: Exceeding the Achievements of All Human History
At the Planetary Defense Conference,
After the representatives of each country received the news of their respective expert groups,
He also began to actually change and discuss the near-point interception of the ‘God Slaying Project’.
First of all, the representative of the head of the science and technology department of John Niu made a speech.
The person in charge is a typical white old man. The three-dimensional facial features and his slightly smiling expression at this moment all show his relaxed mood at the moment.
“The technical solution sent by the representative of Long Guo is based on the discussion and calculation of our country’s expert group. Using the gravitational force of the approaching lunar orbit, it can completely absorb a planet one-tenth the size of the ‘Death’ asteroid!”
The voice fell, and the representatives of the other three countries present nodded in agreement. Obviously, the members of their respective expert groups came to the same conclusion.
At this time, the old man representing the military of the Bald Eagle Country nodded and said affirmatively.
“If it is within a distance of 50,000 kilometers, with our current guidance technology, it is completely possible to achieve 110% interception of the 144 ballistic missiles! Even if it is not a 100% hit rate, with the density of the launch And the frequency, can also hold more than 80% hit rate, for this, I can guarantee!”
After speaking, he glanced sharply at the military representatives sent by various countries to participate in this meeting, and then continued.
“I believe that the military representatives here can also guarantee this!”
The voice fell, and the military representatives of various countries, including Zhou Jianguo, nodded in agreement.
Obviously, they have reached a consensus on this point!
Within a range of 50,000 kilometers, a hit rate of over 80% is considered conservative!
At this time, the tense atmosphere of the meeting was relieved after several military leaders from various countries spoke.
Even the representatives of the science and technology department of the Gallic Chicken country showed a bit of joy.
Because the members of the expert group under them have already reported on all kinds of talents.
With the current power of human nuclear weapons, one hundred and forty-four ballistic missiles can bombard an asteroid with a diameter of ten kilometers. Even if the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is more than 90% iron, it is enough to bombard it. The least broken into more than ten pieces!
In fact, according to the estimates of the expert groups from various countries, as long as half of the 144 ballistic missiles successfully hit, that one will be able to shatter the asteroid Reaper.
Moreover, after the calculation of the gravitational force of the moon just now, it is entirely possible that the released gravitational force will greatly weaken the kinetic energy of the shattered ‘Reaper’ asteroid, so that it will be burned when it enters the earth’s atmosphere like ordinary planets Seven seven eight eight.
And now the military’s guarantee is that the hit rate is at least 80% or more. If this step can be achieved, then it will represent the first time mankind’s struggle against destiny, and it has been successful!
Thinking of this, the heartstrings that have been tense for the past month among the high-level officials of the various countries suddenly loosened, and even looking at the former nemesis, inexplicably felt a lot more cordial!
At this time, the representatives of the science and technology department of the hairy bear country and the science and technology department of the bald eagle country were ordinary. If it was not a meeting composed of holographic projections, it was difficult to doubt whether the two would worship on the spot.
In the end, in a relaxed atmosphere, Ji Chengdao.
“Since this is the case, then we will hold a final show of hands voting, please raise your hand if you agree to intercept the plan at the close point!”
When the voice fell, it was still unanimous approval!
Obviously, no matter what happened in the past, at least in these few meetings, the solidarity between the five most powerful nations of mankind is worthy of praise!
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.
At this time, the military representative of the Gallic Chicken family, who had been seldom speaking, looked at Ji Chengtian and asked a question that everyone wanted to know.
“Representative of the Long Kingdom, I would like to know, who specifically proposed this plan?”
The voice fell, and the atmosphere in the meeting suddenly suffocated. Everyone’s eyes were focused on Ji Chengtian, waiting for him to give the answer.
Ji Chengtian, who was watched by everyone, looked indifferent and said in a calm tone.
“This person is very familiar to you. The person who proposed this plan is Academician Tang Zhenli!”
After speaking, the faces of the representatives of the various countries showed a clear look. Obviously, before this, they had their own guesses.
Unanimously, most people’s first guess was Tang Zhenli!
This pioneer of human civilization!
Seeing the reactions of representatives from various countries, Ji Chengtian felt a faint sense of pride in his heart.
This was the first time he was proud and proud of a young man on such a big occasion!
To be honest, if this time human beings can really survive this crisis, then the status of the Dragon Kingdom in the international community will be further improved.rise!
And all of this was brought about by a young man!
After this, the planetary defense conference will go through some procedures that should be followed. Representatives from various countries sign the seals representing their own countries.
Since then, the Planetary Defense Conference has come to this stage, and it has come to an end.
At the end when the representatives of various countries took turns to give speeches, Ji Chengtian rarely said a few more words.
“As for this crisis of human beings, I will tell you the truth. I think of a poem by our ancients. This poem is called ‘May people live forever, and we will share Changjuan for thousands of miles!'”
“After that, regardless of whether this crisis can be safely passed, I want to tell you all of this ancient poem, and tell all mankind! This can also be regarded as a kind of blessing from the Dragon Kingdom to the future of mankind!”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian nodded meaningfully towards everyone.
The representatives of various countries present here are also thoughtful, savoring this traditional poem that has been passed down for thousands of years.
What I taste is poetry, but what I think in my mind is the continuation of human beings.
Thinking about it carefully, thousands of years have passed since the development and inheritance of human beings. Until now, this civilization is still exuding its vitality!
Under this premise, how could it be destroyed by a mere ‘Reaper’?
Thinking of this, the hearts of representatives from various countries couldn’t help feeling a little fluctuating……

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