon Kingdom can be the first to form a space force will determine the international discourse power of human beings after entering the space civilization in the future! With all the complications involved, it’s no wonder that the high-level officials of the Dragon Kingdom attach so much importance to the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’! Inside the Northwest Space Base, you can see the commissioners of the Long Nation Security Agency patrolling from time to time.
In addition to the staff, the original 500 volunteers who went to space with the “Phoenix” have also arrived.
The reporting team of Longguo Headquarters also entered the Northwest Aerospace Base for the first time. You must know that this is not only the people of Longguo who are paying attention. It can be said that all countries are paying attention to the launch.
The Dragon Kingdom didn’t intend to hide it either. From the very beginning, it held the idea of ​​a global live broadcast, and wanted to announce to the world that the Dragon Kingdom was not the Dragon Kingdom a hundred years ago, or even the Dragon Kingdom ten years ago!
The current Dragon Kingdom, after the successful maiden flight of the ‘Phoenix’, should be called the world’s largest country! ! !
Under this atmosphere, the mental outlook of everyone in the aerospace base is full of confidence!
As for Wu Shaoying walking in the base, it is naturally the same. A month ago, the filming of “Deep Space Land” has been completed. Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin failed the medical examination due to physical reasons, and now they are envious and hated in Yandu. !
So at this time, only the little assistant accompanied her.
I don’t know if it’s because I can eat it normally, or because stupid people have stupid blessings, Xiao Yin passed the physical examination easily,
Prior to this, Wu Shaoying mustered up the courage to come to the Northwest Aerospace Base after making full psychological preparations.
Not only because of going into space with the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’, but also because it is the first time to come to the Northwest Space Base, which is very meaningful to Tang Zhenli.
Since Tang Zhenli couldn’t get away at the last moment, Wu Shaoying and his little assistant wisely didn’t bother him. So in the past few days, the two girls visited the entire Northwest Aerospace Base under the hospitality of Qi Lu.
In Wu Shaoying’s mind, for the first time, he had an idea of ​​the Northwest Space Base.
“Qi Lu, when will you be able to fly tomorrow!”
After getting along for two days, Wu Shaoying also got to know her boyfriend’s assistant a lot better.
“Hmm… about tomorrow evening, it’s expected to be in orbit around eight or nine o’clock…”
Hearing this, Qi Lu looked at it meaningfully.He glanced at Wu Shaoying, and then said directly.
Qi Lu did not hide anything about Tang Gong’s future fiancée.
“Oh, Sister Yingying, we can start space travel tomorrow night!”
Seeing this, before Wu Shaoying could speak, the little assistant spoke first.
Seeing the cute little assistant, Wu Shaoying shook her head helplessly, and then pinched her round face.
Qi Lu just looked at the two quietly, or rather, mainly at Wu Shaoying.
Because she knows what will happen tomorrow night
On the other side, in Tang Zhenli’s office,
Wang Shan and Tang Zhenli sat opposite each other. Since Wang Shan took over as the general manager of the “Phoenix”, she has been doing guidance work at the grassroots level. Compared with when Wei Pengyu was in office, she basically ignored the leadership affairs.
But Tang Zhenli could handle the matter of the “Phoenix” by himself, so he let her go.
However, it can be seen that in more than half a year, Wang Shan’s complexion is much better than when she was handed over just now. Even though the white hair on her head is still so obvious, at least her complexion is much better.
But at this moment in the office, judging from the expressions of the two of them, it seemed that Tang Zhenli was persuading Wang Shan.
“Tang Gong, I have made up my mind. I have already applied to stay on the ‘Phoenix’ after its maiden flight. For me, the grassroots is the place I yearn for 830!”
In the words, Wang Shan’s face was full of sincerity, and her eyes also revealed a look of hope just right.
Of course, the “Phoenix” needs scientific research personnel to be stationed on it after it is launched. After all, this is only the initial exploration of space by human beings. In order to deal with emergencies, a professional team is essential!
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli could only sigh inwardly, and could only let her go.
“Okay then, Wang Gong, I won’t say much, the mountains and rivers will meet each other, and the future can be expected!”
While talking, Tang Zhenli stood up, feeling awe in his heart for this scientific researcher who had devoted almost half his life to the scientific research of the Dragon Kingdom!
“Tang Gong, the future can be expected!”
Seeing this, Wang Shan got up too, and said to him with a smile.
So far, the matter of Wang Shan’s permanent residence on the “Phoenix” has been settled…
Wei Pengyu chose to retire directly when Tang Zhenli came to take over, and Wang Shan will also stay away from the Northwest Aerospace Base in the future.
At some point, the number of people familiar with Tang Zhenli in the Northwest Aerospace Base became less and less.
What Tang Zhenli didn’t realize at this time was that he had gradually raised the banner of Longguo’s scientific research circle on his own without making a sound!
Just like what Wei Pengyu predicted when he saw off Tang Zhenli for the first time at the airport!
The future of Longguo’s scientific research must always be carried by him alone…

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