The Man Who Raced ‘Death’
Interim Command of Space Strategic Forces,
A knock on the door came to Meng Siyuan’s ears.
“Come in!”
Meng Siyuan rubbed his eyebrows, then said in a deep voice.
After the words fell, the doorknob of the office was turned, and then Tang Zhenli walked in slowly.
Seeing this, Meng Siyuan’s eyelids twitched, and he immediately stood up. Before he could speak to Tang Zhenli, he hurried to the door of the office and closed the door.
Tang Zhenli looked a little surprised.
But before he could speak, Meng Siyuan spoke first.
I saw him with a serious expression and said in a heavy tone.
“Academician Tang, what I’m going to tell you next is very important. I hope Academician Tang is mentally prepared!”
After speaking, he brought Tang Zhenli to the desk and handed him the red-headed document that had just been issued.
When Tang Zhenli saw Meng Siyuan’s expression, he couldn’t help but focus his eyes slightly. It must not be a trivial matter for a military chief like Meng Siyuan to be so cautious.
After realizing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression gradually became serious, and then he carefully took the thick stack of documents handed over by Meng Siyuan, and then opened it directly to read it.
Meng Siyuan didn’t say anything when he saw the situation, and waited quietly for Tang Zhenli to finish reading.
The first thing that caught Tang Zhenli’s eyes was the four characters marked in red – “Slaying God Plan”!
Then, as he read deeply, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes from time to time.
Just like that, Tang Zhenli held the stack of documents and looked at them quietly for half an hour, and Meng Siyuan also waited for half an hour like this.
During this period, it was obvious that the atmosphere in the venue was so quiet that it felt weird.
At this critical moment of life and death for an ethnic group, no one can truly settle down, even Tang Zhenli is no exception.
When the heavy damage or even the demise of an ethnic group is on the table, everything becomes less important.
No one knew what Tang Zhenli was thinking at this time.
This crisis is unprecedented for him, and it is even unprecedented for all mankind!
The most important thing is that this crisis came so suddenly that there was no time to make any preparations.
After a while, after he finished reading the last line, Tang Zhenli closed his eyes, then took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, his eyes returned to their usual calmness.
This behavior made Meng Siyuan’s eyelids twitch when he was watching secretly, and then he looked at Tang Zhenli with a more complicated look.
This young man, since his mentality has changed so quickly…
Thinking that when I just saw the “Slaying God Project”, I couldn’t calm down for a long time.
With this in mind, Meng Siyuan’s understanding of Tang Zhenli has risen to another level, and at the same time, he has more and more confidence in the execution of the “Phoenix” to execute the “Slaying God Plan”.
Thinking about it, Meng Siyuan gradually came to his senses, turned his gaze, and looked at Tang Zhenli resolutely.
“Academician Tang, the meaning of this document is very clear. The “God Killing Project” is implemented by the “Phoenix”, but the space strategic force is a newly formed force, so academician Tang is responsible for the overall technical aspects~¨!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli looked thoughtfully, and then nodded slightly.
“This…I understand…”
Leaving aside the fact that Tang Zhenli is now the chief technical officer of the Space Strategic Force, this is a duty that must be fulfilled.
Moreover, Tang Zhenli was the person in charge of the research and development stage of the “Phoenix” before. If anyone knows about the “Phoenix”, he is the only one in the Dragon Kingdom.
In fact, Tang Zhenli is also familiar with the 72 sets of large-scale multi-purpose ballistic missile vertical launch units reserved for the previous construction of the “Phoenix”, so he is the most suitable candidate for the technical coordinator of the “Slaying God Project”!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli raised his head slightly, and said to Meng Siyuan.
“In that case, Commander Meng, I’ll go back and prepare first…”
Seeing this, Meng Siyuan also nodded, and then said.
“Okay, I’ll trouble Academician Tang then…”
As he said that, he took a step ahead of Tang Zhenli and opened the door of the office for him.
Meng Siyuan stared blankly at Tang Zhenli’s leaving back, feeling a little emotional in his eyes.
From beginning to end, this nameThe young people didn’t show too much emotion, and didn’t even mention any of the ‘God Slaying Project’!
This state of mind is truly admirable!
But it is precisely such a person who can shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving mankind!
After a long sigh, Meng Siyuan returned to the office, and immediately issued the news of the first-level combat readiness!
As for the reason…. Soldiers never need a reason to execute an order!
In the next space strategic force barracks, the atmosphere became dignified visibly to the naked eye.
Faintly, a chilling aura enveloped the military camp!
Here, after returning to the project building, Tang Zhenli locked himself in the laboratory for the first time, and strictly ordered everyone not to disturb him.
Before the nuclear bombs of various countries are transported in place, there is no need for technical coordination for the time being.
So…he still has time.
Sitting in front of the table in the laboratory, Tang Zhenli got a lot.
Thinking of his family, thinking of Wu Shaoying, thinking of all kinds of encounters along the way…
Countless human pioneers in exchange for today’s prosperous world are so insignificant in the face of cosmic forces.
But…that’s not a reason to give up.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s chaotic thoughts re-arranged, and under the sudden change of mind, Tang Zhenli glanced away and looked at the document on the laser strategic weapon on the table.
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up, he rubbed his stiff face, and then there was a sense of decisiveness in his expression.
This is the first time he has shown this look!
Then, he suddenly got up and walked towards the center of the laboratory…
The splendid civilization of mankind should not stop here! The peak of the Dragon Kingdom should not stop there!

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