The Trend of Future Space Weapons
In the temporary command post of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force,
Tang Zhenli looked at the four star emblems on the military uniforms held by the soldiers in front of him, but he didn’t have any concept in his mind.
So he quickly turned his gaze back. At this moment, he seemed to realize something in his heart, and then asked Meng Siyuan.
“Commander Meng, as the chief technical officer of the Space Strategic Force, he should not only speed up the handover process of the ‘Phoenix’…”
To be reasonable, if it is just to speed up the handover process of the “Phoenix”, there is no need to make such a big battle. If it is not just for the handover of the “Phoenix”, then Meng Siyuan must have other plans for seconding himself… …
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s questioning eyes, Meng Siyuan’s expression changed, and he said with a smile.
“Academician Tang, in this case, I won’t hide it from you. I’ll tell you the truth. We actually asked Academician Tang to serve as the chief technical officer of the Space Strategic Force…”
After speaking, Meng Siyuan’s expression gradually became serious.
“I believe Academician Tang also knowsChu, our space strategic force has just been established, let alone the handover of the “Phoenix”, if we want to make the “Phoenix” battle group form a qualified combat force as soon as possible, we still need a complete set of weapon systems! ”
“In fact, most of the conventional weapons possessed by the human 093 class cannot be used in space, and it is not enough to have the ‘Sword Holder’ unmanned tactical mech and the ‘Kunpeng’ air-to-space unmanned fighter Form a large-scale and comprehensive strategic strike cluster….”
Tang Zhenli, who was listening here, nodded understandingly when he heard the difficulties of the current space strategic force.
Seeing this, Meng Siyuan continued to speak.
“Although research on space armaments is currently underway, to be honest, even a layman like me can’t stand the progress of the military research institute…”
“Before they develop new space weapons, we can’t let our soldiers carry rifles into space…”
In the end, Meng Siyuan also made a rare joke, but from this joke, we can indeed see the dilemma that the space strategic forces are currently facing.
“So what Commander Meng means is to let me participate in the research and development of the supporting weapon system of the Space Strategic Force?”
Listening and listening, Tang Zhenli gradually came to his senses.
Unexpectedly, after hearing the words, Meng Siyuan’s face became serious, and he looked at Tang Zhenli with piercing eyes.
“Academician Tang is not participating, but leading!”
After finishing speaking, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. Apparently, Meng Siyuan’s answer was somewhat beyond his expectation.
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli first had a preliminary understanding of the commander of the newly formed space strategic force of the Dragon Kingdom.
Meng Siyuan is a man of courage!
You must know that Tang Zhenli has been engaged in research and development as a scientific research scholar before. Even the development of the “Sword Holder” unmanned tactical mecha and the “Kunpeng” air-space unmanned fighter aircraft, such lethal weapons, was to speed up the “Tianting Project” ‘Progress.
During this process, no one asked him to do research and development of weapons.
Meng Siyuan was the first one!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled, then said to Meng Siyuan.
“Commander Meng, you have to figure it out, I’m a researcher…”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan didn’t speak, just looked at him with hope in his eyes.
This demeanor obviously did not regard Tang Zhenli as an ordinary scientific research scholar.
It can be seen from the design of the “Sword Bearer” unmanned tactical mech before that Tang Zhenli also has a very high talent in the research and development of cutting-edge technological weapons.
Moreover, with regard to space armaments, the researchers at the current military research institutes only have a half-knowledge and are groping forward.
If the current Dragon Kingdom is the most competitive country in space exploration in the world today, then Tang Zhenli is undoubtedly the most competitive scientific research scholar among them!
With such talented and professional support, Tang Zhenli alone can come faster than the military’s half-baked space research institutes…
Under Meng Siyuan’s gaze, Tang Zhenli also seemed to have a fire ignited in his heart.
In fact, when he was listening to Meng Siyuan’s narration just now, he was constantly thinking about it.
Until now, he finally figured it out.
There is that boy in the world who is not interested in weapons!
After all, whether you admit it or not, advocating force is the blood of a man! Regardless of nationality, regardless of race!
Naturally, Tang Zhenli was no exception.
So when Meng Siyuan looked at him like this, he made a decision in his heart.
“Since Commander Meng said so, I will do my best!”
Seeing that Tang Zhenli agreed, a gleam flashed in Meng Siyuan’s eyes.
He knew, he really saw the right person!
Just as his heart was surging, Tang Zhenli’s voice came again.
“But before that, I need a few days of research time…”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan certainly couldn’t refuse, so he immediately said with a smile.
“Of course, everything is led by Academician Tang!”
Seeing that Meng Siyuan had said that, Tang Zhenli nodded slightly.
Then he bid farewell to Meng Siyuan.
So, under the leadership of two guards, Tang Zhenli temporarily returned to the dormitory where he arranged himself.
On the way back to the dormitory, Tang Zhenli also felt the atmosphere in the barracks.
Although the place is still the Northwest Aerospace Base, against the background of the tents, a unique military atmosphere lingers in the barracks.
“Chief, we’re here!”
Just as he was feeling it carefully, a guard stopped and said to him.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli raised his eyelids slightly, then nodded.
With that said, he turned around and walked into the dormitory assigned to him.
In the dormitory,
Tang Zhenli stared blankly at the dark military uniform lying quietly on the bed, but what he was thinking about in his mind was how to conceive a complete and qualified weapon system for the space strategic force.
This is a field he has never been involved in, so before that, it is necessary to conceive a general direction in advance.

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