First-level combat readiness
After that, under the strict secrecy of the high-level officials of various countries, the news of the arrival of the ‘Death’ asteroid did not spread.
It can be said that very few people know about this now.
As for the ‘God Slaying Project’, not to mention, there are very few people who know about it.
Northwest Aerospace Base,
The temporary command post of the Space Strategic Force,
Meng Siyuan looked at the red-headed document that Zhou Jianguo temporarily sent, and his pupils shrank violently.
You must know that this is the highest-level document format in the Dragon Kingdom, but what surprised him at this time was not the level of the document, but the content of the document.
This soldier, who had never frowned on the battlefield, looked a little gaffe after he browsed through the document roughly.
The red-headed document was nothing else, it was the specific details of the ‘God Slaying Project’.
At the previous planetary defense conference, the representatives of the five major countries unanimously decided to use the only air carrier ‘Phoenix’ of human beings!
Execute 17 lines of ‘God Slaying Plan’!
Since the original design of the ‘Phoenix’ has set aside multiple groups of large-scale multi-purpose missile vertical launch units, it is capable of meeting the launch requirements of ballistic missiles.
And launching in space orbit saves unnecessary energy consumption when breaking through the atmosphere, compared to launching on the surface.
Naturally, Meng Siyuan learned that the ‘Death God’ and the ‘God Slaying Plan’ were also within the scope of the plan.
After a while, Meng Siyuan stared blankly at the thick red-headed document, and his expression regained a little calm.
However, it can still be seen that the anxiety between Meng Siyuan’s brows is always lingering.
As he tapped the table quietly with his fingers, he muttered to himself.
“….Asteroid Reaper…”
Although he didn’t understand the various causes and consequences, as a soldier who had experienced hundreds of battles, Meng Siyuan was not afraid of death, but looking at the estimated tragic consequences, he couldn’t help feeling horrified.
Moreover, as the chief officer of the unit who carried out the ‘God Slaying Plan’, the task on his back can be said to be the most important.
So for a while, Meng Siyuan couldn’t help but feel a little worried and felt a sudden pressure.
Under the heavy thoughts, he suddenly thought of Tang Zhenli. As the technical chief of the Space Strategic Force, when the time comes to implement the ‘God Slaying Plan’, he will still need such professional talents to coordinate.
Thinking of this, Meng Siyuan said loudly towards the door.
In the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building,
Tang Zhenli is still developing laser weapons in an orderly manner in the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building.
In the office,
Looking at the prediction and description of the strategic laser weapon in the previous plan, Tang Zhenli felt something was wrong.
As for the expected data of the current strategic laser weapons…isn’t it a bit small?
But Tang Zhenli has never participated in weapon research and development before, so he is not very clear about the definition of power.
So at this time, he looked a little worried.
As for the current definition of Longguo’s strategic laser weapons, it can intercept and strike intercontinental ballistic missiles thousands of kilometers away, and the concept above this is very vague.
How to define space-based strategic laser weapons in space is even more blank.
After thinking about it for a long time, Tang Zhenli directly changed all the expected data of the original strategic laser weapon.
All the values ​​are increased by about ten times.
In his concept, weapons, the more powerful the better!
However, it is obviously not enough to change the data. He also needs to make corresponding changes in the research and development plan based on this data.
With the current technology, it is not very difficult to create a laser cannon, but if it is to achieve the expected power, it is not just ordinary.
The energy storage devices of laser weapons used in countries all over the world are flywheel batteries, which are world-renowned for their advantages such as high energy density, small size, light weight, fast charging, and long life.
But the upper limit of this battery is already there.
Therefore, Tang Zhenli can only increase the power of the existing laser cannon to a higher level by developing other energy storage devices.
At present, the most reasonable solution is to use superconducting technology to create a superconducting energy storage device to store super-intensive current. Only in this way can a high-intensity laser be generated.
The reason why superconducting energy storage is used is that the principle of superconducting energy storage is very simple, that is, the circulating current of superconducting magnets can store electromagnetic energy for a long time without energy consumption under zero resistance, and it operates under short-circuit conditions.
The advantage of superconducting energy storage is that the primary energy storage can be stored for a long time without loss, and can be released instantaneously. Transmission loss.
So now the energy storage for strategic laser weaponsThe device must be a superconducting energy storage device!
With this in mind, Tang Zhenli walked out of the office, turned around and walked towards the laboratory. 110
In the project building at this time, a group of researchers in military uniforms hurriedly shuttled among the various laboratories.
“Hello Chief!”
After a few days of getting used to their identities, they also called Tang Zhenli from Tang Gong to Chief. They only called Tang Zhenli when they got along with each other in private.
Since he is in the military camp, he still has to abide by some rules in the military camp.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli seemed to be used to it, and nodded towards them calmly.
Just as Tang Zhenli was about to step into the laboratory,
A communications soldier quickly ran towards him, and said while running.
“Chief, Commander, please go to the headquarters…”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, a little surprised. Logically, Meng Siyuan shouldn’t bother him during this critical research and development cycle..
It seems that there should be some unexpected incident.
“Let’s go…”
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli nodded towards the communications soldier, and then walked towards the temporary headquarters.

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