Doomsday or New Life
At the same time that the ‘Phoenix’ took off,
Under the joint consultation between the five countries, the Planetary Defense Conference was held again.
Like last time, each superpower sent representatives from the military and science and technology departments to attend the meeting. As for the first leaders of each major country, they participated in the meeting as an observer.
Using holographic projection technology, the high-level representatives of the five countries gathered together, but the representatives have changed a little from the last time. The military representative of the Bald Eagle Country has been replaced by an old officer who looks typical of white people. For the last Smith, it can be said to be full of self-restraint.
LookThe high-level officials who came to Bald Eagle Country are obviously aware of the current international situation.
Even if they don’t want to admit it, the fact is that the Dragon Kingdom is currently the most powerful country in the world!
Even the “God Slaying Project” to save all mankind this time is fully in charge of the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategy force!
With this understanding becoming more and more profound, gradually, the dominance of the Planetary Defense Conference fell into the hands of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom, that is, Ji Chengtian.
At the beginning of the meeting, Ji Chengtian first looked around at the representatives of various countries, and then slowly expressed his thoughts.
Since each representative has a translator in his ear, language is not a problem.
“The latest news is that our country’s strategic space force has set off on the ‘Phoenix’ space carrier towards the predetermined orbit half an hour ago, and within the next half hour, the ‘Phoenix’ space carrier will reach the predetermined orbit , and preparing for the launch of the nuclear bomb….”
Following Ji Chengtian’s unhurried words, the voice fell.
The representatives of the major powers nodded their heads one after another, and their eyes revealed a look of understanding.
Although it is common sense that the “Shenshen Project” this time requires the joint operations of the five major powers, but due to technical problems, only the Dragon Kingdom has the conditions to launch space-based ballistic missiles. In desperation, the other four major powers can only provide A ballistic missile carrying a nuclear warhead.
After the meeting was quiet for a moment, the newly sent military representative from the Bald Eagle Kingdom spoke.
“I would like to ask the representative of Longguo, can you disclose who will be responsible for launching and intercepting the ‘Reaper’ asteroid ballistic missile~¨?”
Hearing this, the representatives of the other three countries also looked over curiously.
Sensing everyone’s gaze, Ji Chengtian paused for a moment, and then said word by word.
“Naturally, you don’t have to worry about the candidate. You all know that the person in charge of this matter is Academician Tang Zhenli of the Longguo Academy of Sciences…”
After the words fell, the eyes of the representatives of various countries in the field could not help but jump, and then their expressions eased.
For some reason, everyone at the meeting breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Tang Zhenli was in charge of this matter.
It seems that Long Guo also made up his mind this time…
As for the reason, of course, there is no doubt that in the field of scientific research in today’s world, Tang Zhenli is like a god.
As the person in charge of launching ballistic missiles, he is naturally extremely reassuring.
Seeing that everyone in the field looked relaxed, Ji Chengtian remained calm, or…serious!
After looking at each other with Zhou Jianguo, the two nodded to each other.
In the end, Ji Chengtian continued to speak, with a serious tone.
“The next thing is, I’m only making a suggestion on behalf of Longguo…”
With that said, the representatives of the other four countries also turned their heads and focused on Ji Chengtian.
“Longguo suggests that after the meeting is over, the matter of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid should be made public! At the same time, prepare for the evacuation of the crowd!”
Almost as soon as the words fell, these words were like a huge boulder smashing into the hearts of representatives from various countries.
But what is surprising is that none of the representatives of the countries present here spoke, but fell silent, and there was a bit of thought in their expressions.
Under this silence, the atmosphere of the meeting began to become somewhat inexplicable.
At this moment, Ji Chengtian continued to speak.
“I believe you are also aware of it, regardless of whether we can stop the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, human beings are entitled to know their fate!”
At the end, Ji Chengtian’s eyes froze and he looked around at everyone.
Not long after, all the participants in the meeting, including the representatives of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, silently raised their hands.
All votes in favor!
The matter has developed to such a point that at this moment, even if they are the top leaders of the five superpowers, they obviously have no right to choose to hide it any longer.
In fact, no one has the right to choose to hide it at this critical moment.
If the previous concealment was to avoid panic, then the current announcement is a responsibility to all human beings!
Even if the final result is failure, then human civilization cannot be destroyed in deception!
And according to the calculations of experts on astronomical orbits, there is a high probability that the final impact site of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid will be in the northwest border of Maoxiong Kingdom, that is, the uninhabited area of ​​Siberia.
I have to say that this is the only good news among all kinds of bad news.
At least in this way, human beings will not be completely extinct, but human civilization will be severely damaged, and even return to the era of eating blood and drinking blood millions of years ago.
Under the great changes in the ecological environment, most of the human beings will die because they cannot adapt to the changes in the environment, and a small number of people may continue to live on the fire of human hope.
But even so, what they need to face is a long ice age in the next few million years. (get it)
In the eyes of experts, this ice age has a specific term – nuclear winter!
This is why Ji Chengtian proposed to announce the news about the ‘Reaper’ asteroid one day in advance.
This is to preserve the fire of human hope to the greatest extent, so that human beings will not be wiped out in this collision!
Under the premise of being prepared, people’s chances of survival will always be slightly higher.
Afterwards, the five major powers unanimously passed this resolution, and the last Planetary Defense Conference came to a successful conclusion.
So far, since the end of the meeting, the news of the “Grim Reaper” asteroid is under the operation of the five major powers. This news will gradually spread, and finally reach the ears of all mankind!And at that moment, the fate of all mankind will be tied together at the same time! ! !

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