: Thoughts of the Approaching ‘Grim Reaper’ Tang Zhenli
Within an hour of the release of the joint statement, the entire human race was completely in a state of flux!
At this moment, regardless of country, regardless of region~.
The moment they got the news, everyone subconsciously searched for the source of the news.
After seeing the joint statement issued by the five major powers, the human online world is full of noise!
Billions of people are expressing their opinions on the Internet.
“Oh my God!!! ‘Reaper’ asteroid!!! God bless!!!”
“Is the course of human history about to be broken?”
“I don’t want to die…”
“Don’t worry… Didn’t the statement say that there is a 90% chance of blocking it?”
“But can we bear the 10% consequences? A nuclear winter that lasts for millions of years…”
“Trust in our weapons, trust in the ‘Phoenix’! Everything will be fine!!!”
“God is on the side of mankind!”
To the surprise of high-level officials from various countries, a considerable number of people’s views remain optimistic amidst the discussions.
Obviously, the untrue data in the previous statement made most people maintain a normal state of mind.
There is a gap between ninety percent and thirty percent.
Thinking about this kind of reaction, it’s actually not difficult to understand.
For human beings, it seems that this group has been favored by the Creator since the beginning of its formation.
Looking at the development history of human history, from the first ten thousand years ago with historical records,
No matter how big the disaster is and how difficult the situation is, the final result must be that human beings will regain their lives after all kinds of hardships.
After going through a lot of difficulties, we have overcome all obstacles and come to today’s technological development today!
In the past two years, it is like stepping on the pace of rapid development. Human technology has broken through controllable nuclear fusion, solved the energy problem, and the first flight of the space carrier has given human beings the capital to transform from surface civilization to space civilization. .
All these things have convinced everyone that the future of mankind will only get better and better!
Naturally, this consciousness of passing through a disaster has been engraved in everyone’s bones.
So it’s not difficult to understand with this mentality.
Under the influence of this general environment, those who have doubts will only be regarded as unfounded worries.
And this state is what all countries are happy to see.
Shanghai stock market,
Chen Xinyao, who had just finished talking on the phone with Tang Ziyue, sighed with concern.
The fiery “Reaper” asteroid that was being discussed right now hit the earth, which made her feel a sense of crisis out of thin air.
In addition, Tang Zhenli couldn’t be contacted for a while, which made her worry even more melancholy.
What she was afraid of was that Tang Zhenli would go up into the sky with the “Phoenix” and carry out that “God Slaying Mission”…
Tang Lizhe, who was on the side, looked at his wife’s depressed expression, and couldn’t help comforting him for a while.
“Don’t worry, maybe it’s just during the research and development cycle, so you don’t have time to answer the phone?”
However, Chen Xinyao’s expression did not feel at ease from her husband’s comforting words, but shook her head slightly.
“I don’t know why, but my heart is beating so hard that I always feel like something will happen. If I can’t contact him for a day, I won’t feel at ease for a day…”
Speaking of the mostAfter that, Chen Xinyao’s eyes were lowered, and her expression was very low.
Even though Tang Zhenli is now a world-renowned scientific researcher, in her eyes, she is still the naughty little boy when she was a child…
In the eyes of the mother, no matter what kind of person the child becomes, how old is he? Your children will always be children.
It is said that mother and son are connected, perhaps Chen Xinyao’s restlessness at the moment has something to do with Tang Zhenli who is on the Phoenix.
Yandu, Jinling Bieyuan,
Wu Shaoying, Sister Xia, the little assistant and Ye Yingxin were sitting on the sofa, watching the report on the TV screen.
Among them, the most simple assistant looked at the estimated consequences of the various disaster movie clips broadcast on TV, with a pretty face as white as paper.
In a panic, Xiao Yin moved his position quietly, and Wu Shaoying leaned even tighter.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
“Sister Yingying… You said that the ‘Death’ asteroid will come…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s expression was also startled, as if thinking of something, she shook her head in a dull tone.
“I have no idea….”
Seeing this, the little assistant said somewhat reluctantly.
“Can I ask my brother-in-law? My brother-in-law must know…”
When the voice fell, Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin on the other side of the sofa also cast their expectant glances at the same time.
In fact, compared to the announced news, maybe Tang Zhenli has some inside information?
Although it is clearly stated in the news that there is a 90% probability that the asteroid “Death” can be wiped out, who can say that?
Feeling the gazes of the other three girls, Wu Shaoying lowered her head, and then said in a low tone.
“I didn’t contact him a month ago…”
Hearing this, the other three girls were slightly taken aback. A month ago, wasn’t it the time when the ‘Death’ asteroid was observed on TV?
Is it…
The most important thing is that there is no contact for a month, and that is the key.
You must know that this is not the time when the two of them hadn’t pierced the window paper. It’s normal to have no contact for a long time.
But now the two are fiancées. Even in the R&D project, although the connection between the two is not close, it will not be completely cut off.
Although Wu Shaoying is usually very sensible and won’t disturb Tang Zhenli, there has been no news for a month now…
It’s hard not to make them think about this kind of revelation, is it really as optimistic as the news reported on TV…
For a while, the girls in the villa could not help but become silent.
Obviously, after realizing that something was wrong, except for the little assistant who still looked worried, each of the other three had different thoughts.
Especially Wu Shaoying, her expression looked extremely pious,
Because at this moment, she was secretly praying, if Tang Zhenli really followed the ‘Phoenix’ to carry out the ‘God Slaying Plan’, then he must be brought back safely!

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