Serving as Space Strategic Forces
Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, Office of the Responsible Person,
Ji Chengtian looked at the ‘bad visitor’ in front of him, and couldn’t help but have a headache.
To be honest, Ji Chengtian was a little surprised when he saw that the leader of the Long Kingdom military actually came to the door to second Tang Zhenli.
It stands to reason that a scientific researcher like Tang Zhenli can’t have anything to do with the military… unless the military has other goals.
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian put his hands on the table, crossed his hands, and stared at the upright old soldier in front of him.
“Commander Zhou, give me the bottom line first. If it is for the handover of the ‘Phoenix’, it is impossible for Academician Tang to waste time on this kind of thing…”
Seeing this, Zhou Jianguo shook his head and then smiled. “093”
“I knew…it’s still impossible to bypass the Ministry of Science and Technology. In that case…I’ll tell the truth…”
Having said that, Zhou Jianguo briefly explained Meng Siyuan’s previous plans and concerns.
“…Simply put, the newly formed space strategic force of Longguo needs the help of Academician Tang…”
When the words fell, Zhou Jianguo’s eyes lit up slightly when he saw Ji Chengtian’s expression on his face, and he continued to strike while the iron was hot.
“Minister Ji believes you also understand that the role of the military in the second phase of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, the ‘Heavenly Palace Project’, is not small, and there are many places where the military is needed. To put it mildly, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the military are now standing on the sidelines. A family on the same front…”
Saying that, Zhou Jianguo lightly knocked on the table, seeing that Ji Chengtian was still thinking, he didn’t speak again.
The words have already come to this point, I believe Ji Chengtian can understand the stakes.
After a long while, Ji Chengtian gradually recovered from his thoughts, and after a long sigh of relief, he seemed to have made a plan in his heart.
“Commander Zhou, since you have said so, then I will not hesitate. In this way, on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, I agree to your military secondment, but before that, I need to ask Academician Tang’s consent, otherwise this There is nothing to discuss.. and this is a secondment. After the official start of the ‘Tiangong Project’, Academician Tang will return to the ‘Tiangong Project’ project..”
Speaking of the end, Ji Chengtian gestured towards Zhou Jianguo with his hands spread out.
Hearing this, a smile appeared on Zhou Jianguo’s solemn old face, and then he nodded quickly.
“Of course, of course it’s a secondment… If it’s possible, then please, I hope to hear the good news from Ji Bu as soon as possible, then I’ll leave it alone and say goodbye!”
With that said, Zhou Jianguo got up and nodded to Ji Chengtian, then walked towards the door.
Ji Chengtian was slightly taken aback by such a flamboyant behavior, and then he shook his head and secretly laughed.
The military’s always neat and tidy behavior is somewhat similar to Xiao Tang’s.
Thinking about it, it is estimated that the total plan of the ‘Tiangong Project’ will be half a year long, and it should be able to be planned in three months if it is short. If Xiao Tang agrees, then the secondment time is not too long.
But before that, it’s better to let me know first. Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian sent an email to Tang Zhenshui in the name of the Minister of Science and Technology.
at the same time,
Tang Zhenli, who was at the Sisheng Research Institute, received the news. After seeing the news from Ji Chengtian, Tang Zhenli’s eyebrows couldn’t help but twitch.
“Huh? Chief technical officer of the Space Strategic Force?”
After browsing it carefully, Tang Zhenli’s eyes showed concern, and his fingers tapped lightly on the table top of the desk.
To be honest, his perception of the military is not bad. First, Liu Chi, who was in the Higher Vocational College, to the officer who tested the ‘Swordsman’ unmanned tactical mecha half a year ago, has left a memory in his heart. good influence.
And the email said that he was only seconded to the Space Strategic Force as a technical chief for a period of time.
But…At this moment, Tang Zhenli thought of Wu Shaoying inexplicably, and felt a bit of a headache for a while…
Before that, the couple had agreed that they would meet their parents when they went home for the Chinese New Year this year. Of course, it was mainly Tang Zhenli who met his future father-in-law and mother-in-law.
However, if he is seconded to the Space Strategic Force as the chief technical officer, I am afraid it is still unknown whether he will be able to return home during the Chinese New Year.
It’s strange to say that Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying fell in love until after the proposal, Tang Zhenli never saw Wu Shaoying’s parents even once……
Of course, that concert was not counted without knowing it.
On the other hand, Wu Shaoying got along very happily with the Tang family. In contrast, Tang Zhenli felt even more guilty, so he and Wu Shaoying decided to meet their parents during the Chinese New Year this year.
But now…I have encountered this kind of thing..
Thinking of the last, RaoIt was Tang Zhenli, so he couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed.
When his eyes were tangled, Tang Zhenli took out his mobile phone and subconsciously looked at the date. When he saw that this year’s New Year’s Day was approaching March, his heart moved. According to this time, it should be enough…
This time, he should be going to cooperate with the handover of the “Phoenix”, otherwise, he couldn’t think of other reasons for the military to find him.
After thinking it over and over again, Tang Zhenli still made a decision!
When he participated in the discussion on the difficulties of the “Tiangong Project”, he also deeply understood the importance of the “Tiangong Project” to the “Tiangong Project” of the Dragon Kingdom space strategic force headed by the “Phoenix” cluster 4.2.
Among them, the various tasks undertaken by the military are the key to the initial development of the “Tiangong Project”.
As a springboard between the earth and the moon, the existence of the “Phoenix” is undoubtedly a crucial node.
In this way, helping the military hand over the “Phoenix” can be regarded as clearing some obstacles for the “Tiangong Project” in advance.
And Tang Zhenli is also confident that he will be able to complete the task before the New Year’s Day…
With this in mind, Tang Zhenli made up his mind, and then directly replied to Ji Chengtian.
Agreed to go to the Strategic Space Force to serve as the chief technical officer!

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