The Technical Chief of the Space Strategic Forces Confers the Title of Colonel
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian looked at Tang Zhenli, who replied quickly, with curiosity in his expression.
Under this curiosity, he directly clicked on Tang Zhenli’s reply.
“Sure enough…”
After seeing Tang Zhenli’s reply, Ji Chengtian shook his head as if laughing, feeling certain in his heart.
Xiaotang’s enlightenment, to be honest, is simply unmatched by anyone.
After receiving a confirmation reply, Ji Chengtian directly called Zhou Jianguo.
Not long after, the phone was connected, and a calm and familiar voice entered Ji Chengtian’s ears.
“Commander Zhou, I’m Ji Chengtian. The Ministry of Science and Technology has already consulted Academician Tang, but the specific arrangement depends on your military…”
Ji Chengtian spoke towards the phone in an unhurried manner.
Hearing this, Zhou Jianguo’s tone on the other end of the phone changed. Through his tone, he could clearly feel his mood at the moment.
“Agreed? Okay, okay, I’ll arrange it now. The Ji Department is really thanks to you this time. Since the Ministry of Science and Technology has made such a statement, we don’t care about the director of your finance department before. The military helped, just bring it up…”
Then Zhou Jianguo said something like thank you, and then hung up the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Ji Chengtian thought of Wang Zhi who was named by Zhou Jianguo.
It seems that the matter of Wang Zhi drinking and getting money from the military is over. I have to say, this is also a surprise..
On the other side, the Dragon Kingdom military headquarters.
After Zhou Jianguo hung up Ji Chengtian’s phone call, he immediately called Meng Siyuan again.
Soon, Meng Siyuan’s thick voice came from the other end of the phone.
Seeing that the call was connected, Zhou Jianguo didn’t hesitate, and said straight to the point.
“Just to let you know, get ready to meet the Chief Advisor of your Space Strategy Force… No, it’s the chief technical officer!”
After the words fell, Meng Siyuan’s voice suddenly rose an octave. By the way, he had already spoken half of the title of teacher, but fortunately he stopped in time. During working hours, business matters!
“Old… Chief! Is it really done?”
“It’s natural…but…before I do this, I have to warn you that Academician Tang joined the Space Strategy Force. If something goes wrong, even if it’s just a cold…then you’ll be punished! After all.. I have guaranteed the Ministry of Science and Technology!”
As he spoke, Zhou Jianguo’s voice became more and more serious.
With Tang Zhenli’s current achievements and status, if something goes wrong in the military, the consequences will be disastrous!
After the words fell, Meng Siyuan on the other end of the phone was also silent for a moment, and then his usual steady voice came.
“Yes! Guaranteed how Academician Tang came here and how to get back! Even if Academician Tang has broken a layer of skin, you are the only one to ask!”
Hearing Meng Siyuan’s solemn tone, Zhou Jianguo also nodded. Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Meng Siyuan’s voice came again.
“Chief! Then according to the system… what title should I confer as the chief technical officer of the Space Strategic Force?”
As soon as the words fell, Zhou Jianguo said.
“You decide on your own, the Space Strategic Force is the fourth army of the Dragon Kingdom’s military, you can do it at your own discretion!”
With that said, he hung up the phone.
Zhou Jianguo shook his hand directly, which gave Meng Siyuan a headache.
After much deliberation, Meng Siyuan decided to take Tang Zhenli over from Yandu first.
Due to the hasty establishment of the Space Strategic Force and the need to take over the “Phoenix” space carrier.
So the current headquarters of the Strategic Space Force is set up not far from the Northwest Space Base, which is a military base to be built.
Before it was completed, the newly established strategic space force was temporarily located in the Northwest Space Base. After it was completed, it happened to be able to defend the Northwest Space Base.
Judging from the current situation, the research and development of the weapon system supporting the “Phoenix” is urgent. This is why Meng Siyuan is eager to take over Tang Zhenli.
Thinking about it, Meng Siyuan gave instructions to his subordinates. Although the space strategic force has just been established, there should be someThere is no shortage of equipment, and the current scale is about 10,000 or 20,000, and a large part of the soldiers and officers are elites selected from the Air Force.
In fact, if the newly formed Space Strategic Force hadn’t had too many things to do, he would have planned to go to Yandu in person.
All the officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force know that their chief has admired Academician Xiao Tang to the extreme since he handed over the ‘Phoenix’.
After all, his admiration for Tang Zhenli is already well known among the space strategic forces.
After instructing his subordinates, Meng Siyuan began to secretly expect that academician Tang, who can design the ‘Sword Handler’ unmanned tactical mecha and the ‘Kunpeng’ aerial unmanned fighter, will bring him what kind of surprises? ?
Yandu, on the campus of Longke University,
At the end of December, which is approaching the New Year, Yandu is now completely covered with a thin layer of snow, just like the current Longke University campus.
At this time, the couple were attached to each other and were strolling around the artificial lake.
In a sense, this artificial lake in Longke University is also a place to witness the love between the two.
In Tang Ziyue’s words, this is where Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying ‘resurrected their adultery’ after high school.
093 And just because of saying this, Tang Ziyue has not been able to participate in the two-person world of the couple for a long time.
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli’s footsteps paused slightly, and even Wu Shaoying stopped.
I saw Tang Zhenli turned his head to the side, looked at Wu Shaoying affectionately, and after a few breaths, said with a bit of guilt in his tone.
“Wait for me to come back for the New Year…”
Looking at the tone of Tang Zhenli’s speech at this time, it is obvious that he has clearly explained the matter.
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying pouted, and a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she still didn’t say anything. She just put her small head on Tang Zhenli’s chest, closed her eyes and listened carefully to his heartbeat.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli sighed in his heart, and immediately hugged the beauty in his arms tighter.
After that, neither of them spoke, and they enjoyed a short time together. It was only after dark that they parted reluctantly.
Based on the current situation, Tang Zhenli’s secondment is estimated to be a matter of the two of them. That is to say, this meeting may be the last meeting in the next few months.
In fact, when Tang Zhenli returned to the Four Saints Research Institute at night,
A staff member told him that the person sent by the Space Strategic Force to pick him up had arrived!

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