The Destiny of All Humanity
After the swearing-in meeting, Meng Siyuan gave an order.
Half of the more than 20,000 officers and soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force lined up and boarded the Phoenix in an orderly manner.
The remaining half are responsible for various coordination on the ground as ground crew.
Due to the sudden arrival of the asteroid “Reaper”, new weapons have not yet been installed. Now the officers and soldiers of the space strategic force are really like the joke that Meng Siyuan said before. They really can only carry rifles into space.
Of course, this is more of a symbolic meaning.
Weapons are the second life of soldiers, and under any circumstances, both are indispensable!
At this moment, at the belly boarding port of the “Phoenix” space carrier, soldiers lined up neatly boarded the ship in an orderly manner.
A few hours later, more than 10,000 officers and men of the Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force boarded the “Phoenix” space carrier, and Tang Zhenli was no exception.
After the first flight of the “Phoenix”, the daily take-off and landing training has never stopped, and there are at least two take-off and landing processes in a month. 17
That is to say, compared with the first flight of the current “Phoenix”, whether it is the running-in between the hulls or the running-in between the personnel, it has reached a very familiar level.
At this time, there are still more than two days before the impact of the “Reaper” asteroid.between.
With all the expedition personnel boarding the ship, the cabin on the belly of the ‘Phoenix’ was also slowly closed, and the final self-check before takeoff began.
This stage is the busiest time for the ground crew.
However, compared to the previous busyness, this time, the ground crew of the ‘Phoenix’ felt a little more melancholy and worry.
This time, the ‘Phoenix’ is fighting for mankind!
With the completion of the self-inspection of the ground control room, the inspection by the ground staff was correct.
The Qinglong power module and the anti-gravity system engine at the bottom of the ‘Phoenix’ started to operate, and the sound of whistling air waves sounded around the ‘Phoenix’.
All of these indicate that this mechanical monster, which symbolizes the most cutting-edge technology of mankind, will start to operate at full strength!
And the fact is indeed the case. After warming up for a while, I saw the huge body of the ‘Phoenix’ hovering steadily.
Under the gaze of the ground crew, the height of the suspension gradually increased, and the speed was also increasing. In just a few minutes, the ‘Phoenix’ became smaller and smaller in the sight of the ground crew, until it became a The dots disappeared.
At this time, the ‘Phoenix’, in the main control room,
Due to the gradual improvement of flight technical experience, when the ‘Phoenix’ took off, it was no longer necessary to fix all the personnel on the seats inside the cabin.
Therefore, Meng Siyuan and Tang Zhenli were both in the main control room at the head of the ‘Phoenix’, where Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying proposed to marry.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli, who was wearing a military uniform, looked down through the window in front of him with a little thought in his eyes.
Right at this moment, Meng Siyuan walked towards him, patted him on the shoulder, and said.
“Academician Tang, the ‘Phoenix’ will be able to enter the expected orbit within half an hour. At that time, I will trouble Academician Tang to make technical adjustments to the 72 sets of ballistic missile vertical launch units…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also recovered a little, looked at Meng Siyuan and nodded.
“Yes, I know…”
After speaking, Meng Siyuan’s eyes also turned, and then he also looked down through the window.
At this moment, the ‘Phoenix’ has risen to an altitude of 10,000 meters. From this angle, the clouds are already underfoot, and at the same time, a hazy blue halo can be seen, which is the color of the blue light scattered by atmospheric particles.
It is this home that has become a beautiful cradle for the brewing of human civilization!
I saw Meng Siyuan’s eyelids drooping, a faint look of intoxication and reluctance on his face,
“In such a wonderful world, how can we not be remembered?”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli shook his head lightly when he heard the words, and said with a leisurely gaze.
“What makes people nostalgic is never the world, but a spiritual connection, like the bond between emotions, the inheritance between history…”
When the words fell, Meng Siyuan’s expression was startled, and he began to ponder over Tang Zhenli’s philosophical words in his mind.
After a while, Meng Siyuan’s face showed a bright comprehension, and then nodded.
“In that case, it’s true…”
At this moment, Tang Zhenli continued to speak again, with a very calm tone.
“This is also the purpose of our trip, to keep the fetters and the inheritance forever…”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan’s expression also became solemn.
As Tang Zhenli said, their purpose this time is to save their civilization under the hands of “Death”!
And this time, you can only win, not lose!
There is no doubt that human beings are extremely small as individuals, and their lifespan is only a hundred years. Not to mention the entire universe, just the ‘Death’ asteroid in front of us, 110 is enough to cause irreversible damage to human civilization.
It is even said that for the time span of the entire universe, it is not even a speck of dust.
If the time axis of the entire universe is regarded as a straight line, then human beings are just an extremely insignificant point!
But to a certain extent, as a whole human civilization, it is very great. Through the inheritance of knowledge and spirit, human civilization has grown from an ignorant savage to today during the tens of thousands of years of enlightenment. It has been possible to use the knowledge developed over thousands of years to go to space.
And using these knowledge to move the history of the past 13.8 billion years of the universe, and understand the infinity of the universe and the insignificance of itself with a “one second” that is insignificant to the universe.
From this self-perception change, human beings are great!
And now this great civilization is about to usher in a moment of life and death.
As Tang Zhenli said,
This time, they are indeed fighting for the continuation and inheritance of human civilization!
And this time, you can only win, not lose! ! ! !
Because now they have no way out! ! !

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