Shanghai market, Dijing Mansion,
Tang Lizhe and Tang Ziyue’s father and daughter looked at Chen Xinyao, whose eyes were a little out of focus, and looked sad, but for a while they didn’t know how to comfort them.
Or in other words, both of them were not feeling well.
Although he knew that this was a task Tang Zhenli had to shoulder at this time, under such circumstances, it was difficult for Tang Zhenli’s close relatives to calm down.
In the end, the family of three could only watch the live broadcast of ‘Phoenix’ in this silent atmosphere.
Northwest Aerospace Base, inside the expert group office,
Naturally, Tang Heguang and Wan Wende were also watching this unprecedented live broadcast.
Looking at Tang Zhenli’s back that suddenly appeared, the two old men’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump, and their expressions were different.
Especially Tang Heguang, compared to the reaction of the family of three, their expressions were only a little dignified.
In the end, Wan Wende patted him on the shoulder, sighed softly, and said nothing.
At this moment, it is not good to say anything.?
But Tang Heguang was also a scholar who had come from difficult times, and his consciousness was obviously very high, so after a while, his expression returned to calm.
However, upon closer inspection, a little worry flashes in his eyes from time to time.
At this moment, awareness is the responsibility of the body, and worry is human nature.
Yandu, Jinling Bieyuan,
Wu Shaoying and Sister Xia did not go home separately, they were still in the villa.
At this time, the four girls are sitting on the sofa in the living room simultaneously.
Looking at the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’, I laughed at the beginning.
Even Xiao Yin, after adjustment, returned to his original state of heartlessness.
While watching the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’, she showed off to Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin who didn’t make the first flight of the ‘Phoenix’ last time.
The atmosphere in the villa was not as serious as when I first heard the news.
However, after seeing a familiar back figure in the live broadcast, the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed.
The eyes of the other three girls couldn’t help but focus on Wu Shaoying, whose complexion changed instantly. For a while, the atmosphere in the field gradually became suppressed.
In the end, the little assistant couldn’t stand the suppressed atmosphere, so he approached Wu Shaoying slowly, and then spoke to her in a weak tone.
“That officer just now…is that brother-in-law~¨?”
As the assistant’s voice fell, Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin raised their hearts instantly. Maybe only Xiao Yin could ask this kind of inconsistency.
The next moment, both of them looked at Wu Shaoying with some worry.
At this time, Wu Shaoying also felt the gazes of several women, forced a smile on her face, and said immediately.
“It looks like… it should be, don’t worry…”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying took a deep breath, and then her expression gradually returned to calm.
However, in the eyes of the other women, this expression was too fake.
Of course, this is also understandable. As Tang Zhenli’s fiancee,
Of course, it is impossible to say that she is not worried. At this time, Wu Shaoying just tried to show her good side to everyone.
Although I don’t know why Tang Zhenli became an officer inexplicably, I don’t know why he appeared on the ‘Phoenix’ at this moment…
But these are not important to her at this time.
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying said again.
“It’s okay, I believe him!”
This time, Wu Shaoying’s expression seemed much more natural. Obviously, Wu Shaoying was really worried about Tang Zhenli, but she was also really confident about him.
Seeing this, the other three girls also felt relieved. If this is the case, then it would be really good.
Since then, the ‘Phoenix’ has been under the attention of billions of people.
Time passes by every minute and every second, even if it is one or two o’clock in the morning, the live broadcast platform still carries billions of users.
From this, it can be seen that at least at this moment, no one can fall asleep with a stable mood.
Just like that, before you knew it, the night passed quietly.
After everyone realized it, it was already the daytime of the second day, or the evening of another time zone.
As the everlasting sun slowly rises and sets, the most unique and difficult day in human history has come!
Today, human civilization will usher in a major test!
This test is unprecedented since human beings were born!
Whether it is destruction or new life, everything will be revealed today!
Whether today is the end of mankind or the day of redemption, everything will be revealed in the evening and dawn today…
At this critical time, everyone felt that the flow of time was very slow.
This kind of slowness can already be called torment!
? But under this torment, the most important moment is finally coming!
There are still two hours and twenty-eight minutes before the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hits the earth…
On the ‘Phoenix’ quietly suspended in low-Earth orbit,
The atmosphere in the main control room was dignified, and all the staff were 200% ready to meet this crucial moment.
Tang Zhenli stood quietly on the central control platform with a very calm expression.
After nearly a day and a night of live broadcast, Tang Zhenli appeared in the main control room many times, and everyone was sure that the leader of this “God Slaying Project” was Tang Zhenli!
In the observation at this time, the ‘Reaper’ asteroid with the actual trajectory can already be seen,
Looking at the high-speed flying asteroid on the screen, Rao is Tang Zhenli, and he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.
It is such an irregular asteroid that is extremely small compared to the earth, but it can bring a major blow to mankind.
If this crisis can be safely passed this time, then it is urgent for human beings.The problem with eyelashes is that you must have your own planetary defense capabilities!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli’s eyes gradually became firmer.
Success or failure depends on the present day!

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