Tang Zhenli on the ‘Phoenix’
Longguo Science and Technology Department, in the office of the person in charge,
Li Wei on the sofa was unable to recover after hearing Ji Chengtian’s words for a long time, and at the same time he realized that he was also inexplicably shocked by Tang Zhenli who was far away on the ‘Phoenix’ at the moment!
When the crisis was so serious that no one thought of him, the young man finally stood up silently.
Under the shock, Li Wei’s eyes narrowed, as if he had thought of something, and then turned towards Ji Chengdao.
“Old Ji, shall we announce the changed ‘God Slaying Plan’? Soothe the people’s emotions…”
Listening to Li Wei’s words, Ji Chengtian gently shook his head and said immediately.
“It doesn’t make much sense to tell the truth if we don’t announce it. After all, in the ‘God Slaying Plan’ we announced before, the interception success rate detailed in it is “110” 90%. If we announce it again, it will be Another riot…”
Hearing this, Li Wei lowered his eyes and nodded in agreement.
“That’s true…”
Obviously, Li Wei, who was just before, was in a state of great ups and downs, and his mind was a little confused at the moment.
“But you reminded me that with a 90% chance of winning outside, maybe we should adjust the propaganda plan for the ‘Death’ asteroid..”
At this time, Ji Chengtian also thought about it in his mind before continuing.
The moment Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, Li Wei’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said in a slightly uncertain tone.
“You mean? Live broadcast?”
Ji Chengtian here saw Li Wei and guessed his mind at a glance, and smiled tacitly.
The two are worthy of being old partners who have worked together for nearly ten years, and they have a full tacit understanding.
“At present, although most of the fishing reels are still in the stable range, this does not mean that the fishing reels will continue to go on like this… If the fishing reels collapse, the consequences will be unimaginable.”
Ji Chengtian’s eyes pondered slightly at this time, and his words also revealed a bit of worry.
After worrying, Ji Chengtian thought of something, and then continued.
“And more importantly, it’s also a good opportunity to boost morale…”
If they didn’t consider this aspect before because they knew the truth, then if they are considering promoting the live broadcast now, it is also based on the premise of knowing the truth.
The publicity method of live broadcast can undoubtedly stabilize the emotions of the people to the greatest extent.
With the current 90% chance of winning for mankind, Ji Chengtian, who is a leader, has to think about what happened after the ‘Death God’ asteroid incident.
Otherwise, if the asteroid “Death” did not severely damage human civilization, and the fermentation of the fishing reels caused turmoil in human society, it would not be worth the loss.
At this critical moment, if the live broadcast intercepts the ‘Death’ asteroid, it will undoubtedly send a potential signal to the general public!
That is – a signal of victory!
So at this time, it is very important to publicize and lead the fishing reels.After thinking for a while, Ji Chengtian and Li Wei each looked at each other, clearly understanding the importance of this.
After a period of discussion, the two decided to issue an announcement first, and then convey the “view” of the “Phoenix” in space to the public through television and the Internet.
Ten minutes after Li Wei left Ji Chengtian’s office.
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo released an announcement on the official website of each platform!
The content is also very simple, it is about the real-time synchronous live broadcast of the picture of the ‘Phoenix’ launching nuclear weapons to intercept the ‘Reaper’ asteroid!
And this announcement caused a sensation in a short period of time.
And looking at the current situation, it is still spreading widely.
In just half an hour, this statement has spread to the international community.
The current time period is the holiday time around the world. Naturally, the speed of dissemination of this statement is not generally fast, which has caused widespread discussion among netizens around the world.
“Before I was surprised why it wasn’t live broadcast this time… It turned out to be well prepared..”
“I don’t know why, with the live broadcast, I feel much more at ease..”
“Me too…”
“I understand you. At least you can see something like this for the first time… To put it differently, if it’s really bad to the 10%, you can understand it even if you die…”
“It is the first time in human history to resist the power of the universe with knowledge carried by a mortal body!”
“Shooting a nuclear bomb to intercept an asteroid, I feel excited just thinking about this scene…”
“Will we see the greatest fireworks in human history?”
“According to what you said, it’s possible…”
“Then let ‘Death’ come and let it taste the ‘fist’ of human beings! No matter whether it is successful or not, at least we have fought!!”
“The earth is still the same earth, but the creatures living on it today are not from 65 million years ago… This time, we will definitely win!”
Just as Ji Chengtian and Li Wei had expected during their discussions, the repercussions of this announcement were very strong, making the fishing reels move steadily toward a positive situation…  
It can be seen from the speeches made by netizens from various countries. At this time, it can be seen from their speeches that there is no tension and despair when they first heard about the “Death” asteroid some time ago.
On the contrary, 4.2 gave everyone an inexplicable impulse in their hearts, an unyielding impulse!
In other words, this unyielding intention has been hidden in people’s hearts and has not been shown.
It’s just that this note released by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo exploded everyone’s emotions.
This statement successfully turned the panic and anxiety of the people into a spirit of progress.
From this point of view, Ji Chengtian and Li Wei’s move can be said to be well considered. Within an hour of the announcement, the other four major countries also seem to have seen the benign results, and they have also issued similar illustrate.
At this moment, the beliefs of mankind have never been so unified!

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