High Energy Laser Weapon
After bidding farewell to Meng Siyuan,
Tang Zhenli once again followed the guards towards the laboratory building seconded by the Space Strategic Force.
In the end, what Tang Zhenli never expected was that the laboratory building that Meng Siyuan mentioned earlier was actually the former “Zhuang Ba” project building. No wonder Meng Siyuan laughed mysteriously.
Standing downstairs in the previous ‘Zhuang Ba’ project, even he couldn’t help but feel a little sad when he remembered the first time he came here.
Back here again, the building is still the same building, but the people are no longer the same…
Wei Pengyu, the former chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project, has retired, and Wang Shan is also cruising in low-Earth orbit as a resident expert of the ‘Phoenix’.
Only Tang Zhenli returned here.
In just a few short years, who would have thought that the young people who entered the scientific research circle of Longguo in the past have gradually grown up, and carried the banner of the scientific research circle of Longguo by themselves, making Longguo a miraculous The speed is on top of the world.
Just as he looked up at the project building, he felt inexplicable.
A familiar yet unfamiliar voice entered his ears.
“Tang Gong?”
The moment he heard the voice, Tang Zhenli turned his head subconsciously, only to see Chu Wenqian in military uniform standing quietly behind him, looking at him or his back just now with some uncertain eyes.
“Chu Wenqian? How are you…”
Looking at Tang Zhenli’s questioning eyes, Chu Wenqian’s expression changed, and she said with a smile.
“As a technician of the ‘Phoenix’, I have entered the military! Technical captain.”
Just as Tang Zhenli was answering, Chu Wenqian glanced at the prominent two bars and four stars on Tang Zhenli’s shoulders, and her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.
“Tang Gong, why did you also join the military? Your military rank is still…”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also smiled slightly, and then said casually.
“He was on secondment as the technical chief of the Space Strategic Force! He will go back after a while…”
The voice fell, and at this moment, the voices of a group of people suddenly came from behind Tang Zhenli.
“Really? Gong Gong?”
Subconsciously, Tang Zhenli looked back and found that there were many familiar faces, and the clothes were the same as Chu Wenqian’s. They were all uniforms of the Space Strategic Force, and they seemed to be technical officers.
Looking at the people who were looking at him with fiery eyes, Tang Zhenli moved in his heart, as if he had thought of something.
At this moment, a voice came from the crowd.
“Gong Tang, it looks like we’re going to work together again!”
“It seems that the surprise the chief said earlier was Gong Gong?”
During the discussion among the crowd, Tang Zhenli reluctantly pieced together the whole story in his mind.
It seems that many of the members of the ‘Phoenix’ project team have been incorporated into the Space Strategic Force as technical officers.
In other words, he somehow became their superior again.
In such a situation, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel that coincidences are everywhere.
But that’s fine. Such a team doesn’t need to run in, and can start researching directly.
Finally, amid the eager discussions, the group entered the original ‘Zhuangba’ experimental building and began to prepare for the research process of laser weapons and individual combat mechas.
Northwest Aerospace Base, in the resident expert group office,
Tang Heguangzheng and Wan Wende had a casual chat. The current Northwest Space Base should be the most free time since it was built..
So, as a member of the expert group, you naturally have more leisure time.
Right at this moment, a “ding dong” sounded,
Wan Wende subconsciously took out his mobile phone to check the news, and found that it was sent by Chu Wenqian, who used to be under his command.
After seeing the specific news, Wan Wende’s expression suddenly changed, and then his face suddenly became a little strange, and he glanced at Tang Heguang subconsciously.
“What’s wrong?”
As an old friend of Wan Wende for many years, Tang Heguang was also very keenly aware of his gaze, and immediately said with a frown.
Seeing this, Wan Wende glanced at him lightly, and then said.
“Your eldest grandson, joined the army…”
“What? Join the army?”
Never thought that just after Wan Wende’s voice fell, Tang Heguang’s eyes widened, and then he stood up abruptly, his brows furrowed.
Obviously, he still couldn’t understand Tang Zhenli’s joining the army, but was rather worried.
Okay, don’t do scientific research, go to the army? Isn’t this bullshit?
Seeing that Tang Heguang was a little anxious, Wan Wende, who was just about to tell the truth, swallowed the words in his mouth, rolled his eyes, and then pretended to say regretfully.
“Yeah, not only that, he’s still in the Northwest Space Base now…”
Saying that, he sighed even more.
Hearing this, Tang Heguang’s complexion changed for a while, and then he regained his composure, looking at Wan Wende with a half-smiling smile.
Apparently, he has come to his senses. What kind of army did his eldest grandson do so well in scientific research?
I almost fell for this old clapper!
Seeing that Tang Heguang saw it through, Wan Wende here simply told the truth.
“Tang Zhenli really joined the army, but he was seconded by the Ministry of Science and Technology as the chief technical officer of the Space Strategic Force stationed here. I heard that he was awarded the title..093.”
At the end, his tone revealed an inexplicable sourness, obviously thinking of his grandson.
This is really more popular than dead people!
Compared with Wan Wende’s melancholy, Tang Heguang’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he asked immediately.
“Title? What title?”
“It is said that it is the title of a major..”
Wan Wende replied dully, trying not to look at Tang Heguang’s proud face.
Unexpectedly, Tang Heguang asked again.
“What title, I didn’t hear it clearly?”
Hearing this, Wan Wende, who had a bad feeling in his heart, suddenly became a little crazy.
“Colonel! Big… eh?”
But speaking in general, when he turned his head and saw Tang Heguang looking at him with a smile, he was immediately annoyed.
This fellow… is clearly intentional.
He wanted to speak, but he felt a breath in his chest and couldn’t come out.
In a hurry, he snorted coldly at Tang Heguang, and then walked out of the office. He needed to find his grandson to solve the problem of chest tightness.
Seeing Wan Wende walking out, Tang Heguang couldn’t hold back his old face, and he showed a happy smile.
The technical chief of the Fourth Army of the Dragon Kingdom, Tang Heguang felt a long face just thinking about it.

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