: The Feasibility of Near Point Interception
Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, Office of the Chief.
Ji Chengtian slowly picked up the handle and said immediately.
“Hey, I’m Ji Chengtian…”
The next moment, an unexpected voice rang on the phone.
“Ji Bu, I’m Tang Zhenli…”
Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Ji Chengtian’s brows subconsciously tightened, and then slowly loosened.
After being silent for a few breaths, Ji Chengtian’s heart gradually lifted, and then he asked Tang Zhenli on the other end of the phone with some trepidation.
“…But….what’s wrong with the ‘Phoenix’…”
Now what he is most afraid of is hearing bad news about the ‘Phoenix’.
If something goes wrong at the critical moment of the ‘Phoenix’, then the last hope of mankind will also be dashed.
“No… I just made a discovery on my side. I found that at this time tomorrow, the moon’s orbit is exactly between the ‘Death’ asteroid and the earth. Although the orbits will not intersect, I think the ‘Slayer’ ‘Subject to change..’
Here at 17, as Tang Zhenli spoke slowly, Ji Chengtian’s expression relaxed, and his heart was instantly relieved, as long as the ‘Phoenix’ did notAll is well.
But after listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, Ji Chengtian’s complexion changed for a while. After Tang Zhenli explained his thoughts and thoughts, he couldn’t help asking subconsciously.
“Do you mean to delay the launch of that ballistic missile until an hour before the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hits the earth?”
After speaking, Ji Chengtian’s brows were tightly locked together.
“Yes, this plan has just been calculated by me, and it is completely feasible. As for the specifics, I will send a document later. What I want to say is that I hope to discuss it as soon as possible!”
With that said, when Ji Chengtian was thinking, Tang Zhenli hung up the phone because of the urgency of time.
The next moment, a small icon flashed on Ji Chengtian’s computer screen.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian came back to his senses a little, clicked on the document sent by Tang Zhenli, and after a rough browse, Ji Chengtian’s heart was shocked, and then his face subconsciously showed a hint of joy.
“Using the gravitational force of the moon.. hiss~”
If it can really be as expected in Tang Zhenli’s document…it’s not a bad idea!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s expression moved, and he immediately used the emergency channel to directly practice the senior leaders of the remaining four countries.
After seeing this change, he felt that it was necessary to hold a meeting!
Under the facilitation of Ji Chengtian, the senior leaders of the other four major countries attended the meeting as usual, although they were a little surprised when they got the news for the first time.
After all, the Dragon Kingdom is now the leader of all mankind. Under the asteroid crisis of “Death”, in order to survive, the senior leaders of the four major countries obviously see this very clearly.
So in just ten minutes, the global planetary defense conference was held again.
After the holographic projection projected the representatives of various countries into the seats, the meeting was officially held.
At the moment when the meeting started, everyone focused on Ji Chengtian alone, even Zhou Jianguo was no exception.
Feeling the suspicious eyes of everyone, Ji Chengtian’s expression stopped, and then he said slowly.
“Before the meeting, I need to transmit a plan to the expert group of the countries present. During the meeting, I hope you will verify it as soon as possible!”
After speaking, Ji Chengtian sent the documents previously sent by Tang Zhenli to the expert group of various countries one by one under the bewildered eyes of the representatives of various countries.
After doing this, Ji Chengcai returned his focus back to the conference room, looked around the crowd, and then said calmly.
“Before I finish speaking, I hope you don’t interrupt what I’m saying!”
The voice fell, and the representatives of each country looked at each other, and then all nodded towards Ji Chengtian.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian also knew that the matter was urgent, so he spoke directly.
“I don’t have much time, so I’ll cut to the chase. Long Guo suggested that the time for the launch of ballistic missiles to intercept the ‘Reaper’ asteroid should be postponed from half an hour later to one hour before the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hits the earth!”
As Ji Chengtian’s words fell, the expressions of the representatives of the various countries present changed one after another.
But because Cai and Ji Chengtian had promised not to speak indiscriminately in the middle, he swallowed the words that had just reached his throat.
And Ji Chengtian here saw the different expressions of the representatives of various countries, and he immediately explained.
“Since Long Guo dares to say this, there is a certain reason. The specific reason, I will try to explain it to you as concisely as possible…”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian recalled the rough outline of Tang Zhenli’s plan just now, and immediately said.
“According to the current calculations of the moon’s orbit, when the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is about to hit the earth tomorrow, the moon’s orbit will be close to the ‘Reaper’ asteroid’s orbit for a period of time, and according to estimates, that time point is one hour before the impact. forward..”
“The purpose of delaying the launch of ballistic missiles is for this moment. At this moment, the asteroid Reaper is nearly 50,000 kilometers away from the earth! The probability of our ballistic missiles hitting within this distance will be 100%! 110”
Speaking of which, Ji Chengtian’s tone was full of ardent hope.
However, seeing the worried expressions of the representatives of various countries, Ji Chengtian paused, and then explained here.
“I know you will ask, what is the difference between this and the original estimate of the ‘God Slaying Project’? Even if the hit rate reaches 100% at such a close distance, it will cause heavy damage to the earth and human beings!”
“But at this time, referring to what I said before, the gravitational force exerted by the lunar orbit is close to the ‘Death’ asteroid, and the shattered ‘Death’ asteroid loses most of its power within 50,000 kilometers. …”
Speaking of which, Ji Chengtian paused, then glanced at everyone present, and then said calmly.
“That is to say, under this premise, the fragmented ‘Death’ asteroid will be like an ordinary planet. After entering the atmosphere, it will burn up and be completely harmless to humans!”
As Ji Chengtian’s firm words fell, the representatives of the various countries present had different expressions, and their faces changed.
It can be seen that Ji Chengtian’s words had a big impact on their hearts!

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