The main control room of the ‘Phoenix’.
Everyone was waiting for Tang Zhenli, and at this time, the scene in the live broadcast room changed, focusing on Tang Zhenli.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli didn’t feel the slightest bit of attention from everyone, because he was now immersed in his own conjectures and calculations.
Or in other words, immersed in a terrifying emotion!
Because the more I think about it, the more terrifying the truth behind it becomes!
To say that without the intervention of external forces, it is impossible for the asteroid “Death” to remain unchanged after being bombarded by seventy-two ballistic missiles!
Not to mention the impact of the nuclear explosion, the kinetic energy carried by the seventy-two ballistic missiles alone could not have played no role at all!
All of a sudden, he thought of the report on the asteroid “Death” in the “Slaying the “One Twenty Seven” God Plan’.
According to the report, this is an asteroid that has never been found in the solar system…
But at that time, neither Tang Zhenli nor the expert group paid too much attention to this less important piece of information!
After all, for now, humans have discovered 1.27 million asteroids in the solar system, and this is only a part of the asteroids in the solar system!
So at the time, everyone was rightI don’t care about this..
At this moment, this news, which seemed dull and important at the beginning, gave Tang Zhenli more room for reverie!
If this “Reaper” asteroid crisis didn’t happen naturally…then the reason behind this is simply making hair stand on end!
With this in mind, Tang Zhenli forced himself to calm down and stopped thinking about it.
Although the subsequent deduction and conjectures are creepy, the most important thing at this moment is not to explore the source of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid…
The most critical thing now is the survival of mankind!
Now, we can only see if the second wave of ballistic missiles will work!
If it still doesn’t work, then we can only let the latest researched space-based laser cannon be the truth…
In other words, to a certain extent, if the two rounds of ballistic missiles are ineffective, the truth behind this can basically be determined…
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli cleared all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and his expression became calm again.
Then he looked at the crowd, or at the billions of humans who were watching the live broadcast, and said in a calm tone.
“Continue to monitor, the data of the second round of ballistic missiles!”
The moment his calm yet warm voice fell, the atmosphere in the main control room visibly eased up a bit. Meng Siyuan couldn’t help but feel affirmed in his heart. After nodding towards Tang Zhenli, his expression returned to calm.
What happened just now, even though he couldn’t understand it, it really scared him a lot.
Now that Tang Zhenli’s expression has returned to normal, his mood has naturally eased.
At the same time, after Tang Zhenli finished speaking, the tense emotions of billions of humans watching the live broadcast gradually calmed down.
Afterwards, a wave of heated discussions arose on the Internet.
“I thought something happened? Judging by Professor Tang’s expression, it shouldn’t be a big deal…”
“With Academician Xiao Tang around, how could something happen? Looking at the situation, the crisis is almost resolved…”
“It seems that this crisis should be over… Let me tell you, there is a 90% probability, we can’t be so ‘lucky’! It’s a pity that the second round of ballistic missiles was wasted. …”
“What the upstairs said was a human language, so it’s a waste? You won’t feel it’s a waste when the ‘Death’ hits your head…”
“Isn’t that how weapons are used?”
At this moment, basically everyone is certain. Obviously, most people think that this time the ‘Reaper’ asteroid crisis should be over.
After all, a round of 72 ballistic missiles blasted out. Even a superpower cannot bear the power…
Let alone an asteroid with a diameter of only ten kilometers?
In terms of this idea, the speech also seemed a lot more natural.
However, compared to the gradually stable mood of the people, the hearts of the top leaders of the five major countries who have just learned of the latest situation are icy…
Seventy-two ballistic missiles failed to stop the ‘Reaper’ asteroid at all!
Looking at the report, even the speed has not weakened at all!
It’s hard not to feel hopeless about this discovery!
The first round of ballistic missiles had no effect at all with a 100% hit rate. This result made it hard for them to lie to themselves that the second round of ballistic missiles would be effective!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the Chief,
Ji Chengtian looked at the report transmitted from the “Phoenix” with a frosty face, which instantly changed his previously relaxed state of mind.
After a long while, this old man who had contributed most of his life to the scientific research of Longguo showed a look of powerlessness on his face for the first time.
After learning the real situation, he obviously didn’t think that the second round of ballistic missiles could play its due role…
After a long time, the face that was originally covered with powerlessness couldn’t help showing some relief, then shook his head, and muttered to himself in a calm tone.
“…It’s a pity…but I’ve tried my best…”
In fact, human beings have done their best to achieve this level!
But having said that, Ji Chengtian 4.2 still felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.
The human civilization that has lasted for millions of years may be coming to an end at this moment…
Even if the surviving human beings after the disaster may be able to resume their past glory, they are no longer the same civilization as before…
After being dazed for a while, Ji Chengtian’s eyes were fixed, and then he shook his head. His sense of responsibility as a leader instantly woke him up.
Now is not the time to be sentimental!
Next, he will do the last thing during his tenure—preparing to announce the final result of the “Slaying God Project”!
And this timing is after the news of the second round of ballistic missiles came!

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