?? Unexpected Changes
It is one hour and eighteen minutes from the impact of the asteroid “Death”.
Eighteen minutes before the launch of ballistic missiles by the “Zan Shen Project”.
At this moment, if you look into space with an astronomical telescope, you will find a bright trajectory rushing towards the earth!
At this moment, all human beings devote all their attention to the live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’.
Even though they were thousands of miles away, they could still see through the screen that the atmosphere in the main control room was visibly serious.
Above the low-Earth orbit, the 72 groups of vertical launch units of large ballistic missiles carried on the ‘Phoenix’ have all been opened.
In the main control room,
Tang Zhenli and Meng Siyuan stood together on the central control platform and nervously watched the ‘Death’ who was getting closer and closer to the earth on the monitoring screen!
At this moment, even the battle-hardened Meng Siyuan looked at the traces of the irregular asteroid on the screen, with a very solemn expression.
Naturally, Tang Zhenli was no exception.
At this critical moment of human life and death, no one can be alone.
Thinking about it, Meng Siyuan subconsciously looked at the watch on his right wrist.
At 5:52 in the afternoon, 8 minutes later will be 6:00, which means that there are still 6 minutes left, when the ‘God Slaying Project’ begins!
‘tick~’ ‘tick~’….
As time passed by every minute and every second.
At this moment, it seems that all human beings have a clock automatically installed in their hearts.
Everyone’s heart was inexplicably tense. Even at this time, few people spoke on the Internet. Everyone focused their attention and focus on the screen in the live broadcast room.
? During the almost tormented waiting, time passed slowly, and this torment was stronger than the day before.
Until some people with weaker mental qualities are about to be unable to bear it.
It’s finally six o’clock in the evening!
‘God Slaying Project’! ! !
Turn it on! ! !
In the perspective of billions of people, all the staff in the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’ immediately began to mobilize…
Above the low-Earth orbit, the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’.
Before Tang Zhenli could speak, the sound of ‘crackling’ keyboard operations came from the main control room.
After being on duty for many days, it is obvious that the staff are already aware of all kinds of preparations.
The rehearsal for this moment has been carried out countless times in my heart!
Under the manipulation of the staff, another picture that appeared in everyone’s eyes began to change gradually!
The launch covers of the 72 groups of ballistic missile vertical launch units have all been opened!
At this point, the seventy-two ballistic missiles like sharp swords appeared in everyone’s eyes.
Unsurprisingly, these weapons with the greatest power ever developed by mankind will carry the hope of all mankind and wield a deadly sword towards the ‘God of Death’!
So at this moment, billions of human beings are boiling.
“The ‘God Slaying Project’ has begun!”
“The proudest weapon of mankind is finally here!”
“This is the real use of weapons. It is used to protect the homeland, not to kill each other. I hope that after this, we can realize one thing!”
“Let these one hundred and forty-four nuclear weapons carry our hope towards the ‘Death God’!”
“Forward! Forward! Humanity’s journey doesn’t stop there!”
It can be said that this time, the eyes of all mankind are focused on the weapons of mankind’s trump card!
Low Earth Orbit, the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’.
Under the operation of the Space Strategic Force and resident technicians.
A green light glowed on the main control computer above the central control platform.
Until the last green light came on, Meng Siyuan and Tang Zhenli looked at each other, and when their eyes met, they could see the solemnity in each other’s eyes.
At this time, a scientific research staff and a soldier trotted over from the main control room.
And reported to Tang Zhenli and Meng Siyuan respectively.
“Report to Tang Gong! The orbit calculation results of the asteroid ‘Reaper’ has matched the guidance program of the ballistic missile, and it is ready to launch at any time!”
“Report to the head! Seventy-two groups of large ballistic missile vertical launch units have been inspected and are ready to launch at any time!”
As two sonorous and powerful voices fell one after another, Tang Zhenli and Meng Siyuan knew it.
Everything is ready, the ‘God Slaying Project’ is about to begin!
?In the end, Meng Siyuan calmly nodded towards Tang Zhenli. Tang Zhenli also understood. He picked up the broadcast on the central console and shouted to everyone on the ‘Phoenix’.
“The ‘God Slaying Project’ is about to start, please prepare all the crew on the ‘Phoenix’! Repeat, the ‘God Slaying Project’ is about to start, please prepare all the crew on the ‘Phoenix’!”
After that, after a few breaths of the voice fell, Tang Zhenli pressed a big red button on the central control platform without hesitation!
Then he grabbed the armrest beside him.
I saw that the moment the button was pressed, the huge hull of the ‘Phoenix’ shook directly, and it seemed a little unstable.
And this violent shock didn’t just last for a moment, it was a constant tremor.
At this moment, in the live broadcast, it seems that the next second Tang Zhenli pressed the button, the 72 groups of large ballistic missile vertical launch units changed in an instant.
In the next instant, the seventy-two ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads seemed to be carrying supreme power and flew in one direction!
And the recoil force brought by the launch of these 72 ballistic missiles is what makes the ‘Phoenix’ keep shaking.
Knowing that after dozens of seconds, the ‘Phoenix’ in the live broadcast screen returned to calm, but at this moment, everyone’s mood did not respond to the recovery of the ‘Phoenix’!
At this moment, everyone’s eyes are fixed on the seventy-two ballistic missiles that are drifting away!
At this moment, the tail flame emanating from the rear of the seventy-two missiles seems to be the brightest light in everyone’s heart!

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