The road is long and long, I will search up and down!
When the voice fell, the scene was suffocated.
The students listening in the classroom at this time include tens of millions of people who are watching the live broadcast,
After hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked inexplicably!
Even when Tang Zhenli announced the end of the open class, many people were still immersed in his last words for a long time and couldn’t extricate themselves. Under Tang Zhenli’s contagious voice, it was difficult for everyone to recover.
The big screen in the live broadcast room, after a period of silence, suddenly became a sensation, and everyone frantically swiped their screens with their thoughts.
In order to ensure that the server will not crash, the major platforms are even forced to limit the interval between each person’s speech.
“I always thought that lying flat was the best choice for our generation, but after watching Academician Xiao Tang’s open class, I realized that I understood those meanings wrongly. Only when all industries have reached their peak Only then will we truly have the capital to lie flat.”
“Yeah, even though we know there is no end to the road ahead, we still have to make great strides forward!”
“The meaning of civilization has never been existence, but inheritance!”
“There is no end to the front of scientific research, so why not in life?”
There is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love life after recognizing the truth of life!
While the barrage kept swiping the screen, the students on the scene were all excited. No one in this classroom was not a top student among the major schools!
Netizens can understand, so naturally they can too!
After Tang Zhenli left, no one left in the classroom, even Wu Shaoying, who was listening to the class in the front row, also lowered her head and fell into deep thought
The students all stayed in their seats, their eyes flickered slightly, and then they began to discuss.
“Although we are not as talented as academician Tang, we can become the cornerstone of human progress and strive for our future!”
“The realm between people is really different. Academician Xiao Tang may be born for scientific research!” And those students who came over on the playground and stood outside the classroom, after the silence, also Start discussing. Many of them are students of Longke University.
Compared with people from other schools, they naturally have quite unique advantages.
After listening to the class, their mentality has quietly changed. Many people who were just passing by have slowly begun to grow in their hearts, and the idea of ​​​​making more efforts has begun to grow.
And more students who plan to dawdle now have their own clear goals.
If they are not able to participate in the ‘Tianting Project’, then they will conduct further in-depth research in their respective fields.
Similar to the national boiling situation in China, many foreign researchers, after watching this public lecture by Tang Zhenli, fell into deep thought.
Undoubtedly, this speech also shocked them deeply!
With this speech, Tang Zhenli is not only representing the Dragon Kingdom, but more like a declaration representing human beings marching towards the endless sea of ​​stars! Although human beings are small and short-lived to the universe, as Tang Zhenli said.
Even if the road ahead is endless, why can’t we go to the stars and sea with enthusiasm?
At the same time, a group of bigwigs in the Longguo Science and Technology Department are also paying attention to Tang Zhenli’s public class. After all, they have also studied Tang Zhenli’s public class in depth. They have played a very good guiding role, and now they are all full of joy.
As long as he can rely on the influence of Tang Zhenli’s public class this time and push the boat along, then many troubles will be solved in an instant.
Especially those lying forces that were maliciously instigated by some people before this open class will definitely be self-defeating at this moment. As long as these guys with ulterior motives are all resolved, then the final obstacles of the “Heaven Project” will also dissipate without a trace.
conference room,
Ji Chengtian turned his eyes from the live broadcast, looked at all the leaders of the science and technology department present, and said with some relief.
“After this lesson, there must be more young people in the Dragon Council to devote themselves to scientific research!”
Hearing this, the atmosphere of everyone present was also relaxed, Li Wei added later.
“That’s right, but while we are constantly cultivating and reserving technical talents, we must also make detailed arrangements to ensure that a sufficient number of scientists can participate in the plans at each stage in time, and propose to createSexual Insights. ”
When the voice fell, Ji Chengtian also nodded, and then seemed to have thought of something, his face moved faster, and then said.
“From now on, everyone will prepare at the highest level, and we will start the second phase of the Heavenly Court plan.”
Hearing such a sentence, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became awe-inspiring.
Under the order of Ji Chengtian, everyone in the conference room began to act quickly. For the second phase of the Tianting project, they already had enough budget for the Tiangong project.
Just like that, with the announcement that the “Tiangong Project” is about to start, they directly took out all the things that had been prepared.
As early as the first stage, they have already started to prepare the relevant research of the second stage, but it has not been much.
Now that Tang Zhenli has drawn a successful conclusion to the first stage, the second stage is a matter of course, and we must set sail on this.
“From now on, all research will turn to how to build permanent, permanent bases on the lunar surface.”
“As long as the relevant building materials can be broken through, then we can truly realize the mystery of space, and we can make up for the lack of scarce materials in our hands by collecting the abundant resources on the moon to create.” From the new novel network disk resource library
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
With the arrangement of the main tasks of the ‘Tiangong Project’, the machine of the Longguo Science and Technology Department is running efficiently!

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