Humans Before the Disaster
After the meeting,
Above the low-earth orbit, the “Phoenix” is suspended here, and the operation of the Qinglong power module makes it emit circles of blue flames from the bottom.
And it didn’t make a circular motion along the orbit with the effect of gravity, but hovered in one place.
Not only that, under Tang Zhenli’s command, the 72 groups of large-scale multi-purpose missile vertical launching units equipped with the “Phoenix” began to adjust their angles, and the trajectory of the “Reaper” asteroid was constantly changing.
In the original “Zhanshen Project”, the 144 ballistic missiles loaded with nuclear warheads transported by the five major countries were launched in two rounds to intercept the “Reaper” asteroid!
It stands to reason that the total number of nuclear weapons stockpiled by the five major countries has exceeded 10,000. The “God Slaying Project” concerning the safety of all mankind will not only carry more than 100 nuclear weapons.
But there is helplessness. At present, only the “Phoenix” aerospace carrier of the Dragon Kingdom can launch space-based nuclear ballistic missiles.
And only with a space-based foundation, can it effectively strike the “Reaper” asteroid. The general land-based launch method is less than 110 to face the “Reaper” asteroid rushing towards the earth at a high speed.
Although after the first flight of the “Phoenix” space carrier, there was a wave of research and development of space carriers in the international community.
But it’s a pity that the time is too short. At present, the aerospace carriers of various countries are still in the research and development stage.
After all, it has only been more than two months since the first flight of the “Phoenix” was exposed. Even the Bald Eagle Country, which was previously known as the world’s cutting-edge technology, cannot develop its own space carrier in such a short period of time. .
In fact, during the discussion on the “God Slaying Project” at the first planetary defense conference.
Some experts and scholars have made assumptions,
On the basis of the existing “Phoenix”, ten more space carriers of the same level will be added, and then they will carry more than a thousand ballistic missiles into low-earth orbit. Nuke salvo.
As long as the hit rate reaches one-tenth, then a hundred nuclear bombs will bombard the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
And when a hundred nuclear bombs hit, the result was already doomed. This ten-kilometer asteroid would be blasted to pieces without accident!
That is to say, if the ‘Reaper’ asteroid comes a year later, there is only one way to meet it, which is to be smashed to pieces!
But assumptions are always assumptions. Under the current conditions, even if the five major powers work together, it is impossible to build ten space carriers of the same level as the “Phoenix” within a month!
Under such circumstances, all the “God Slaying Projects” will be reduced to “Phoenix” alone!
In the main control room of the “Phoenix”,
Many staff members stared at the equipment in front of them intently, monitoring all unusual emergencies.
Tang Zhenli was also standing on the central platform where he proposed to Wu Shaoying earlier, looking intently at the data on the supercomputer, typing on the keyboard with nimble fingers, as if he was connecting to something.
In fact, he just came back from the bow of the “Phoenix” just now, and the bow of the “Phoenix” is currently loaded with his newly developed space-based laser cannon.
And what he is doing now is to connect the superconducting energy storage device of this space-based laser cannon to the energy output device of the Qinglong power module.
Based on his original design intention, I am afraid that only the nuclear fusion reactor in the Qinglong power module that can support the flight of the “Phoenix” can support the energy consumption of this space-based laser cannon.
Not long after, under his meticulous operation, the device showed that it was connected, but he didn’t start storing energy immediately.
Because if you start storing energy now, it may affect the output power of the Qinglong power module, and thus indirectly affect the firing angles of the 72 sets of vertical firing units.
That is to say, the space-based laser cannon is just a trick he expected, and the premise of using it is that the one hundred and forty-four nuclear weapons do not work.
Although he doesn’t know whether the space-based laser cannon can pose a threat to the “Reaper”, but at that moment, one more attack represents more hope.
“The equipment connection progress is 100%! Start charging at any time!”
Seeing the words displayed on the screen, Tang Zhenli’s eyes were calm, he closed the interface casually, and then walked towards the main control room.
And his destination is the power module cabin on the lowest level of the ‘Phoenix’.
The program has been arranged, so in terms of hardware, there must be no mistakes!
Taking the elevator, walking in the huge “Phoenix” corridor, watching the officers and soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force in military uniforms coming and going with firm eyes.
Tang Zhenli’s mood fell into a strange tranquility, and his mind was also clear. The subconsciousness of his body made his current mental state reach its peak!
in this particular caseNext, Tang Zhenli had no other thoughts in his mind, and just walked towards the cabin of the Qinglong Power Module step by step…
While the “Phoenix” in space was making intense preparations,
After the Planetary Defense Conference of the five major powers ended, the joint statement on the “Reaper” asteroid hitting the earth is also under intense preparation.
Within half an hour of the end of the meeting.
The five major powers published a letter called “A Letter to the Citizens of the Earth!” “Joint instructions.
Among them, this joint statement fully explained the whole story of the discovery of the “Reaper” asteroid more than a month ago.
Including the time of impact with the earth, the catastrophic consequences and subsequent impact, all are included in this long joint statement!
Of course, this “Letter to the Citizens of the Earth” also detailed the response plans made by the five major countries in the world, namely the “God Killing Plan”!
However, there is one thing that does not match the internal information, and that is the success rate of the “Slaying God Project”.
During internal discussions, the success rate of the “Slaying God Project” was around 30%.
In this “Letter to the Citizens of the Earth”, in order not to cause a big commotion, the success rate has been increased to 90%!
But even so, once this joint statement was announced, it still aroused widespread discussion!

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