Going to the stars and seas with enthusiasm! !
Soon, it will be the day when the class will officially start.
All of a sudden, Longke University was crowded with people,
All the people are walking towards the position above their invitation letter one by one.
The situation, which was always chaotic, was quite tidy at this time.
No one jumped in line, and no one yelled.
Everyone who came to participate seemed very calm and calm.
However, what other people didn’t know was that in order to listen to Tang Zhenli’s lectures more, some of them even just ate something casually when they came, and they didn’t dare to drink more water.
I’m afraid I missed the key part of what Tang Zhenli said.
When each of them entered the arena one by one, the principal of Longke University was wandering back and forth in the office.
When he sent out the invitation letter before, he had already expected that many people would come, but he never expected that now, the number of people coming was somewhat beyond his imagination.
If Tang Zhenli was still given the lecture on the playground according to the original plan, some mistakes would easily occur.
Because of this, he had no choice but to temporarily transfer Tang Zhenli’s class location to the big classroom that he had decided at the beginning.
A group of people who were sitting in the big classroom waiting to watch the live broadcast outside, when they learned that Tang Zhenli was going to come to class, they all took out their mobile phones and started calling friends.
But what puzzled them was that they couldn’t figure out why there happened to be two
vacant position
“You say, who are those two positions reserved for?”
Seeing the two empty seats, everyone was very curious.
Does anyone know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?
While they were all researching this matter, two women walked in together from the outside.
The moment these two people appeared, everyone’s eyes straightened.
It turned out to be Tianxian sister?
After being surprised for a moment, everyone also realized.
As the fiancée of Academician Xiao Tang, it is not uncommon for her to attend the class.
After they all sat in their respective positions, Tang Zhenli slowly appeared on the stage.
The whole big classroom was already packed to the brim, and even the aisle outside was crowded with a lot of students who didn’t get the invitation letter. At the same time, the cameras that were originally installed on it were also activated one after another, focusing all the shots on Tang Zhenli’s face. When the live broadcast room was opened, there were varying degrees of freezes on all platforms.
Tang Zhenli’s live broadcast broke through tens of millions of people in just a few minutes.
For the content of this open class, Tang Zhenli has already prepared, and Tang Zhenli has recorded all his scientific research process early
After all, if I talk to them about some advanced topics, these people will understand very few of them. Instead of spending so much effort, I might as well share my scientific research history with them.
When the open class started, even the playground full of people was silent now.
No one dared to make noise, for fear of missing the point of Tang Zhenli’s speech.
“Our backwardness from the beginning to the current world leader is the result of the joint efforts of a group of people. Only with the continuous efforts of our predecessors can we have the opportunity to flourish.”
“As the chief power engineer of Zhuang Eight Rocket, I hope that everyone can clearly realize how important it is to do things in detail. If there is a slight error in the power part, the whole rocket will become a Brownian missile.”
“Not only will it pose a threat to the lives of people around you, but it may also make other people’s joint efforts and investments completely go to waste.”
“Only by making every detail to the limit can we ensure that the rocket can go to the sky safely.”
When Tang Zhenli was talking about these things, everyone was silent, and it seemed that Tang Zhenli and others were fighting hard for this.
“After the rocket went to the sky, it was just a starting point for the sea of ​​stars. After the rocket, we began to gradually move towards the space, and then we came into being, the Heavenly Court Project.”
“After the Tianting Project was born, we also encountered great difficulties, but with the joint efforts of everyone, these difficulties were overcome one by one, and even gave us many opportunities to come back.”
“We seized the most critical opportunity again, and after that, we successfully jumped up and took the most critical step.”
When Tang Zhenli said this, everyone’s eyes were on Tang Zhenli. After all, they had never understood these unknown histories.
There wasn’t any real direct reporting, but they all knew something of what was going on.
Recalling the layers of danger Tang Zhenli and others faced, they are now a little emotional.
Thinking of Tang Zhenli and others struggling hard there, while they are still there, recklessly wasting their lives, this makes them very sad now.
Now that everyone’s atmosphere has been ignited, Tang Zhenli began to talk about some difficulties experienced after the launch of the Tianting Project.
Recalling the time back then, even Tang Zhenli couldn’t help smiling.
During this period of time as the general manager of the first phase of the Tianting Project, Tang Zhenli showed perseverance beyond ordinary people.
exactly so, under the leadership of Tang Zhenli, his team overcame various difficulties and successfully completed the most critical step of the Heavenly Court Project.
Step by step, the Phoenix was transformed from a drawing into a behemoth capable of breaking out of the atmosphere.
Although Tang Zhenli did not elaborate on his hardships at that time, everyone present (Qian Zhao) could feel the difficulties Tang Zhenli and the others faced.
Even the live broadcast room, which was full of barrage at the beginning, fell into silence at the moment.
Although they didn’t really participate in that plan, at this time, everyone can put themselves in it.
Those who had participated, after hearing their names from Tang Zhenli’s mouth, couldn’t help but feel excited.
No, from today on, I must study hard. ”
The moment this barrage popped up, the live broadcast room was instantly flooded with the same barrage.
And Tang Zhenli’s open class is also approaching the end of the class.
In the end, Tang Zhenli’s face was slightly solemn, and he ended with the last paragraph.
“Scientific research is endless, but even so, we must go to the stars and the sea with enthusiasm!”
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