A tribute to human civilization! ! !
For the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’, the planned speed was very conservative, so it took nearly an hour for the ‘Phoenix’ to take off to orbit.
During this period, it is undoubtedly a torment for the viewers who are watching the live broadcast. …
In the Shanghai stock market, after learning that Tang Zhenli was going to fly with the ‘Phoenix’ for the first time, the Tang family was naturally very concerned about it.
Even Tang Ziyue, who has already enrolled in Longke University, specially invited ~ to return home on leave.
The reason for asking for leave is also very fierce. He directly said that he wanted to see the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’, but this reason would not be approved by the guide, so in the end Tang Ziyue simply said that he wanted to see his brother take the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’, no matter what. Whatever you say – take a leave of absence!
In the end, when the guide got impatient, he asked who your brother is. He asked you to go home to see it. Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue said Tang Zhenli’s name in a carefree manner. In Tang Ziyue’s school file, it was found that Tang Zhenli’s name was written in a column of relatives!
It seems that she is afraid that others will not recognize it. When Tang Ziyue filled out the form before, she also filled in the title of Tang Zhenli in the unit column… What is the first person in charge of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Device Research Institute, Zhuang Ba’ Engineering Power General Manager Teacher… Various titles of the head of the Four Saints Research Institute and the head of the ‘Phoenix’ project…
This time, the instructor’s attitude changed drastically, and the matter of asking for leave was of course no problem. The instructor’s eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Tang Ziyue. I didn’t expect this little girl to be the younger sister of Academician Xiao Tang!
The two brothers and sisters went to the same school, which is a good talk, so after Tang Ziyue returned to the Shanghai market, the matter gradually spread.

In the end, it was even passed on, and the matter reached Fu Zhiyuan’s ears.
It was also the first time for Fu Zhiyuan to know that Tang Zhenli’s sister was actually the first freshman of the undergraduate department of Dragon University of Science and Technology!
Needless to say, Tang Ziyue will at least be qualified for research in the future. Just kidding, the younger sister of Academician Xiao Tang, if Academician Xiao Tang is fromNew novel network disk resource library https://wwa.lanzoui.com/b010pzc9i
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This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
———— If you don’t teach it yourself, the professors of Longke University will rush to accept it!
But Tang Ziyue, who returned to the Shanghai stock market, naturally didn’t know about this kind of thing.
At this time, the whole family was watching the live broadcast on TV intently, with a little excitement in their chests. Such a big guy was built under the leadership of Tang Zhenli!
In fact, if it wasn’t for the news of the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’, maybe the Tang family also applied to participate in the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’
“Mom and Dad, look quickly, this is almost in outer space!”
Suddenly, Tang Ziyue pointed to the TV screen, and the screen at this time gradually showed dark scenes.
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao and Tang Lizhe naturally saw it too. To be honest, this was the first time they saw a scene almost in space.
Seeing this scene that is difficult for ordinary people to see, his eyes are also very bright.
At the same time, the ‘Phoenix’ has been flying for nearly an hour, and it is less than half an hour before it officially enters orbit. In the cabin, there is a large screen in front of the seats, and the screen shows the real-time picture outside the ‘Phoenix’.
Tang Zhenli looked at the increasingly profound picture, and his mood gradually became turbulent. At the same time, he subconsciously looked at Wu Shaoying, who was also excited, and felt an inexplicable sense of tension in his heart.
In the live broadcast, the light projected by the sun is not reflected by the atmosphere, so in the eyes of everyone, the picture presented is getting darker and darker!
“This is approaching the edge of the atmosphere!”
“I really can’t believe that Dragon Kingdom actually sent this big guy up…”
“Please be sure to succeed in the next orbit! Please!!!”
“If it succeeds, it will not only be a victory for the Dragon Kingdom, but a victory for the entire human civilization!!!”
In the discussion of netizens from various countries, more than ten minutes passed quietly…
…ask for flowers…
In an instant, the light in the live broadcast screen suddenly dimmed!
At this time, the ground crew of the Northwest Space Base also began to issue orders,
Passing the Karman line is detected, ‘Phoenix’ is ready to go into orbit! ! !
At this time, in the Phoenix, under the condition of losing the gravity of the earth, everyone sitting in the cabin felt a burst of lightness in their bodies.
This feeling of weightlessness is very wonderful, everyone in the cabin is feeling the wonderful feeling, even Tang Zhenli is no exception, although he has learned many theories, but the theory and reality are completely different existences!
Among them, Tang Zhenli’s feelings should be more straightforward. This feeling is like his own knowledge has been verified. A true knowledge felt from the inside out makes Tang Zhenli’s heart more determined to explore the unknown!
If you have God’s perspective, you will find the “shell” of the earth at this time, and a huge mechanical creation is suspended here. At first glance, it looks like a city in the sky!
At this time, the power system of the ‘Phoenix’ has basically been shut down, relying on a few low-power thrusters to slowly adjust the angle of entry into orbit! In the future, in the absence of missions, the “Phoenix” will rely on the gravitational force of the earth and its own centripetal force to make orbital motions. Bigger than a space station!
For example, in the case of sufficient supplies, the “Phoenix” can even fly to the moon, and become a real Fengqiyuewutong!
At this time, the ‘Phoenix’ seemed to be floating quietly, but in fact, under the action of low-power propellers, it was adjusting its entry into orbit at a slight angle.
This process is destined to be slow and delicate! ,one
But under this scene, no one felt the slow flow of time, but focused on the ‘Phoenix’ floating in space!
Island I begging
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