The most difficult day in human history
An hour after the Longguo Ministry of Science and Technology issued the statement,
Under the busy coordination of the staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the real-time picture of the ‘Phoenix’ was successfully presented in the eyes of all the people.
In less than ten minutes, all the people on earth have discovered that at the moment, whether it is a mobile phone, a TV or even all other electronic devices.
As long as you are connected to the Internet, you can see the two pictures of the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’.
Under this premise, the live broadcast platform where the “Phoenix” live broadcast has gathered more than billions of viewers in just half an hour!
At this time, no one will refuse to watch the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’!
After all… this is the key to the survival of all mankind!
As someone said on the Internet before, even if the interception fails, you must die clearly!
At this moment, the two pictures taken from the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’ are also very meaningful. One is the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’, where the backs of the staff are in the eyes of the public.
This is also to let everyone know that at this moment, someone is fighting for all mankind!
17 Another picture shows the seventy-two groups of vertical launch units of ballistic missiles on the ‘Phoenix’. From the perspective of the live broadcast, seventy-two nuclear warheads with inexplicable deterrent power are displayed in all of them. from a human perspective.
The viewers watching the live broadcast at the moment all know that this seemingly deterrent weapon is the key to protecting mankind this time!
“Is this our newly formed space strategic force? This uniform… looks really imposing!!!”
“At this moment, for the first time in human history, the space force is fighting for human beings. What else do you have to worry about!”
“Since you know that someone is fighting for all mankind, even if you fail, you will have no regrets!”
“Don’t be so pessimistic, seeing that there are no nuclear warheads loaded with ballistic missiles, this is our patron saint!”
“Even the ‘Death God’ has to bow his head in front of the most powerful weapon developed by human beings!”
“One hundred and forty-four nuclear bombs!!! Just to exchange’Death’ one life! ”
While the general public was talking about it, Tang Zhenli, dressed in the uniform of the Space Strategic Force, came to the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’ again, just to check the normal operation of the 72 groups of vertical missile launch units and the transmission of the space-based laser cannon. Is the power normal.
For this kind of inspection, Tang Zhenli would come to the main control room for inspection every two hours. Obviously, he was extremely cautious about this crisis.
And this scene was naturally caught in the eyes of billions of viewers watching the live broadcast.
“Why…I feel that the person I walked past is so familiar??? But it’s obviously impossible for me to know someone from the Dragon Kingdom’s military…”
“Me too… It’s a pity that I only see a back and profile…”
“Did you think that Academician Xiao Tang who seemed to have disappeared in front of our eyes for a long time?”
The moment this comment came out, billions of viewers reacted in their minds.
“Tang Sang?”
“Professor Tang?”
“His Royal Highness Tang Zhenli?”
“When did Academician Xiao Tang join the army? Hmm~ It looks like his rank is not low…”
“If Academician Xiao Tang is in charge of the ‘God Slaying Project’… Obviously it’s a matter of life and death, why do I have an inexplicable excitement and anticipation in my heart?”
“Me too!”
“With Academician Xiao Tang here, this crisis will surely be overcome safely!”
“Even if it’s the ‘Death God’, he has to bow his head Smecta in the hands of His Royal Highness Tang Zhenli!”
“Longguo actually sent Professor Tang Zhenli to execute the ‘God Slaying Plan’, no wonder our odds of winning are 90%…”
Perhaps the general public needs a beacon-like road sign to rely on, and Tang Zhenli happened to appear at this juncture.
Naturally, Tang Zhenli, who was already very famous, was called the beacon in everyone’s mind at this time.
Under this circumstance, it is natural not to be stingy with the praise in his mouth.
While the audience was discussing in the live broadcast room.
Shanghai market, Dijing Mansion,
Tang Ziyue rushed home as soon as she got the news yesterday.
So in the duplex building at this time, a family of three was watching the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’ intently.
Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the three people’s perspectives.
Tang Ziyue and Tang Lizhe had subconscious suspicions on their faces the moment they saw it…
This person’s back… so familiar…
And Chen Xinyao looked at the pictures in the live broadcast, and her mind was a little dark.
Tang Ziyue and Tang Lizhe didn’t recognize them at first sight, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t recognize them at first sight.
Although it’s just a back and a profile, as Chen Xinyao, who raised him since he was a child, how could he not recognize it?
At this time, no one thought that her previous guess was actually true!
After realizing it, Chen Xinyao held her head, which was dizzy for a while, and instantly felt that her whole body was like falling into an ice cave.
110 In her eyes, this ‘God Slaying Mission’ must be extremely risky, but any ordinary mother will not be able to control her emotions when she sees her son in danger.
Although she knew that at this critical moment, people with greater ability naturally shoulder greater responsibilities, but she couldn’t help but feel sad when she saw Tang Zhenli appearing on the ‘Phoenix’ to execute the ‘God Slaying Plan’.
At this time, she would rather Tang Zhenli was just an ordinary person than appear on the ‘Phoenix’.
In normal times, Chen Xinyao considers herself a calm person, but now, she is just a helpless mother…
“Mom..Mom? What’s wrong with you?”
At this time, Tang Ziyue also discovered Chen Xinyao’s abnormality and quickly supported her.
“Your brother… The person on the ‘Phoenix’ just now is your brother…”
At this moment, Chen Xinyao held her head and said with a very low expression.
When the words fell, Tang Lizhe and Tang Ziyue’s expressions changed instantly, and they said in unison.
After finishing speaking, the father and daughter looked at each other and then fell silent.
What Chen Xinyao was worried about was how the father and daughter could not worry about…

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