Meng Siyuan’s plea for the systematization of space weapons
Yandu, the Four Sages Research Institute, inside the entrance hall.
Sitting upright was a lieutenant colonel in a unique military uniform with a resolute face, probably in his thirties.
Later, Tang Zhenli, who had just returned, walked towards this side under the guidance of the staff.
Seeing such a scene, the officer could not help but look sideways slightly.
When Tang Zhenli was about to approach him, he abruptly stood up, then looked at Tang Zhenli, gave a military salute, and said loudly.
“Chief! The Captain of the ‘Sharp Sword’ Brigade of the Dragon Country Space Strategic Force will report to you!”
The sound was so loud that the researchers who passed by in the hall couldn’t help but look sideways.
Hearing this title, Tang Zhenli’s brows tensed, and then he slowly relaxed. In desperation, he finally asked directly.
“Well… when did you plan to leave?”
“Report to the chief! The military plane is on standby and ready to go at any time!”
Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel stood tall and said calmly.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli knew it too, and knew that this meant that he wanted to set off as soon as possible.
“Okay, you wait for me here for a while, I’ll go back and prepare…”
As he spoke, without waiting for the lieutenant colonel to answer, he walked directly towards the laboratory on the third basement floor.
Generally speaking, no matter where Tang Zhenli goes, the iconic backpack is always indispensable.
After cleaning up on the third underground floor for a while, he gave Qi Lu and the others an order, and then walked towards the hall on the upper floor.
Although there is no specific task for the Sisheng Research Institute at present, there are still some basic daily research work to be watched.
After coming to the hall, there were two more guards behind the lieutenant colonel.
The open space outside the Four Saints Research Institute has now been used as an airport in a sense, and a helicopter is lying quietly at this time.
In this regard, Tang Zhenli was quite familiar with it, and without waiting for the lieutenant colonel to speak, he boarded the plane with a brisk walk.
Seeing this, the officer could only follow.
At this point, Tang Zhenli once again boarded the voyage to the Northwest!
The next day,
Since it was already night when they set off, the helicopter had traveled nearly 2,000 kilometers and finally arrived at the temporary command post of the Space Strategic Force, the Northwest Space Base, after flying all night.
During the time when the helicopter was hovering in the sky, Tang Zhenli, who woke up, also stuck his head and looked down.
The Northwest Aerospace Base, which had been away for nearly a month, has changed a lot at this time.
It may be related to the presence of the space strategic forces. At this time, many military tents were temporarily set up on the periphery of the Northwest Space Base.
But what surprised him was that the ‘Phoenix’ air carrier was not in the Northwest Space Base, but after thinking about it, it should have been launched for cruise.
With the slow descent of the helicopterThe previous officer also directly brought Tang Zhenli to the temporary command post of the Longguo Space Strategic Force.
This temporary command post was originally an administrative building of the Northwest Aerospace Base, but it is now leased to the troops.
“Boom boom boom~¨~”
When several people came to an office, the officer knocked on the door and said loudly.
“Come in!”
Meng Siyuan’s voice came from inside.
Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel officer turned the doorknob. After opening the door, he bent slightly towards Tang Zhenli and made a gesture of invitation.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression remained calm. After glancing at the lieutenant colonel officer, he walked in.
As soon as he entered the office, the first thing that caught his eyes was the rough face of a middle-aged man. The man was wearing a military uniform, and the two general stars on his shoulders were shining.
At the same time, the middle-aged man still has a murderous aura. All these characteristics show that the identity of this middle-aged soldier is very unusual.
This middle-aged man is none other than Meng Siyuan, who is known as the leader of the space strategy force of the fourth military branch of the Dragon Kingdom.
After Tang Zhenli came in, while Tang Zhenli was looking at him, Meng Siyuan was also looking at Tang Zhenli.
To be honest, after seeing Tang Zhenli for the first time, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, although he had also seen Tang Zhenli’s appearance in the photos.
But at this time the real Tang Zhenli was standing in front of him, he couldn’t help but feel a little strange in his heart.
So it looks like a gentle young man, academician Tang who developed cutting-edge technological weapons such as the “Sword Holder” unmanned tactical mecha and the “Kunpeng” aerospace unmanned fighter?
After a while, Meng Siyuan came back to his senses. Looking at Tang Zhenli’s questioning eyes, he realized for a moment that he had lost his composure. The next moment, Meng Siyuan smiled boldly and said immediately.
“Academician Tang, I have admired your name for a long time! Let me introduce myself, my name is Meng Siyuan, and I am the commander of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force!”
As he spoke, Meng Siyuan stretched out his right hand to shake hands with Tang Zhenli.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also stretched out his hand, and held it with Meng Siyuan, and said casually
“Commander Meng, hello!”
With that said, after the two of them greeted each other for a while, Meng Siyuan made a call, and a few minutes later, two soldiers knocked on the door and walked in.
Among the two soldiers, one was holding the same military uniform as Meng Siyuan’s, and the other was holding relevant documents.
After seeing two soldiers walking in, Meng Siyuan also introduced to Tang Zhenli.
“Academician Tang, these two are your future guards, responsible for ensuring your travel safety. In addition, this military uniform is also prepared for you. I forgot to inform you before. As the chief technical officer of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force, the military Fang decided to confer the rank of Colonel!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows, obviously he didn’t expect that he would be able to wear a military uniform one day.
In fact, conferring the rank of Colonel Tang Zhenli was also a decision made by Meng Siyuan after careful consideration.
The Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force is the newly formed fourth military branch of the Dragon Kingdom military. The other three military branches are at the same level. It stands to reason that the chief officer of the first army should at least carry a general on his shoulders.
Generally speaking, according to the relevant regulations, the minimum staffing of technical officers of the First Army is also a first-level technical officer.
With Tang Zhenli’s achievements and status, it would not be too easy to evaluate the ranks of a first-level technical officer if he were to join the army.
And the first-level technical officer (De Nuohao) is at least the existence of a general star on his shoulders. That is to say, logically, Tang Zhenli should be awarded the rank of at most two, at least one general star.
In other words, conferring the rank of Colonel Tang Zhenli at this time is a low rank!
But the problem is that Tang Zhenli is only on secondment this time, and he will return to the “Tiangong Project” after a period of time. More importantly, even though Tang Zhenli is qualified to shoulder the general star, the award of generals must be made by the senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom military. You discussed.
Even if the discussion went well, but according to the procedure, Tang Zhenli might have returned to the Ministry of Science and Technology by the time the title was conferred.
So after much deliberation, Meng Siyuan made a decision. After all, for Tang Zhenli, the military rank is only useful for the next period of time.
But even so, Tang Zhenli was awarded the rank of colonel when he was less than twenty-five years old. Even if he was a technical officer, that was unprecedented!

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