Phoenix Slays God
So after browsing through the four options throughout the article, the military representative of the Bald Eagle Kingdom couldn’t help but speak first.
“Guys, as far as I am concerned, the most simple and direct way is to carry nuclear weapons through existing ballistic missiles.The warhead, directly smashed that damn ‘Death God’ to pieces! ”
When the voice fell, the representatives of John Niu Country, Gallic Chicken Country, and Mao Xiong Country all showed their approval, and obviously they also focused on this plan in their hearts.
Only Ji Chengtian and Zhou Jianguo, who represented the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo and the military of Longguo, did not respond immediately, but fell into contemplation.
Because of this plan, they asked Long Country’s expert team yesterday, and there are quite a few flaws.
Sure enough, not long after the voice of the bald eagle military representative fell.
The members of the expert group behind him gave a “110” judgment.
“Mr. Smith, I have to remind you that at the current speed of human ballistic missiles, it is difficult to hit the ‘Reaper’ asteroid accurately…”
Unexpectedly, as soon as the expert’s voice fell, the military representative of the Bald Eagle Country known as Smith said immediately.
“Then let that goddamn ‘Death’ get closer and then launch a nuclear bomb!! Our soldiers’ heads won’t be so low!”
Said, with a little confidence in his expression.
However, the member of the expert group did not shine because of his answer, but showed a few worries on his face.
“Mr. Smith, what you need to know is that a nuclear explosion might blow the asteroid into pieces, but that might make things worse…”
Halfway through the speech, the member of the expert group paused, then glanced at the representatives of various countries with anxiety, and continued.
“You must know that if there is no nuclear explosion, only one huge object may hit the earth, and after the nuclear explosion, more objects may strike, the power will become greater, and the coverage will be wider!”
“And…. we can’t predict the composition of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, it could be rock, ice, or even junk, or even it could be blown up, but reorganized under the force of gravity so that the explosion doesn’t any positive effect…”
It can be seen from the words that the member of the expert group tried to make his words sound more popular.
Sure enough, after hearing the words, the expressions of the representatives of the John Niu Country, the Gallic Chicken Country, and the Mao Xiong Country, who had been steadfast in the nuclear explosion plan, changed.
Only the military representative of the Bald Eagle Country’s face sank,
“This doesn’t work, that doesn’t work either? Is there any value in this meeting?”
Looking at the gradually irritable military representatives of the Bald Eagle Country, the representatives of several other superpowers were not worried.
However, with their active minds, the representatives of the John Niu Country, the Gallic Chicken Country, and the Mao Xiong Country all turned their attention to the Dragon Country representatives who had been on the sidelines since the meeting.
That is Ji Chengtian and Zhou Jianguo!
Obviously, these countries all understand that the country that represents the peak strength of mankind at this moment is no longer the Bald Eagle Country, but the Dragon Country!
However, the military representatives of the Bald Eagle Country obviously did not have this awareness at this time. Seeing that the representatives of various countries focused their attention on the representative of the Dragon Country, their hearts were even more irritated, and they couldn’t help saying subconsciously.
“Does the representative of the Dragon Kingdom have any ideas?”
His words were full of arrogance, and he was obviously dissatisfied with the rise of the Dragon Kingdom.
The Bald Eagle Country has occupied the world’s largest country for many years, and was suddenly taken over by the Dragon Country. For a while, his mentality has not changed, and he still claims to be the world’s hegemony.
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian and Zhou Jianguo did not pay attention to the military representatives of the Bald Eagle Country, who were like jumping clowns.
I saw Ji Chengtian coughed twice and said slowly.
“Since one nuclear explosion is not enough, then twice, twice is not enough, then use quantity to make up, since we can budget to orbit, then we will take advantage of quantity, hundreds or even thousands of nuclear bombs will be launched, as long as If we can hit two or three nuclear bombs, this crisis will be resolved naturally, if that doesn’t work, we have done our best!”
When the voice fell, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they had ignored the issue of quantity before.
If according to what the representative of Long Kingdom said, then the hope of resolving this crisis will be greatly increased.
Seeing the different expressions on the faces of representatives of various countries, the military representatives of the Bald Eagle Country frowned…
It is clear that the nuclear explosion plan was proposed by himself, why was he not recognized by himself, but the Dragon Kingdom?
For a time, the military representative of the Bald Eagle Country felt that he was being targeted, and he spoke again with dissatisfaction in his heart.
“I thought that the Dragon Council would use the ‘Phoenix’ air carrier that just flew for the first time? It seems that the legendary ‘Phoenix’ is not so magical?”
Hearing Smith’s strange words, even the representatives of the technology department of the Bald Eagle Country couldn’t listen.
Now that the fate of human beings are tied together, such words are not conducive to unity.
Why did the military choose an idiot like Smith as a representative?
As the expression of the representative of the Bald Eagle Country’s science and technology department changed for a while, he saw a change in his expression, and he directly closed Smith’s holographic image transmission secretly.
In the next instant, Smith’s hologram disappeared directly.
As the eyes of various countries shifted, even Ji Chengtian and Zhou Jianguo were no exception.
I saw the representative of the Bald Eagle Country’s science and technology department with a slight smile, and then said.
“There is a problem with General Smith’s transmission. Next, I will fully represent the Bald Eagle Country…”
Saying that, he nodded towards Ji Chengtian again, motioning him to continue.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian was slightly taken aback, it seemed that there were still smart people in the Bald Eagle Country.
4.2 In the follow-up voting, the five superpowers unanimously approved this plan, and even the Bald Eagle Country was no exception.outside.
In the following days, the five superpowers began to discuss detailed plans with the assistance of the expert group.
A few days later, the ‘God Slaying Project’ was born!
The plan stipulates that one hundred nuclear bombs will be launched to intercept the asteroid “Death” one day before it comes to the earth, that is, when the asteroid “Death” is 690,000 kilometers away from the earth!
This distance is also the maximum distance a ballistic missile can control.
At this point, the ‘God Slaying Project’ has been launched, and there are still more than 20 days of preparation time.
For the first time, human beings are fighting against their destiny!
here we go!

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