The Last Ten Minutes of Human Beings
In low earth orbit, in the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’.
All the staff members at this moment are looking at the positions they insist on with concentrated expressions.
Meng Siyuan on the central control platform seemed to have realized something, and his expression was faintly serious.
Although he couldn’t understand the professional and rigorous data and formulas, he could feel the anomaly in the main control room.
It looked very quiet on the surface, but faintly, he could feel a strange atmosphere gradually fermenting in the main control room.
And this strange feeling became more and more intense with the passage of time. Under this situation, his heart gradually lifted.
On the live broadcast platform, billions of people watched the screen in the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’ intently.
It seems that they want to see something from the faces of the various staff members.
But from their perspective, every staff member has a very serious expression.
Except for the exclamation just now, everyone’s expression did not change because of the bombardment of the first round of ballistic missiles.
Gradually, they also seemed to feel that something was wrong. Didn’t the first round of ballistic missile bombardment have much effect?
Under such circumstances, everyone’s mentality has gradually changed, and the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere just now is no longer there.
Watching the live broadcast nervously.
This change seems to have returned to the original appearance, and everyone began to pray secretly.
Fortunately, there will be a second wave of ballistic missiles…
During the long wait, on the “Phoenix”,
Tang Zhenli looked at the two dots on the orbit map that were about to intersect without blinking his eyes, and then glanced at the estimated bombardment countdown from the corner of his eye, sweating secretly in his heart.
In one minute, the second wave of 72 ballistic missiles will come into contact with the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
In other words, it depends on this moment to stop the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
Although Tang Zhenli didn’t hold much hope in his heart, he still couldn’t help but want to see the result.
In other words, what is more important is to look at the changes of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid. If it still does not conform to the laws of physics as last time, and the speed still does not decrease, then this problem is not as big as usual…
At that time, if the ‘Reaper’ asteroid cannot be stopped, causing it to hit the earth and cause catastrophic changes in the ecological environment.
At that time, the human beings who will be severely injured and have no ability to respond will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered, let alone mermaids!
This is a far greater disaster for human beings than the “Reaper” asteroid hitting the earth!
After all, after the asteroid hits the earth, the ecological environment can gradually recover. Although human beings will be severely damaged, they cannot be completely extinct.
It just needs a long period of training, but if the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is being manipulated at this moment, then the mastermind behind the scenes must have a lot of plans in succession!
By that time, the human beings who have been restarted will have no power to resist!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help feeling a little worried. Although there was a high probability that he would no longer be able to see it at that time, this did not conflict with his worry.
After all, isn’t his lifelong dream to push human civilization to the stars and seas?
But now, human civilization may be stranded here before it sets sail…
Just as he was worrying, the screen of the central control computer on the central control platform also began to flash red lights!
And the appearance of these bursts of red light means that the second round of ballistic missiles has completely collided with the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
Even at this moment, the members on the “Phoenix” no longer need to look at their respective electronic screens. The distance of less than 30,000 kilometers can only be seen by naked eyes against the dark background. OneA shiny little dot! ! !
The small light spots exploded, exuding a fiery and dazzling brilliance, like a distant fireworks, untouchable, but inevitably addicting…
This scene even made the staff in the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’ forget the data monitored by the instrument for a while, so they couldn’t take their eyes off the fireworks in bloom in the distance!
Not only that, billions of people watched such a magnificent scene through the live broadcast, and it was difficult for them to calm down for a long time.
Before that, no one could have imagined that the most sophisticated weapons developed by human beings would reveal the violent aesthetics undisguised at this moment, completely reflected in everyone’s eyes.
Compared with before, nuclear weapons give everyone the impression of destruction and death, but at this moment, what it presents has shocked the hearts of every human being!
“.”It’s so beautiful! It’s dazzling~¨!”
“I never thought before that I would one day see nuclear weapons fighting for the future of humanity!”
“The original intention of human beings to develop weapons has always been to protect, not destroy!”
“This time, we must succeed!”
On the ‘Phoenix’, in the main control room,
As the light spots in the distance disappeared, the second wave of ballistic missile interceptions had also ended.
No matter how beautiful the fireworks in the distance are, they will end in the end!
At this point, the eyes of the staff in the main control room turned back to the background color of the universe.
Cold and realistic…..
Under these conditions, the staff present were not enough to judge the real-time status of the asteroid Reaper with the naked eye.
So subconsciously (got Zhao), all the staff looked towards the instrument they were in charge of.
The next moment, the atmosphere in the main control room was suddenly quiet….or dead silence!
Looking at the ‘Reaper’ asteroid still flying towards the earth in the orbit map,
They all know that nuclear weapons, which embody the hopes of many human beings, ultimately failed.
But for some reason, at this moment, they couldn’t bring up any negative emotions in their hearts.
Or….they were already mentally prepared before they set off on the expedition!
Therefore, at this time, the atmosphere in the main control room presented to the eyes of billions of humans is generally calm!
This also leads to the fact that everyone still does not know the current situation of human beings.
To live or to die, now becomes the question…

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