Inside the dormitory,
Tang Zhenli put on the brand-new military uniform, and stood in front of the mirror carefully arranging his clothes.
Even he knows that a soldier’s manners and every move are extremely important. Although he may only wear this uniform for a while, once he wears the uniform, it will no longer represent an individual, but a collective!
Considering these, even he, who has always paid little attention to his appearance, couldn’t help tidying up in front of the mirror for a long time, trying to be as neat and tidy as possible.
In the end, Tang Zhenli looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror carefully from top to bottom.
Tang Zhenli is perfect from the beginning, with a straight body and perfect proportions, plus the gentle and mysterious temperament that he has cultivated in scientific research for a long time, which makes everyone’s eyes light up when they see him for the first time.
But now that he is wearing a military uniform, his temperament has begun to be very different from before. The “zero nine three” quality that haunted him in the past was replaced by a heroic aura when he put on the military uniform.
It made him look inexplicably heroic at this time. If Wu Shaoying was present, he would inevitably become a nympho.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli looked at himself in the mirror, then turned around again, feeling that there was nothing unusual, and then nodded in satisfaction.
It has to be said that the appearance of the new military uniforms of the Space Strategic Force is on the line, which is different from the background color of the military uniforms of the three armed forces of the sea, land and air.
The base of the new military uniform of the Space Strategic Force is made of pure black, which symbolizes the dark and deep space. Coupled with this straight version, it will give people a bright feeling.
The armband on the arm representing the Space Strategic Force is also very unique. The main pattern is a simple air carrier, similar to the ‘Phoenix’. The front of the air carrier is dotted with countless scattered golden dots, symbolizing infinity. Endless sea of ​​stars.
The meaning of this is self-evident. The space strategic force of the Dragon Kingdom takes it as its mission to conquer the endless sea of ​​stars!
And this spirit will be passed down from generation to generation with the pattern on the armband!
After finally checking in front of the mirror, Tang Zhenli put on his general hat, slowly straightened himself in front of the mirror, and then turned around and walked towards the door.
Just outside the door, the two guards stood up and shouted loudly.
“Take me to the temporary headquarters.”
Tang Zhenli knew that he needed to adapt to the military camp’s behavior in the next period of time, so he naturally said to the two of them.
Having said that, under the leadership of the two guards, Tang Zhenli once again walked towards the temporary headquarters of the Sky Strategic Force.
And his appearance in a military uniform, walking in the barracks of the Space Strategic Force, naturally attracted the attention of many people.
Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the two bars and four stars on his shoulders, coupled with his young and outrageous face, is strange that it doesn’t attract attention.
After taking a closer look, the officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force were even more surprised.
Taking a closer look at the rank badges Tang Zhenli wore on his left chest, the scary rank badges in the front row were in stark contrast to the empty military age badges below.
If it wasn’t for Tang Zhenli being guarded by guards one after the other, they would all wonder if someone was impersonating.
Under the various characteristics, the officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force also seemed to think of something, and looked at the young people who walked past them with fiery eyes.
A young man who can receive such courtesy, may only have that legend in the entire Dragon Kingdom!
Here, Tang Zhenli, who has experienced so much, is obviously accustomed to this kind of attention, and still followed the guards leading the way towards the temporary headquarters with a calm expression.
Not long after, the group came to the temporary headquarters of the Space Strategic Force.
The leading guard knocked on the door first, and then said loudly.
The next moment, Meng Siyuan’s rough voice came from the headquarters.
“Come in!”
Tang Zhenli’s security guard twisted the door handle when he heard this, and then gestured towards Tang Zhenli.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli nodded lightly, then moved his footsteps and walked towards the room.
Inside the headquarters,
Meng Siyuan was sitting at his desk browsing the progress of the recent handover. When he saw Tang Zhenli in military uniform coming in, his eyes suddenly lit up.
Then he got up quickly, walked up to him quickly, and took him to sit down on the reception coffee table.
“Academician Tang, come here, please take a seat!”
With that said, Meng Siyuan looked at Tang Zhenli again and nodded secretly in his heart.
No matter how you look at it, Academician Tang looks like someone from our military… If Academician Tang can stay…
Next, Meng Siyuan didn’t dare to think about it anymore, because the Ministry of Science and Technology could not let people go……
Tang Zhenli was not idle here. After sitting down, he took out the computer he was holding and handed it to Meng Siyuan, and then said,
“Commander Meng, here are some of my understandings and plans for the current systematization of space weapons. You can take a look first. If you think you can, you can start researching it right away.”Hearing this, Meng Siyuan stared, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and then he glanced at Tang Zhenli in disbelief.
It’s only been a few days…
It seems that Academician Tang can be called a legend, not without reason…
Thinking about it, Meng Siyuan also took over the computer. In a high mood, he only felt the blood in his body speed up inexplicably, and then he began to browse carefully.
At the end, the excitement on Meng Siyuan’s face could not be concealed.
Although he couldn’t understand most of the hundreds or thousands of pages of formula data and reference materials, he still understood the concepts of some weapons.
Under the excitement, Meng Siyuan turned to look at Tang Zhenli and said.
“Academician Tang, in this way, apart from the existing two, the complete weapon system of the ‘Phoenix’ is laser weapons and individual combat mechas, right?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli nodded lightly,
“Yes, at this stage, in order to make the ‘Phoenix’ and the space strategic force form a large-scale combat force in the fastest time, it is best to carry out R&D 4.2 in these two general directions, and the other may need to be considered in the long run… ”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s remarks, Meng Siyuan nodded again and again.
After Tang Zhenli finished speaking, Meng Siyuan’s expression changed, and then he said.
“In this case, the weapons and equipment of the Space Strategic Force will rely on Academician Tang! The next research and development will be fully commanded by Academician Tang. I, a layman, will not be involved. We rented a laboratory building at the Northwest Aerospace Base. I believe that Academician Tang will definitely be satisfied!”
With that said, a mysterious smile appeared on Meng Siyuan’s face, and Tang Zhenli was a little confused.
After that, the two exchanged polite words, and Tang Zhenli got up to leave and walked towards the experimental building rented by the Space Strategic Force.
Time is pressing, and it is the right way to invest in research and development as soon as possible.

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