: Humanity’s Faith in Victory
On the “Phoenix”,
Tang Zhenli, who had just gotten the news for the first time, stopped the “God Slaying Project”.
A moment later, Meng Siyuan, who was listening to his subordinates’ report, came to the main control room.
As soon as he came to the main control room, Meng Siyuan looked at Tang Zhenli on the central platform, a trace of doubt appeared on his rough face, and then he took two quick steps and came to Tang Zhenli’s side.
“Academician Tang, has the ‘God Killing Project’ been postponed?”
At this time, Tang Zhenli, who was accessing data on the central computer, couldn’t help but cast a sideways glance at Meng Siyuan when he heard the words, and then said while looking at the screen.
“That’s right, I just received an instruction that the “Slaying God Project” will be postponed until one hour before the impact of the “Reaper” asteroid tomorrow. I was running out of time just now, so I forgot to tell Commander Meng…”
At the end, Tang Zhenli expressed a little apology in his tone.
After all, Meng Siyuan is also one of the executors of this “Slaying God Plan”, so it is somewhat against the rules to directly change the “Slaying God Plan” without notifying him in advance.
But judging by Meng Siyuan’s demeanor at this time, he doesn’t seem to have any feeling about it.
In his eyes, Tang Zhenli is the executor of the “God Killing Project”, and Rang only needs to be in charge of the transfer of personnel.
Meng Siyuan understands this very well. As for the “God Slaying Project”, he will try not to intervene if he can.
Thinking of this, Meng Siyuan pinched his chin with one hand, nodded, and said with a little understanding.
“So that’s the case, I understand…”
With that said, he walked straight towards the main control room. Since it was decided to launch the ballistic missile tomorrow, the order must be communicated in advance.
Over here, Tang Zhenli didn’t notice Meng Siyuan, who was leaving without hesitation, but now he was watching the orbital evolution animation on the computer intently.
After seeing the final result, Tang Zhenli felt a little more at ease.
Judging from the current situation, the success rate of near-point interception is not so high!
But that’s the case, after reading the new plan of the “God Slaying Project”, he reconfirmed the normal charging of the space-based laser cannon.
Although under the current situation, there is a high probability that this untested space-based laser cannon will not be used.
But anyway, it can be regarded as prepared!
After checking that everything was correct, he left the main control room.
Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, Office of the Chief.
After the meeting ended, Ji Chengtian’s expression became obviously much lighter under the change of mentality.
At this moment, he was greeting Li Wei who had just come to his office, inviting him to sit on the sofa together, and making tea by himself.
Seeing Ji Chengtian’s somewhat abnormal behavior, Li Wei was also secretly surprised.
She still had a serious face in the morning, but why did she change her appearance now.
Looking at Li Wei with a serious face on the other side, Ji Chengtian smiled indifferently, obviously knowing what Li Wei was surprised in his heart.
But it’s no wonder that Li Wei can’t figure it out at the moment. The current change to the “Slaying God Project” was just a decision made at the meeting ten minutes ago, and it hasn’t been conveyed yet. It’s normal for Li Wei not to know the reason.
“Old Ji, why hasn’t there been any news about the ‘Phoenix’? Could it be… Thank you!”
But before he finished speaking, a cup of hot tea was handed over, and Li Wei subconsciously picked it up, interrupting what he said.
Just when he was about to continue speaking, Ji Chengtian took a sip of tea, smiled, and said calmly.
“The ‘God Killing Plan’ has changed. This time, we have a better chance of winning!”
The corners of Li Wei’s eyes twitched when he heard the words, and then he seemed to realize something. A gleam flashed in his eyes, and then he said with a little curiosity and expectation.
“There is a change? What kind of change? Is the probability of this time more than 30%?”
I heard Li WeilueShowing conservative inquiries, Ji Chengtian didn’t speak, but raised his right hand and compared the number eight to him.
“Eighty percent!!!???”
When Li Wei saw the numbers on Ji Chengtian’s right hand, the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily, and then he said in a slightly unbelievable tone.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
You must know that the probability of interception at the far point was less than 30%. With the current situation of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid getting faster and faster, the probability of interception is even greatly reduced.
Now I suddenly heard that the probability of a successful interception has come to 80%, and such a gaffe is also common sense.
Seeing Li Wei’s surprised and inexplicable appearance, Ji Chengtian first nodded prudently, and then shook his head again, looking at Li Wei at a loss, just as he was about to speak, Ji Chengtian’s words were one step ahead.
“It’s not too much to say, 80% is a conservative probability, and the probability of a real successful interception is over 90%!”
As Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, Li Wei’s eyes widened even more, the tea in his hand was a little unsteady, and for a while, he was at a loss.
The next moment, Li Wei’s complexion was visibly rosy, and the excitement in his eyes was beyond words.
In just a few minutes, Li Wei felt like a roller coaster, and it was a roller coaster from hell to heaven!
Under such ups and downs, even his calm mood for many years could hardly control his expression.
After swallowing hard, Li Weiqiang endured the tremor in his heart and kept his tone as calm as possible.
“Old Ji, you’re not kidding… Can you tell me more about it…”
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian nodded, and then from Tang Zhenli’s initial proposal, to the discussion at the meeting, the experts came up with the results, to the final changes to the ‘God Slaying Plan’, he explained to Li Wei in detail one by one.
“…The current plan has been approved by the other four major countries. It’s better than the previous plan. I don’t know how much…”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian turned his eyes and looked at the sky by the window from the sofa, with a bit of contemplation in his eyes.
Obviously, if this time can really save the fate of mankind, then Tang Zhenli who proposed this plan will definitely be credited!
Undoubtedly, its achievements will far exceed all people in human history!

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