: The Song of the Phoenix!
The next day, under the attention of netizens from all over the world, Longguo Main Station started the live broadcast early in the morning, but for the sake of confidentiality, the live broadcast screen only faintly revealed a corner of the “Phoenix”.
But this is the case, netizens from all over the world have begun to boil, let alone Longguo netizens.
At this milestone moment in the progress of human civilization, the expectations of netizens from all over the world for the “Phoenix” have no distinction between national boundaries and races.
No one wants the ‘Phoenix’ to fail. It can be said that the current ‘Phoenix’ carries not only the hope of the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but also the hope of all mankind! ! !
After hundreds of years of rapid development, human beings finally stumbled and found the key to growth like a newborn child!
Whether human beings can enter the space civilization depends on the present!
At this time, there was also a sense of tension spreading among the crowd in the Northwest Space Base.
According to the original plan, the first flight of the “Phoenix” will bring 300 professional scientific researchers including Tang Zhenli, and 1,000 soldiers who have been carefully selected. The 30 pilots who specially trained Yi Kunpeng’s air-space drone, and the 500 volunteers, totaled 1,800 people!
And during the test flight, in order to avoid accidents, the latest ‘Baopeng’ aerospace unmanned fighter that came off the production line will be used as the escort team!
The 30 aerospace fighter pilots selected and refined through nationwide selection before, after several months of systematic training, have been able to skillfully pilot the ‘Bao Peng’ aerospace aircraft, and their chief is naturally the original The first pilot to test the ‘Bao Peng’ space drone!
After the ‘Phoenix’ officially enters orbit, more than half of them will remain on the ‘Phoenix’ as permanent personnel.
However, in the expected thinking, unless there are special circumstances, the “Phoenix” will return to the surface to replenish once a month, so there is no need to worry about staying in space for a long time.
At this time, the roof of the assembly workshop of the ‘Phoenix’ has been fully opened, and the main body of the ‘Phoenix’ can be seen completely from the sky.
The total length is more than 300 meters, and the wingspan has reached an astonishing 1,000 meters. From the perspective of proportion, it looks like a divine bird with its wings fully extended. atmosphere!
Viewed from the top and bottom, the ‘Phoenix’ is divided into several floors, but it is clear at a glance that the hangars located in the belly should be the hangars of the Yikunpeng’ air-to-sky UAV and the ‘Sword Holder’ UAV.
And at the position of its head, the main cab is specially set up, and transparent materials made of high-strength molecules are used on it, so that the field of vision of the entire main cab becomes extremely spacious!
In terms of protection, the “Phoenix” is currently not equipped with an important weapon arsenal, but there are still basic energy shields. The lasers emitted by tens of thousands of laser emitters form a dense defensive network, thus ensuring that the entire body safety.
It’s already afternoon,It is less than a few hours before the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’, the entire ‘Phoenix’, or the entire assembly workshop of the ‘Phoenix’ is empty, only a team of security specialists patrolling the periphery with.
Before the official takeoff, the ‘Phoenix’ has not allowed any approach.
In Tang Zhenli’s office,
On the sofa used to receive guests, Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying sat side by side.
On the premise that the final preparations have been completed, Tang Zhenli, who is the person in charge of the “Phoenix”, naturally has a rare leisure time, so in the end he simply let Qi Lu bring Wu Shaoying to his office.
Only the little assistant was left stomping angrily in the arranged dormitory.
At this time, Wu Shaoying was leaning against Tang Zhenli’s arms, the couple did not speak, they seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere, and the atmosphere in the office was a little quiet for a while.
In this quiet atmosphere, the two embracing each other can hear each other’s heartbeat.
However, unlike Tang Zhenli, Wu Shaoying’s heartbeat was a little extra fast at the moment.
In the end, Tang Zhenli finally couldn’t help asking.
“Yingying, are you okay! Why is your heart beating so fast?”
“Yeah, I… I’m just a little nervous! After all, it’s my first space trip!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying also showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and then spoke intermittently.
“Relax, I’m here!”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli comforted with a slight smile, then lowered his head, rubbed his cheek against Wu Shaoying’s smooth hair, and subconsciously touched the small box in his right pocket with his right hand.
Feeling the gentleness in Tang Zhenli’s tone, Wu Shaoying’s mood also calmed down a little, and she hummed like a cat.
In the next few hours, the two hugged each other tightly, feeling each other’s breath carefully.
At six o’clock in the evening, there is still half an hour before the expected first flight.
At this time, the personnel involved in the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’ also began to board the ship one after another.
The live broadcast screen also changed at this time. After everyone boarded the ship, the camera was directly facing the main hull of the ‘Phoenix’! This also means that the entire body of the ‘Phoenix’ is clearly displayed in the world under the gaze!
Now, netizens from all over the world are still sitting still, and they have posted barrage on the major broadcast platforms!
II my god! Is this the big guy going into orbit? ! ! ! It’s just crazy! ”
“I can’t believe this is an impossible miracle please!!! Oh my god!!!”
“Axi, this is too big!!! His Highness Tang Zhenli is really amazing…”
Needless to say, the ones who said this were naturally the netizens of the Great Khan Kingdom. Obviously, after being criticized by netizens from various countries before, they still didn’t have a long memory, and they still believed that Tang Zhenli (Qian Hao) was from the Khanate!
But at this time, no one came out to refute him. It was too late to see the ‘Phoenix’, how could he be as knowledgeable as a dog.
“How about it! Be envious, we from the Dragon Kingdom!!!”
