: A Battle That Can’t Be Lost
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian looked at the date on the computer at this time.
January 25th!
In other words, there are less than three days before the impact of the asteroid “Death”.
After a long while, Ji Chengtian seemed a little tired looking at the numbers, rubbed his eyes subconsciously, and then muttered to himself in a low tone.
“…I think the ‘Phoenix’ is about to set off now..”
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian stood up, walked to the window, and looked up at the sky.
But what disappointed him was that there was only a cloud over the sky, and no sunlight could be seen, which seemed to indicate the current situation of mankind.
Even with it, Ji Chengtian’s mood became a little gloomy.
With “One One Zero”, that is, his eyes turned to the streets in the distance, the bustling flow of people seemed to never end.
But Ji Chengtian knew that three days later, it is very likely that he would not be so happy and live in peace and contentment.
Without the knowledge of most people, human beings have come to the crossroads of destiny.
It’s life or death, it’s just a thought!
Northwest Aerospace Base,
Inside the barracks of the Long Kingdom Space Strategic Force,
After a total of 144 nuclear bombs were loaded, the ‘Phoenix’ was ready to go.
At the moment, the barracks is empty, because there are 25,321 officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force, including technicians!
All of them were installed in the open space in front of the ‘Phoenix’!
More than 20,000 people stood in an incomparably neat line, and the team stretched directly into the distance. Although no specific task has been issued yet, a chilling atmosphere in the field at the moment is faintly radiating from all officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force. out.
In front of all the officers and soldiers, on a high platform built early,
Several high-ranking officers of the Long Kingdom Space Strategic Force sat on the stage.
Meng Siyuan and Tang Zhenli are the military chiefs of the Longguo Space Strategic Force and the technical chiefs.The officer, naturally sits in the very center.
At this time, no matter whether it was Tang Zhenli, Meng Siyuan, or even the other two high-ranking officers, all of them looked very dignified.
Including all the officers and soldiers off the field, they were all extremely serious.
Obviously, the matter of the “God Killing Project” is no longer a secret to all officers and soldiers of the Space Strategic Force.
After learning about the “God Killing Plan” yesterday, the officers and soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force were not intimidated by the “Reaper”.
Under such circumstances, this meeting was held, and this meeting was the swearing-in meeting for the “Phoenix” expedition!
After this swearing-in meeting, the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force will usher in its first mission. Of course, it may also be the last mission.
Seeing that the atmosphere in the venue was almost the same, Meng Siyuan, who was originally sitting, suddenly stood up, and walked towards the microphone that had been set up in front of him.
After walking in front of the microphone, the next moment, a calm and dignified voice resounded through the entire military ranks through the radio.
“Comrades, I believe you are all clear about the ‘God Slaying Plan’ this time, so what I want to tell you is that this time… we have no retreat!”
“This crisis… is unprecedented!”
“But…I know, you are already prepared…”
“Every one of you is an elite who has undergone numerous selections, and at this moment, you are about to go out to fight, as the guardians of mankind, to protect the homeland we depend on for survival!”
Halfway through the speech, Meng Siyuan’s expression changed, and an aura of iron and blood lingered faintly around him.
“This expedition, let the whole world and even all mankind know that even if it is the ‘Reaper’, we will dare to face difficulties if we anger the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom!”
“Because behind us, there are people, things, and everything we need to protect!”
At the end of the speech, Meng Siyuan’s expression paused, and then he said calmly.
“Then… Now let me say the last sentence. If someone wants to quit, bring it up now. I, Meng Siyuan, will never make it difficult for me!”
After the voice fell, the scene was completely silent. Other than that, there were only bursts of bleak wind…
Of the more than 20,000 officers and soldiers, not one flinched!
Seeing this, Meng Siyuan struggled to pull out a smile on his rough face.
Military spirit is available!
At least at this moment, the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are still bloody and willing to fight for mankind!
Then he turned around and gestured to Tang Zhenli with his eyes.
Tang Zhenli also understood, and immediately stood up, walking straight towards the microphone.
This time, it was also Tang Zhenli’s first public appearance in front of more than 20,000 officers and soldiers.
Not long after, Tang Zhenli’s calm voice spread throughout the entire queue. Compared to Meng Siyuan’s rough voice, Tang Zhenli’s voice was warmer and more contagious.
“Comrades, the first thing I want to say is that the difficulty of this battle is undeniable, it is very difficult! It is more difficult than any battle in human history!”
“In front of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, human beings are very weak, because we are not 100% sure that we can win this battle, but at the same time, human beings are also very strong, so powerful that they dare to swing their swords at ‘Reaper’!”
“This battle is difficult, there is no doubt about it!”
“But, this is what we have to face!”
“Finally.. there is only one thing I want to say!”
“Battle of the Gods 4.2, not for life, not for death, only for life and death!”
“Death is not terrible. Only those who know death must be brave can live to death!”
After the words fell, more than 20,000 officers and soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force were shocked, and then shouted in unison.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”
The voices of more than 20,000 people gathered together, like a sharp sword transformed into a thunderbolt, piercing through the sky, and slashing straight at the ‘Reaper’ who is constantly approaching the earth!
At this moment, the soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are proving it with their actions.
Even if it’s the ‘Reaper’, they dare to challenge him!
Just like what Tang Zhenli said just now,
Those who know death must be brave, live to die!

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