I hope that people will live together for a long time
The Global Planetary Defense Conference, with Ji Chengtian’s voice slowly ending,
The atmosphere of the meeting was a little silent for a while, and the representatives of the other four major countries all showed their expressions of thought.
ThisAt that time, the representative of the head of science and technology of Maoxiong Country spoke up,
“Without the demonstration of data, it is difficult for us to believe in the feasibility of this matter alone…”
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian’s expression remained unchanged, obviously he had expected it.
“As I said at the beginning of the meeting, I have already sent the specifics of the plan to your respective expert groups. The specific results, the members of the expert group will tell you how credible this matter is with facts later!”
After speaking, Ji Chengtian did not forget to remind him.
“I believe you have also received the following report. At present, the ‘Death’ asteroid is flying toward the earth in an accelerating trend. The specific data has reached nearly ten kilometers per second ten minutes ago. At this speed, Do you still think our ballistic missiles have a chance of intercepting the Reaper asteroid from a distance of nearly 700,000 kilometers?”
After the season was over, all the representatives present changed their expressions, and their expressions became subconsciously worried.
Obviously, as Ji Cheng did, they had already monitored the real-time data of the asteroid Reaper.
And the speed of ten kilometers per second is indeed a little desperate!
If the previous speed of 8 kilometers per second had a 30% probability of intercepting the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, then when the speed increases to 10 kilometers per second, the probability will drop to 10%. , and even lower.
That is to say, at this stage, only by changing the plan as Ji Cheng did, can human beings survive to the greatest extent possible.
Afterwards, there was a long period of silence during the meeting. Seeing that the ‘God Slaying Project’ was about to proceed as scheduled, the expert group had not yet completed the verification of the plan.
It is already 6:50 in the evening, and there are still ten minutes before the launch of the ballistic missile from the “Zan Shen Project”!
For a while, Ji Chengtian’s eyes couldn’t help flashing a bit of urgency, and then suggested,
“The ‘God Slaying Project’ is imminent. The success rate of the previous plan is too low. I suggest to vote to abandon the original plan first~¨!”
After speaking, he straightened up and said to the crowd with a serious face.
When the representatives of various countries heard the words, their faces showed a little contemplation.
After counting his breaths, under Ji Chengtian’s gaze, the representatives of the various countries present raised their right hands one after another.
Unanimously agree!
Under the current high speed of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, with the existing guidance technology, it is not bad that one hundred and forty-four ballistic missiles can have a 1% hit rate!
The moment the result came out, Ji Chengtian directly sent a signal to the ‘Phoenix’ to suspend operations!
And Tang Zhenli on the ‘Phoenix’ also ordered to temporarily stop the launch preparations the moment he received the signal.
After the show of hands was voted, the atmosphere in the meeting fell into silence again.
Before the expert group came to a conclusion, all their discussions were meaningless.
Fortunately, everyone didn’t wait too long, a few minutes later.
The voices of reports belonging to their respective expert groups came from the headphones of the representatives of various countries. I saw that the representatives of various countries covered one ear with their hands and listened carefully to the report in the headphones with the other ear.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian also knew it in his heart. He crossed his hands unconsciously, and then waited for them to finish listening.
In fact, for Tang Zhenli’s plan, although Ji Chengtian didn’t ask the Longguo expert group to study and discuss it carefully, he was very sure that the possibility of this plan was very high.
No reason, just because the person who came up with this plan was Tang Zhenli!
Using the gravitational pull of the moon to reduce the power of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is actually not a surprising thing.
If it is in a normal time period, it is inevitable that some scientific researchers will put forward this suggestion.
But at this critical moment, when everyone is panicking, how can there be any scientific research scholars to pay attention to the moon?
Only Tang Zhenli can remain so calm at this moment!
When the brows are burning like this, he can calm down and think of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid after being bombed by the gravitational pull of the moon.
Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for the moon to help the earth to ‘stop disasters’.
In fact, billions of years since the formation of the earth, its position in the solar system is very delicate.
In the long years, the creatures on the earth can maintain a stable development, and it is inseparable from the two patron saints!
Moon and Jupiter!
Leaving aside Jupiter for the time being, let’s just say that the moon at this moment, in fact, according to the size of the moon, it should be captured by the sun, and it is called one of the planets revolving around the sun.
However, it was captured by the earth and became a pair of ‘double places and double flight’ in the solar system.
The most important thing is that the surface of the moon is full of craters, and these craters are nothing but asteroid impacts.
In layman’s terms, these craters are the achievements of the moon in helping the earth to “block disasters”!
If there is no obstruction from the moon, these asteroids are likely to rush directly to the earth, which will not allow the creatures on earth to have such a stable development.
And Tang Zhenli, who proposed this plan, must have been inspired by this.
Only then did he think of solving this “Death” crisis by calculating the moon’s orbit and gravity!
It was precisely because of this criticality that Ji Chengcai trusted Tang Zhenli so much.
Thus, within ten minutes, the fourth planetary defense conference between the five countries was opened!
After a while, the representatives of the various countries present here gradually returned to normal, and their expressions were much more relaxed than before.
Obviously got the data report from the expert discussion group of various countries!
Prove that this near-point interception scheme isTotally doable!
And the possibility of realization is extremely high!
Under such circumstances, Ji Chengtian looked at the relaxed state representatives present, and felt a little relieved.
It seems that Tang Zhenli’s plan is really feasible!
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian coughed lightly and said immediately.
“.”Since you have all received the results of your respective expert groups, I hope the discussion can be quicker. After all, it takes a certain amount of time for the ‘Phoenix’ to make tactical adjustments..”
And when his voice fell, the representatives of the various countries present also looked solemn, preparing for the next discussion!

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