Create a sensation! ! !
At the beginning, many people who were addicted to learning did not notice Tang Zhenli’s news at all.
However, with more and more discussions about this matter on the Internet, soon, some people have begun to notice Tang Zhenli’s news. When some good people among them searched, they were immediately dumbfounded.”What, Academician Xiao Tang is going to give a lecture at Longke University?”
As the news began to spread among Huaqing University, many people couldn’t believe their ears.
After all, this news is a bit too exciting.
After realizing how much news they and others missed, they all regretted it.
They really couldn’t understand why they missed such a big thing just after retreating to study.
Soon, some students from Huaqing University who had already entered the laboratory to study behind closed doors also ran out one after another. Everyone wants to learn the rare open class of Academician Xiao Tang.
All of a sudden, the topics discussed by everyone in Huaqing University changed.
“Did you know? Academician Xiao Tang is about to start his class.”
“You only know this news? I’ve already signed up.”
“What? Do you have a place for Academician Xiao Tang’s open class? Do you still lack a girlfriend?”
Seeing that the students were absent-minded in class, the teachers in Huaqing were very curious about what happened.
But when they learned that Tang Zhenli was going to give an open class, they all wanted the Eight Immortals to cross the sea, and each of them had to occupy a place to show their magical powers. Even Fu Zhiyuan was not less harassed.
Seeing so many people approaching him for a relationship, Fu Zhiyuan couldn’t help but have a headache.
Now the venue has been moved to the playground, but even so, their seats are still in short supply. “How can this be done.”
He hung up the phone call from an old friend at this time, and Fu Zhiyuan felt very uncomfortable now. He had already vacated the classrooms that could see the playground.
But even so,
He still felt that these positions were not enough.
In Yandu University, the discussion on Tang Zhenli was even more intense.
However, after chatting with each other for a long time, they did not come to a useful result at all. “That is to say, our Yandu University didn’t get an invitation from Dragon University this time?”
After learning about this, they were all shocked.
After all, this news really made them a little too unacceptable.
You know, Yandu University has a lot of exchange student places with Longke University every year.
But now this matter makes them a little difficult to accept.
“You say, what do they mean by that?”
“Don’t fight over there, Academician Xiao Tang, he was just an open class for Longke University this time, and he didn’t plan to face the outside world at first.
face. ”
“No way! Then why are there people in Huaqing University!”
Just when everyone was arguing about this matter, someone suddenly posted an invitation letter for Tang Zhenli’s open class on the post.
“What are you still arguing about here, the first year in each college will go to the Academic Affairs Office to get your invitation letter. As for other students, don’t be discouraged. When you reach the first step of the year, you will naturally be able to get Tang Zhenli. invitation letter.”
The moment this post came out, the entire Yandu University forum fell into deadly silence, and the next second, everyone was boiling.
“Damn it, I knew I was working hard in the exam this year! If I study hard, I can now go to the public class of Academician Xiao Tang.” In a short while, because of Tang Zhenli’s invitation letter, it turned out to be in Yandu University There was a wave of learning.
Even those scumbags ran to the library and squatted to study at this time.
But they are now making amends, but they have lost the opportunity to participate in Tang Zhenli’s public class.
However, in the future, they will thank their present selves.
After all, it was Tang Zhenli’s public class that successfully stimulated them to devote themselves to learning.
While they were working hard, all the people who got the invitation letter were waiting at the gate of their school early.
On the invitation letter, it had already been indicated when the car that came to take them to Longke University would arrive.
“What a coincidence, you also got an invitation letter.”
“Yeah, what a coincidence.”

When many people were constantly looking forward to Tang Zhenli’s open class, there was suddenly a common topic between them.
By chance and coincidence, it can be said that it is a good relationship.
When Tang Zhenli learned about this, he couldn’t help laughing and crying.
While everyone was in full swing towards Longke University, Wu Shaoying had a hard time in front of her vanity mirror.
“Xiao Yin, what would happen if I appeared at Tang Zhenli’s open class now?”
Hearing Wu Shaoying’s question, the assistant laughed.
“Sister Yingying, what kind of identity are you going to use? Assistant? Friend? Student?”
The little assistant’s unintentional remarks caused Wu Shaoying to fall into silence.
Seeing that Wu Shaoying fell into silence, the assistant immediately became confused.
“You said, what identity should I use to go?”
Perhaps because of the little assistant’s words, the current Wu Shaoying was silent for a long time, not knowing what kind of identity she should use to go to class now.
While she was still struggling with this matter, she suddenly saw a photo taken in space in front of her.
Look at the two sweet faces in the photo.
Wu Shaoying had already made a decision in her heart.
“Humph! As Tang Zhenli’s fiancee, what’s wrong with me going to an open class with him?”
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying pushed open her closet and revealed all the clothes inside.
After finding the clothes that had been hidden inside, Wu Shaoying immediately put it on herself.
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s incomparably happy appearance, the little assistant was envious for a whileIt started the love between Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying.
“How about just changing your clothes? When I go back, I’ll get you some cosmetics to put on makeup for you. When the time comes, you must appear in your most beautiful appearance in ^0^ gjj|”
With that said, the little assistant started to help Wu Shaoying.
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