Fireworks in the distance
At the same time, the official situation and data conveyed by the “Phoenix” not only appear on the desks of the leaders of major countries.
In fact, the expert group among various countries also received news of the failure of the first round of ballistic missile bombing immediately.
It has to be said that this result shocked all the experts and scholars who knew about it!
Originally, before this, they were all ready to start discussing the follow-up finishing plan for successfully intercepting the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
But the news had already been sent, and suddenly many experts and scholars lost control of their emotions!
Obviously, at this moment, this kind of result that completely violates the common sense of physics has caused many experts and scholars to follow in Tang Zhenli’s footsteps.
Under this deep thought, the experts and scholars have not given up. At this moment, they still want to understand the reason for this.
Even though human civilization might end here in an hour, they still couldn’t help their eager curiosity.
This kind of situation is not uncommon, and this unreasonable behavior may be the most obvious gap between ordinary people and idealists.
Under this earnest yearning, all experts and scholars have a consistent guess.
That is, on the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, it is very likely that there are substances composed of elements that humans have never discovered before!
Otherwise, even with the intervention of external forces, it is impossible to survive the bombardment of seventy-two nuclear bombs unscathed!
This idea has already appeared, and it has been unanimously approved by everyone!
A substance that can survive a nuclear bomb without a scratch… Just thinking about it makes people excited!
If it can be researched, it may even speed up the progress of human civilization again!
It’s a pity…the human beings today may not be able to wait for that moment…
Because this asteroid, which contains unknown substances, came with destruction and death!
In low earth orbit, on the “Phoenix”,
After returning to the central console, Tang Zhenli turned on the superconducting charging device of the space-based laser cannon with a calm expression…
Although the chances of using this yet-to-be-tested space-based laser cannon to intercept the ‘Reaper’ asteroid are pitifully small, even so, he still wants to try!
At this time, he obviously has given up hope for the second round of ballistic missiles.
It is now less than half an hour before the predicted impact time of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
Even in a few minutes, the news of the second round of ballistic missile bombardment will come.
But no matter how you deduce it, this news is definitely not good news.
It can be said that the current human civilization is already on the verge of serious damage or even destruction!
Even the next step is to step into a place of eternal doom!
But the more this kind of moment, the more calm Tang Zhenli is at this moment, or the more sober he is.
He knew that the current emotions would only affect him and have no effect.
If it turns out that human beings can’t stop the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, then he also wants to stay sober and walk towards death.
Meng Siyuan who was on the side looked at his extremely calm face, and his eyes wrinkled slightly.
This seemingly normal calm mood is so abnormal at this moment, so he can’t figure it out…
But seeing Tang Zhenli meticulously operating the interface, he was too embarrassed to ask.
But it was unavoidable that some traces were quietly left in my heart.
A few minutes later, a staff member came out of the main control room. His purpose was to walk towards Tang Zhenli.
When the man approached, Tang Zhenli raised his head subconsciously, and then raised his eyebrows slightly.
The person who came was none other than an old acquaintance, Wang Shan who was resident on the “Phoenix”.
At this time, Wang Shan’s face was serious, but upon closer inspection, her eyes showed a bit of powerlessness and worry.
It just so happened that these two emotions were captured by Tang Zhenli, who was thoughtful. You must know that this emotion had never appeared before when I worked with her…
Could it be… what new situation happened?
Just as she was about to ask, she found that Wang Shan handed over a piece of paper. After a cursory look, there were several coordinate trajectory maps and data on the paper.
Tang Zhenli subconsciously reached out to take the paper, glanced at it roughly, and his heart skipped a beat. Just as he was about to ask, he found that Wang Shan had already left the main control room.
In desperation, Tang Zhenli had no choice but to browse through the above data carefully, and the curious Meng Siyuan couldn’t help but look over.
After browsing through it carefully, even Tang Zhenli, who thought he was very calm at the moment, couldn’t help but feel some ups and downs.
What is described on this piece of paper is nothing but the latest trajectory map of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, as well as real-time calculated orbit data.
According to the data, the speed of the “Reaper” asteroid suddenly increased when it was 30,000 kilometers away from the earth.The speed I just observed has reached nearly 20 kilometers per second!
In other words, after withstanding the first round of missile bombardment, the speed of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid increased instead of decreasing, and even doubled!
This also means that the originally estimated time of less than half an hour will be doubled by 127. That is to say, there are still ten minutes before the ‘Grim Reaper’ will officially descend on the earth, bringing countless deaths and destroy!
At this moment, even the most stupid people can realize that the impact of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid on the earth was obviously not accidental, or in other words, the malice has been undisguised…
Under such circumstances, the chances of winning for humans are much lower.
At this point, Tang Zhenli also understood why Wang Shan handed him the paper without saying a word and left.
Such important news should not be said directly, or even if it is said, it should not be through their dialogue.
It can be seen that Wang Shan should be concerned about the live broadcast at this moment, so she didn’t speak from the beginning to the end.
But no matter whether you say it now or not, it is meaningless.
Because human beings at this moment… have no hope!
The civilization that has been developed for millions of years will usher in its final chapter!
Thanks to Wutong 0037 for the reward! ! !
Thanks to Wutong 0037 for the reward! ! !
Thanks to Wutong 0037 for the reward! ! !
Thanks to Wutong 0037 for the reward! ! !

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