“May I ask if it’s still too late to become a dragon citizen?”
“It’s too late, there is definitely a chance for self-destructive reincarnation… but you have a one-third chance of being reincarnated on the ‘orangutan’!”
“w**f**, f**|<*** I"hIn the love and killing of netizens from various countries, the time gradually came to half past six.In the eyes of all eyes, the "Phoenix" is under the two-way control of the staff on the ground and the staff in the ship, and the nozzle under the "Phoenix" gradually ejects dazzling white flames!'Phoenix started lifting!rewardshareforceII my god! Is this the big guy going into orbit? ! ! ! It's just crazy! ""I can't believe it, this is an impossible miracle, okay!!! Oh my god!h"Axi, this is too big!!! His Highness Tang Zhenli is really amazing..."Needless to say, the ones who said this were naturally the netizens of the Great Khan Kingdom. Obviously, after being criticized by netizens from various countries before, they still didn’t have a long memory, and they still believed that Tang Zhenli (Qian Hao) was from the Khanate!But at this time, no one came out to refute him. It was too late to see the 'Phoenix', how could he be as knowledgeable as a dog."How about it! Be envious, we from the Dragon Kingdom!!!""May I ask if it's still too late to become a dragon citizen?""It's too late, there is definitely a chance for self-destructive reincarnation... but you have a one-third chance of being reincarnated on the 'orangutan'!"hIn the love and killing of netizens from various countries, the time gradually came to half past six.In the eyes of all eyes, the "Phoenix" is under the two-way control of the staff on the ground and the staff in the ship, and the nozzle under the "Phoenix" gradually ejects dazzling white flames!'Phoenix', start lifting!rewardshareAt this moment, everyone couldn't help applauding in front of the screen, because the 'Phoenix' has reached this level, which is already a blessing for the entire human race! ! !And as the "Phoenix" flew higher and higher, the "Phoenix" in the live broadcast screen gradually became a small dot.Afterwards, everything was broadcast live, and the figure of "Phoenix" reappeared on the screen,From this angle, this camera should be in the 'PhoenixNo.' on the hull.Immediately, large swathes of cloud and mist appeared in the picture, which made the eyes of netizens from all over the world shine brightly. Most of them saw the sky at such a high altitude for the first time!Finally, when it flew to a distance of nearly ten kilometers from the ground, the 'Phoenix' fell into a suspended state for a period of time.The 'Tianpeng' aerial unmanned fighters, whose abdomens were lifted by the lifting platform, flew one by one on the deck, and finally assembled into a large scale and cruised around the 'Phoenix'!With the takeoff of the last 'Bao Peng' aerial drone, the 'Phoenix' moved again...At this time, the barrage of the broadcast platform exploded, because the Yakunpeng' aerial drone flying around the 'Phoenix' seemed to have appeared in everyone's eyes.As soon as the 迤{Peng' aerospace unmanned fighter appeared, its unique shape attracted everyone's attention. In an instant, many knowledgeable people started a barrage in the live broadcast room."What did I see, the space plane!!!!!!!""Oh my god!! The Dragon Kingdom has even developed this one!! Could it be that the first space fleet in human history is really going to be built!? ? ?H"Today is the day when the level of human civilization will be redefined!!!! Space civilization, here we come!!!!" "Go! Go! For the stars and the sea!!!!""The source of everything is due to controllable nuclear fusion!!! Professor Tang is the greatest scientist in human history!!!"Il HWhile netizens from all over the world were discussing wildly, in the cabin of the 'Phoenix' at this time,- Except for the thirty pilots of the 'Pengpeng' aerospace fighter, the others were all distributed in several cabins in the middle of the abdomen of the 'Phoenix'.Different identities naturally sit in different places. Three hundred soldiers sit with volunteers, while the other seven hundred soldiers sit with scientific researchers!In the absence of the 'Phoenix' in orbit, all personnel were confined to their seats.Under the deliberate arrangement, Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying sat together, with the pitiful little assistant beside them.Such a combination naturally attracted the attention of many people. Fortunately, all the staff of the 'Phoenix' project sitting beside Tang Zhenli were all Tang Zhenli's subordinates, so they didn't discuss anything.At present, the 'Phoenix' is still heading towards space, Tang Zhenli held Wu Shaoying's hand, and the two of them did not speak in tacit understanding.Tang Zhenli's expression at this time was very complicated, with expectations and yearning for space exploration, and in addition, there was a slight sense of tension.Fortunately, Wu Shaoying didn't notice Tang Zhenli's unusual expression at this time. At this time, Wu Shaoying had the image of a curious baby in his mind.She didn't have any negative emotions, except for the tension caused by the pressure of the huge acceleration at the beginning, and she didn't even feel any discomfort.Sitting in the cockpit gave Wu Shaoying the feeling that she was on an ordinary plane. People who didn't know it would not think that they were on a journey to space.After a long time, Wu Shaoying's heart even has some faint excitement and excitement...It was just for the sake of Xiao Yin, who was on the side. Her face turned pale from the start, and her body trembled slightly. If it weren't for the restraint of the safety device, she might not even be able to sit in her seat.This is the summary of the little assistant's heart in two words, regret! Very sorry!If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't come to join in the fun.She was usually afraid of dying when flying on a plane, but at this moment, she thought that she was in the sky where she did not know how high she was, and that if she fell, there would be no slag left!So the little assistant at this time was completely afraid the more he thought about it, and the more he was afraid the more he thought about it!Fortunately, Wu Shaoying finally noticed her and kept holding her, which made her heart calm down a little...rewardshare

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