In the tight time, time flies by quietly.
Before I knew it, there was less than a week before the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hit.
With such a fast time flow, it is hard to have to wonder if this is a big joke played by the Creator on mankind.
In the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building,
Tang Zhenli, who had been working hard in the laboratory for half a month, manipulated the huge robotic arm to assemble the last lens.
With the sound of ‘ding’, the space-based laser cannon in front of him officially took shape.
It seems that it is no different from the existing laser cannons in the world today, but in fact, under Tang Zhenli’s almost perverted requirements, this space-based laser cannon, no matter in terms of energy storage or the energy of concentrated light, They are far superior to ordinary laser cannons.
In Tang Zhenli’s expected vision, this space-based laser cannon will burst out with an energy that is not stingy with nuclear weapons, and even higher!
Of course, this kind of explosion does not mean that the energy contained in the laser cannon exceeds that of nuclear weapons. In fact, the strategic core of this laser cannon lies in energy concentration~!
Concentrate the energy on one point, and the energy contained above this point far exceeds the energy exerted by nuclear weapons of the same volume-!
In layman’s terms, although the total energy bombarded by the two is not on the same level, the overall focus is not on the same dimension.
The focus of nuclear explosions is large-scale, large-scale destruction, while this laser cannon is in a completely different direction, focusing on one point, from small to large strikes.
This is why it is said that the power of this space-based laser cannon is not inferior to nuclear weapons, or even higher than nuclear weapons.
However, Tang Zhenli was not satisfied with the successful development of the space-based laser cannon.
As far as it is concerned, no one can be sure of its power without experience in practice, even Tang Zhenli is no exception.
After taking a final look at the space-based laser cannon, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he turned and went to the bathroom in the laboratory.
As soon as he entered the door, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help being slightly taken aback when he saw his own appearance in the mirror.
I saw Tang Zhenli’s haggard and pale face in the mirror, and even he almost didn’t recognize him.
For nearly half a month, Tang Zhenli has been bored in the laboratory, and the level of hysteria is far higher than before. It is not difficult to explain why he has become like this at this time.
Even though his energy has been systematically strengthened to far surpass ordinary people, in the final analysis, he is still a body of flesh and blood. It is normal for him to become so haggard under such high-intensity work.
But fortunately, it’s all over now…
With this in mind, Tang Zhenli tidied up a bit, and then walked out of the laboratory.
With a quick mind, he didn’t even care about the honorific titles of the two guards.
Calculating the time, there are not many days left before the arrival of the ‘God of Death’…
On the other hand, with the passage of time, under the influence of the first-level combat readiness released by Meng Siyuan,
The atmosphere in the barracks of the Space Strategic Force has reached the extreme.Although the officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force do not know specific matters, this does not prevent all officers and soldiers from taking it seriously.
At this moment, in the command post of the Space Strategic Force,
Meng Siyuan looked at the expedition order just issued, and his heart was a little dignified.
At present, the nuclear weapons transported by the five major countries have arrived at the Northwest Space Base.
In other words, after the nuclear weapons were loaded on the ‘Phoenix’, it was the date of their first expedition by the Space Strategic Force!
Thinking of this, Meng Siyuan couldn’t help but break his thoughts, and then shouted towards the door.
The moment the voice fell, a soldier walked in, gave him a military salute, and then looked at him like this, waiting for an order.
Meng Siyuan glanced at him, then said solemnly.
“Notify Academician Tang that the ‘God Slaying Project’ has begun!”
Hearing this, the signal soldier’s expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly became serious.
Although he didn’t know what Meng Siyuan was referring to as the ‘God Slaying Plan’, but when he remembered the first-level combat readiness that was started more than half a month ago, it was almost instinctive, and he could feel that it must be an earth-shattering event!
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
Thinking of this, his expression turned solemn, and then he said loudly.
After speaking, he trotted all the way towards the project building.
And Meng Siyuan also got up and got ready. With the current situation, Long Kingdom’s space strategy force is the main force of the “Slayer of Gods”. When the “Phoenix” is about to go on an expedition, it is time to tell them the truth.
This is why he directly informed the Signal Corps of the ‘God Slaying Project’.
Soon after, the news of the start of the “God Slaying Project” was accurately conveyed to Tang Zhenli’s ears.
At this time, after a rest, his appearance was radiant again, and the addition of the military uniform made his temperament very different at the moment.
Just walking on the way to the ‘Phoenix’, I don’t know how many people have attracted the attention, most of them are subordinates when he was in charge of the ‘Phoenix’, and they are also the resident technicians of the ‘Phoenix’ today.
What everyone is curious about is when Tang Gong became a member of the military.
The ‘Phoenix’ has returned to the ground from the scheduled orbit a few days ago, and is currently resting on the ground.
And what he needs to be responsible for is how to load a total of 144 nuclear weapons from the five major countries and the 72 sets of large multi-purpose ballistic missile vertical launch units on the ‘Phoenix’ .
Looking at the military vehicles carrying nuclear weapons with different character numbers heading towards the ‘Phoenix’, Tang Zhenli was slightly stunned.
This kind of scene of various superpowers joining forces is probably unique throughout history.
However, this also precisely represents the unprecedented nature of this crisis for mankind.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed, thinking of the space-based laser cannon that is still lying quietly in the laboratory,
The next second, he beckoned for a technician and gave him an order.
The technician was stunned for a moment, then nodded at him, turned around and ran towards the laboratory.
Tang Zhenli, on the other hand, continued to stay on the ‘Phoenix’ to carry out the overall planning of nuclear weapons.

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