God does not play dice and fate never compromises
Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, Office of the Chief.
One minute after the second round of ballistic missiles successfully hit the ‘Reaper’ asteroid,
The news of the failure to intercept the “Death” asteroid has been notified to Ji Chengtian.
Under the circumstance that the second round of ballistic missiles did not work, the ‘Slaying Project’ of intercepting the ‘Reaper’ asteroid using the gravitational force of the lunar orbit naturally failed!
But looking at him at the moment, his eyes were extremely calm.
Then I saw a slight glance from the corner of his eyes, and looked at a brief statement in the corner of the desk.
That was the statement he wrote temporarily after learning that the first round of ballistic missile interception failed, that is, ten minutes ago,
When the juncture came, Ji Chengtian’s expression no longer had the powerlessness and seriousness he had before, instead he looked a little relaxed.
Now that the result is known, it doesn’t matter whether the result is good or bad at this moment…
After staring at the statement for a minute, Ji Chengtian slowly recovered.
It is also time to inform the public of this news. Although it is only a short ten minutes before the impact of the ‘Death God’ asteroid, they have the right to know!
At the same time, the news was widely circulated among the top leaders of various countries in the international community.
127 At this moment, the end of mankind is really coming!
In the next two minutes, the Dragon Kingdom officially released a description of the “Death” asteroid – “Declaration of the Doomsday of Humanity!” 》
“Inform all human beings to declare that it is regrettable that the ‘God Slaying Project’ failed five minutes ago. At present, the ‘Death’ asteroid is continuing to move towards the earth. It is predicted that there are still ten minutes before it hits the earth!”
“Dragon Kingdom hereby informs all mankind that when this disaster strikes, please do it for the sake of mankind! Live!”
Shortly after Long Kingdom issued the official announcement, various countries in the international community also issued statements one after another.
The speed was so fast that no one could react.
In the end, everyone was notified in the form of an interlude in the live broadcast room.
Almost instantly, billions of human beings were shocked by this news!
If the main tone of the waiting time on this day is suffering, then what has emerged in people’s hearts since then is despair.
“Failed…I don’t want to die…”
“Is humanity finally about to usher in the moment of destruction?”
“How….how can we fail!!!! Obviously we have used all the power we can use???!!!”
“The birth of human beings is so hasty, and I didn’t expect to perish…”
“Oh God! I don’t want to die!!!”
“Gods… please bless your followers!”
At this moment, most human beings are in despair,Subconsciously, he wants to rely on his own demands to the gods.
But at this moment, this is just for peace of mind.
In just a few minutes, as more and more people knew about it, the taut string in some people’s heart finally broke!
And the consequence of this is that he loses his reason and falls into madness!
But in the last ten minutes of this human being, they found that all they could do was in vain.
So in a short period of time, more and more people began to accept the coming of “Death”, or… accept the reality that they will die soon.
If this is normal, it is obviously impossible.
But this is a good thing for human beings, if they die!
After all, no one knew that the severely injured human beings would be reduced to this situation again after this!
But most of the people at the moment still keep the reason to live.
In an organized situation, they hid in the underground air-raid shelter and waited for the impact…  
Shanghai market, Dijing Mansion,
Inside the underground shelter,
As one of the top luxury communities in the Shanghai market, there is a secret air defense project under the ordinary double-storey underground parking lot, and the materials that can basically maintain basic living guarantees are quite complete.
Not only that, but hundreds of rooms, large and small, have been built here, so each household has its own small room.
Although it’s just an ordinary rough house with very rough conditions, compared to most people at this moment, it seems to be extremely safe.
At this time, the family of three gathered in a small room.
Old-fashioned, yellowed light bulbs are steadily playing their last light in the room, and after a few minutes, all kinds of modern things will no longer appear, including electricity.
There are several small tents in the room, and in addition, there are several small folding chairs, so it looks like a shelter.
In fact, the moment he received the notice, the thoughtful Tang Lizhe took Tang Ziyue and Chen Xinyao directly to the place, and made various preparations before the disaster.
If the ‘Reaper’ asteroid can survive after hitting the earth, then they will settle here for a long time to come.
At this moment, the family of three is enjoying the last convenient live broadcast belonging to human civilization!
From the perspective of the current live broadcast of the ‘Phoenix’, the ‘Death’ asteroid at this moment can already see its final trajectory.
And this trajectory is becoming clearer as time goes by.
Looking at Tang Zhenli in the main control room, the family of three was not as worried as before.
But there is an incomparably calm look on his face.
But calm returned to calm. At this moment, no one spoke. Even Tang Ziyue, who had always been quirky and eccentric, looked at her brother’s back quietly on the screen.
Obviously for them, at such a moment, the ‘Phoenix’ in space must be safe!
Even if the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hits the earth, it will naturally not affect the ‘Phoenix’ orbiting in low-Earth orbit.
From another point of view, Tang Zhenli is safe now.
After realizing this, it is natural for them to feel relieved.

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