At this time, on the live broadcast platform that carried billions of people, there was a brief moment of calm.
Everyone looked at the distant ballistic missile and prayed secretly in their hearts, but also kept cheering~.
According to the estimate of the “Zan Shen Project”, the seventy-two large ballistic missiles will be ready to hit the “Reaper” asteroid in half an hour.
However, these 72 large ballistic missiles are only the first wave. After ten minutes, the second wave of ballistic missiles will continue to be launched after loading!
So after ten minutes, the brief moment of calm on the live broadcast platform was broken.
In low-Earth orbit, inside the ‘Phoenix’,
According to the practice just now, a soldier of the Space Strategic Force and a technical staff member stationed on the Phoenix once again reported to the two at the same time.
And the content of the report is no different from the first wave launched ten minutes ago.
After that, with the violent tremor on the second wave of the ‘Phoenix’, the second round of ballistic missiles flew away again in the distance in the eyes of billions of people!
After doing this, for all human beings at this moment, there is only waiting!
Whether it is death or new life, it is unknown from now on!
At this critical moment, all the probabilities become irrelevant!
Whether it is 90% or 30%, at this moment, there can only be two outcomes!
Success or failure!
Or to put it another way, live or destroy!
‘Phoenix’, in the main control room.
After the two rounds of ballistic missile salvos, for everyone on the ‘Phoenix’, whether it is officers and soldiers of the Dragon Country Space Strategic Force, or ordinary scientific research staff…
At least for now, their mission is complete!
At this moment, whether the final result is success or failure, it has been decided the moment the ballistic missile is launched, at least at this moment, they have done their best!
On the live broadcast platform, everyone looked at the picture at the moment with a focused expression.
From their point of view, the seventy-two ballistic missiles launched earlier were no longer visible, and the tail flame of the second wave of ballistic missiles was about to disappear from everyone’s sight.
At this moment, more than ten minutes have passed since the launch of the first round of ballistic missiles.
That is to say, after ten minutes, the first wave of ballistic missiles will soon meet with the asteroid Reaper.
The encounter between mankind and destiny is about to start!
On the ‘Phoenix’, the staff responsible for detecting the follow-up guidance system are still concentrating on regulating the latest data.
On the central control platform, Tang Zhenli watched the ballistic trajectories of the one hundred and forty-four missiles on the main control computer intently, with a calm expression.
For now, the guidance system shows that the ballistic trajectory is normal.
If nothing else happens, the first wave of ballistic missiles will hit the ‘Reaper’ asteroid head-on in eleven minutes!
So next, all mankind fell into tormented waiting time again.
In the main control room, the atmosphere was also silent and depressed.
At such a critical juncture, no one can calm down.
On the main control computer screen on the central control platform, the first wave of bombsThe ballistic missile and the ‘Reaper’ asteroid are almost combined into a small point in the orbit map.
At this moment, a slow beeping sound came from the computer screen, as if the countdown was on.
Tang Zhenli and Meng Siyuan raised their brows when they saw it, they knew what it meant.
So their hearts are silent.
With a flash of red light on the electronic screen, the ballistic missile signals on the computers of the staff gradually lost!
And this also means that the 72 ballistic missiles launched in the first round all hit! ! !
But hits are hits. If the ‘Death’ asteroid is not successfully intercepted, then the calculation of a 100% hit rate is empty talk!
Therefore, everyone present did not put their hearts down because of the 100% hit rate, but raised their hearts one by one, because they were eager to know the result of the first round of interceptions!
“how can that be???!!!”
After a short while, a scream resounded throughout the main control room, and even the hearts of the billions of people watching the live broadcast were instantly tense.
Listening to this tone, it doesn’t seem like a good thing…
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
However, in a tense atmosphere, no one made their own comments at this time…
Inside the ‘Phoenix’,
Hearing this, the central control platform Tang Zhenli and Meng Siyuan also looked solemn in an instant, and then quickly took two steps towards the direction of the voice just now.
When he walked over following the voice, Tang Zhenli’s eyes instantly froze. That position was the position of the staff responsible for monitoring the orbit of the asteroid “Death”!
On the spot, a technician was pointing at the monitoring data on the computer screen where he was in horror.
I saw his face pale, his lips trembling, and it was difficult for him to speak to himself for a long time, as if he had received some kind of stimulation. ?
It wasn’t until Tang Zhenli and Meng Siyuan came to his side that he recovered a little.
Not allowing him to report, Tang Zhenli stepped forward and looked at the monitoring track on the electronic screen.
I don’t know if I don’t see it, but even if he saw it, his heart would be stunned!
In the monitoring data and trajectory, the speed of the ‘Death’ asteroid has not decreased at all!
Still flying directly towards the earth!
This kind of situation is something that no one expected, including Tang Zhenli!
At this moment, Tang Zhenli’s expression became extremely serious, and his eyes gradually narrowed.
Anyone who is familiar with him knows that he is thinking deeply, so other technicians on the scene forced themselves to suppress their emotions and leave a quiet time for Tang Gong to think.
As everyone knows, what Tang Zhenli is thinking about now is not a solution, but the illogical place where the ‘Reaper’ asteroid was bombarded by a nuclear bomb!
It stands to reason that this is fundamentally contrary to the laws of physics… But it happens that it does happen…
Unless…the ‘Death’ asteroid has external forces intervening! ! ! !
Thinking of this idea, Tang Zhenli was startled.
But right now, that’s the only possibility…
With the confirmation of this possibility, in the next instant, a little worry appeared in his eyes!
if it is like this…….
Then what humans encounter… may not only be the ‘Death’ asteroid!

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