: Changes to Planned Risky Actions
In low-Earth orbit, the ‘Phoenix’ is standing in front, as if it is the most loyal guardian of the earth, quietly standing in front.
At this moment, there are still twenty-five hours before the “Death” asteroid hits the earth.
That is to say, after an hour, the nuclear weapons carried by the ‘Phoenix’ will be launched to intercept the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
According to the previously monitored data of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, it flew towards the earth at a speed of eight kilometers per second.
This speed is an embarrassing speed for the current precision guidance technology.
To put it simply, with the current precision guidance speed, it is not very difficult for the launched ballistic missiles to intercept the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
In addition, the ballistic missile will be launched “one hundred and ten” one day before the impact of the “Reaper” asteroid, there are too many uncontrollable factors.
Under these kinds of difficulties, it is entirely God’s will to be able to intercept the ‘Death’ asteroid!
This is why there was only an estimated 30% success rate previously.
In the original “Slayer Plan”, it was originally scheduled to launch nuclear weapons when the “Death” asteroid was 100,000 kilometers away from the earth.
But it was rejected in the discussions of a group of experts.
There is only one reason. Although the hit rate can be greatly increased at a distance of 100,000 kilometers, at such a close distance from the earth, even if it hits the ‘Reaper’ asteroid and even blows it to pieces, the subsequent impact may be even greater. serious.
At that time, the fragmented “Reaper” asteroid will bombard the earth in a scattered manner, and in the end it may even be more serious than the consequences of hitting the earth directly.
In layman’s terms, if the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is compared to a bullet, then the torn apart ‘Reaper’ asteroid is a shotgun!
It is precisely for this reason that the expert group discussed a relatively reasonable distance, that is, when it was nearly 700,000 kilometers, that is, the day before the impact.
‘FengPhoenix’ main control room,
The staff are still dutifully monitoring the data
On the small platform in the center of the main control room,
Tang Zhenli compared the ‘God Slaying Project’ in detail with the current data updated once an hour, and frowned.
Judging from the current observations, the asteroid “Death” is accelerating towards the earth…
According to the data observed and calculated ten minutes ago, the speed of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid has reached nearly ten kilometers per second!
This means that the probability of intercepting more than 100 ballistic missiles has dropped again…
In this way, the situation is definitely not good!
Suddenly, a ray of moonlight shone through the window into the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’ at this moment. Thinking about it, the moon orbiting the earth came to the other side.
Looking at the moonlight reflected on the central control platform, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, the light in his mind flashed away, and then he subconsciously stretched out his hand to take the moonlight.
The next moment, the bright white moon shines on his right hand…
The next moment, he successfully captured that glimmer of light in his mind!
After that, as time went by, Tang Zhenli’s eyes became brighter and brighter.
After thinking for a few breaths, Tang Zhenli quickly walked out of the main control room and entered the office specially arranged for him on the side.
Having entered the office, Tang Zhenli turned on the computer and looked at the screen with extreme concentration. His fingers danced nimbly on the keyboard. Seeing that, he seemed to be calculating something.
Ten minutes later, Tang Zhenli looked at the final data with a strong sense of excitement on his face.
That excitement is the kind of excitement he has never shown since he devoted himself to scientific research!
At this moment, in his eyes, the last conclusion and data drawn on the computer is the most beautiful thing in the world…
After the excitement, Tang Zhenli’s chest heaved a few times, forcing himself to try his best to suppress his emotions to a calm state.
The next moment, he raised his right hand and glanced at the time.
It was 6:16 in the evening, and the scheduled launch time of the ballistic missile was the starting point of the evening.
In other words, there is less than an hour before the nuclear weapons launch!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, and then he whispered to himself……
“Time is running out…”
The moment he finished speaking, Tang Zhenli, who was thinking over and over again, got up and walked towards the communicator in the corner of the office.
He now needs to report his latest findings to Ji Chengtian, the head of Longguo Science and Technology Department…
Although the current ‘Phoenix’ is nominally under the control of Meng Siyuan, at present, Meng Siyuan’s professionalism is not that strong, so currently he is only responsible for the overall planning of all officers and soldiers of the Longguo Space Strategic Force.
All the specific details about the ‘God Slaying Plan’ are all in the hands of Tang Zhenli, whether it is technical coordination or not.
And in fact, Tang Zhenli’s position in the space strategic force is very special, not under Meng Siyuan, so directly communicating with Ji Chengtian at this time is not overstepping!
Mainly because this matter is of great importance, and only someone of Ji Chengtian’s level can handle it…
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli picked up the dark communicator, and after finding the signal from the Longguo Science and Technology Department, he dialed it directly…
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, the Ministry of Science and Technology at this time was very deserted. Except for some staff who maintained basic functions, there were no other staff.
In fact, in the past two days, whether it is a government agency 4.2 or an enterprise unit, under the mandatory requirements of the Dragon Kingdom, all of them are on vacation.
Not only the Dragon Kingdom, but also all countries in the international community.
As for the reason… Those who know the truth can naturally guess.
In the office of the person in charge at this moment,
Ji Chengtian sat by the window with a calm expression, staring blankly at the sky, not knowing what to think in his mind.
At this time,
A burst of phone ringing, “ding bell bell~” woke him up from his memory.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian’s expression changed, then he got up and walked towards the desk, picked up the handle and said directly.
“Hey, I’m Ji Chengtian…”

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