The ‘Phoenix’ is flying, and its feathers collapse!
As time goes by, the ‘Phoenix’ in outer space slowly enters the orbit!
At the moment when the ‘Phoenix’ was put into orbit, subtitles were also displayed on the live screen.
‘Phoenix’ officially entered orbit! ! !
Suddenly, everyone who was watching the live broadcast was boiling.
“This is a benchmark > a landmark advancement!!!”
“This day will be recorded in the history of mankind!” i i ”
“The dawn of human civilization brought by controllable nuclear fusion technology will illuminate this bleak universe!!!!”
U If
After the ‘Phoenix’ entered orbit, the live broadcast screen changed accordingly, from the outside of the ‘Phoenix’ to the cabin of the ‘Phoenix’, or the main cab.
The main cab of the ‘Phoenix’ is very “eight forty-seven” wide, occupying one floor of the three-story tower of the ‘Phoenix’, with an area of ​​nearly a thousand square meters!
Similar to the large spaceships in various sci-fi movies, there are rows of computers in the main cockpit, and in the center there is a raised platform of nearly 20 square meters, on which is the most important central computer.
At this time, the scientific research personnel of the “Phoenix” in the main cab are sitting in their respective computer positions, conducting micro-control of the “Phoenix”. As for the other scientific research personnel, they are patrolling around the interior of the ship.
Under the action of the gravity field and various mimic devices, people in the ‘Phoenix’ and in theNothing is different on earth, everything is normal
Walk upright and communicate normally.
Tang Zhenli is naturally also in the main cab at this time, and on the command platform where the central computer is located, looking at the data in the computer, I don’t know what he is thinking…
“Mr. Tang, things… have been arranged… The expected time is about ten minutes later!”
At this time, Qi Lu came over, with a strange look on his face, obviously this time stepping into space also had a great impact on her mood.
Hearing Qi Lu’s voice, Tang Zhenli’s breath was suffocated, and his heartbeat gradually accelerated.
“Okay, I will trouble you to bring her in later!”
As the person in charge, naturally he couldn’t leave the main cab casually.
Hearing this, Qi Lu also nodded heavily, and after finishing speaking, he walked outside, looking a little hurried.
After Qi Lu left, Tang Zhenli became more and more nervous, and his palms couldn’t help but sweat!
ten minutes…..
The “Phoenix” entered orbit at an angle facing the sun, and the “Phoenix” orbited the earth for about half an hour, so Tang Zhenli was waiting for the timing that Qi Lu said.
After a while, within the field of view of the ‘Phoenix’, the moon gradually became clearly visible.
The sunshine just now dissipated, to welcome the strands of moonlight from the ‘Phoenix’…
At this moment, Wu Shaoying, led by Qi Lu, slowly came to the cab, until she stepped on the platform where Tang Zhenli was, Wu Shaoying was in a daze, a little confused.
She didn’t know what Tang Zhenli wanted her to do here, so she looked at Tang Zhenli naturally, with a questioning look in her eyes, unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli’s eyes had already found her early.
At this moment, Wu Shaoying found that under the catering, there was something inexplicable in Tang Zhenli’s eyes.
Just when I was about to speak, I found that the light in the main cab dimmed, and the ‘Phoenix’ officially entered the near-moon orbit. Slowly closed, leaving a skylight above the dome.
The scientific researchers were obviously notified, and they were not panicked by the sudden incident. They looked at the two lovers in the center with smiles on their faces.
The moonlight slowly scattered through the skylight into the main cab like a cold palm, or in other words, it shone on the central platform where the couple are.
Almost suddenly, the main cab, which was originally full of sci-fi atmosphere, instantly created a romantic atmosphere under the illumination of a beam of moonlight.
Under the support of the surrounding dark atmosphere, the two people illuminated by the moonlight are like the focus of the world!
The same thing happened, at the moment when there was a change in the main cab, the live broadcast picture zoomed in, and the eyes of billions of people were directly facing the couple on the central platform! ! !
At this time, Wu Shaoying also seemed to realize something, her palm tremblingly covered her delicate lips, her starry eyes eagerly looked at Tang Zhenli who was standing in front of her, and the circles of her eyes were also flushed…
The moonlight fell on her pretty face, and the white light made her face even more holy. With the addition of her own temperament, Wu Shaoying at this moment looked like a real fairy! ! !
“Sister Tianxian” has become Sister Tianxian!
Under Wu Shaoying’s hopeful eyes, Tang Zhenli showed a gentle smile on his mouth, then slowly took out a small pure white box from his pocket, and then took out a diamond ring from it, and came to Wu Shaoying with both hands, and said in a soft tone.
“I used to want to go to the sea of ​​stars in the universe, but I always ignored that you are also my sea of ​​stars! Yingying, you are willing to spend the rest of your life
Will you join hands with me towards the sea of ​​stars? ”
After the words fell, Wu Shaoying only felt a blank in her mind, followed by bursts of dizziness. She had been looking forward to this day for ten years. At this moment, the boy finally wants to hold the girl’s hand and spend the rest of his life together!
Suddenly, Wu Shaoying thought of meeting Tang Zhenli for the first time!
It was the same smile of the boy back then, which captured the heart of the girl in an instant, and sowed a seed of love in the heart, which did not blossom and bear fruit until today!
At this moment, just like that moment…
The next moment, big teardrops appeared in Wu Shaoying’s eyes, and then her tone trembled with firmness.
“I do!”
The storyteller said, “Without waiting for Tang Zhenli to act, he took the diamond ring from his hand and put it on the middle finger of his left hand, as if it wasn’t her who was going to die!
Then after finishing these things, he threw himself into Tang Zhenli’s arms…
Feeling the trembling of the girl’s tender body in his arms, Tang Zhenli felt a heavy sense of responsibility besides love in his heart…
In the live broadcast, the two figures cuddled together, like a couple of gods and gods!
“Phoenix” has its predicate!
The phoenix is ​​flying, soar its feathers! ! ! !

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