A few minutes later, there were still five minutes before the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hit.
In the underground storage room,
Wu Shaoying looked up at the top of the storage room, as if she could see Tang Zhenli far away in space through many obstacles.
At this moment, her biggest psychological support is Tang Zhenli on the “Phoenix”, because at least she knows, but no matter what, Tang Zhenli is safe.
This is also the reason why she can keep calm. As long as Tang Zhenli is still around, her heart will never be disturbed.
But that she can do it without psychological burden doesn’t mean that everyone can do it.
Just like Xiao Yin at that time.
At this time, the little assistant’s eye circles were red and even a little swollen. After contacting his family, he sobbed and leaned towards “127” Wu Shaoying.
“Sister Yingying, I’m afraid…”
After all, she is the youngest of the four girls, and her endurance is not as good as the other three.
Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin are still in contact with their family members, so the only one she can rely on is Wu Shaoying.
And Wu Shaoying over here couldn’t help but feel soft when she heard the words, she stretched out her hand and gently pulled Xiao Yin over, then stroked her little head, and said in a gentle tone.
“Don’t worry…it’s okay, it will pass soon…”
Following Wu Shaoying’s soft voice,I don’t know if the assistant really listened to her, or if Xiao Yin just wanted to rely on her at the moment.
After hearing the words, the assistant was instantly convinced, and stopped sobbing the next moment, then raised his head and asked Wu Shaoying weakly.
“Sister Yingying, really?”
Looking at the hopeful eyes of the little assistant, for some reason, Wu Shaoying felt an inexplicable pain in her heart, so she could only continue to comfort him along the way.
“Of course, when have I lied to you, I said it’s okay to be okay…”
Saying that, Wu Shaoying leaned her head over and gently rubbed the assistant’s head with her own, trying to relieve Xiao Yin’s nervousness.
At the same time, Wu Shaoying’s other side didn’t fall, she picked up her phone and watched the live broadcast on the last ‘Phoenix’.
For some reason, the current Dragon Kingdom has not stopped the live broadcast on the ‘Phoenix’.
So at this moment, the picture inside the ‘Phoenix’ is still clearly visible.
But unlike usual, Tang Zhenli was the only one left in the main control room at the moment…
Ten minutes ago, in low-Earth orbit, in the main control room on the Phoenix.
After learning that the ‘God Slaying Project’ failed, the emotions of the staff present did not show much.
After that, I don’t know who took the lead, the staff in the main control room began to get up gradually, put down their work, and then walked towards the main control room.
At the last minute, they didn’t want to be confined to the main control room.
At least at this moment, for humans, they have done their best.
As the pioneers of mankind, they are undoubtedly qualified!
But the helpless “Death” asteroid has too many things beyond expectations, so with their abilities, they are powerless at this moment.
Until the end, only Meng Siyuan and Tang Zhenli were left in the main control room.
At this time, how could Meng Siyuan not understand that the ‘God Slaying Project’ had failed.
But thinking of this, his face showed a bit of freedom.
The moment a soldier puts on a military uniform, he is doomed to put his life and death aside, so at this moment, he is naturally extremely free and easy.
It’s just a pity that as a soldier, he didn’t complete the task that he should complete.
But at the very least, he is confident that no one can do better than the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force for this ‘God Slaying Project’!
But at this critical juncture, everything has become meaningless.
So, after observing Tang Zhenli for a while, he confirmed that he had no intention of leaving, and then Meng Siyuan left the main control room without hesitation.
So far, in the live broadcast screen in the main control room, only Tang Zhenli’s back is left alone.
At this time, he was still operating something on the central control computer on the central control platform, and his flexible fingers were dancing on the console like a smart dancer…
While looking at the constantly changing data on the central control computer, the operations in his hands are still neat and tidy.
Obviously at this moment, he has not given up his last hope!
At the last critical moment, he still wanted to give it a try….
Try it with a space-based laser cannon…
While watching the progress of the charging data on the central control computer, on the other side, he looked at the orbital monitoring data of the ‘Death’ asteroid on the other screen.
In fact, at this time, the ‘Death’ asteroid will hit the earth in less than ten minutes.
Through the cabin window in the main control room, he could already see the trajectory of an asteroid flying over in the distance.
But even so, his mind was still extremely calm and sober.
Because he knew that the more critical it was, the more he had to keep his calm!
And his attitude is naturally presented to everyone through the live broadcast…
Although it is approaching the brink of doom, there are still people paying attention to the live broadcast at this moment.
Especially when I saw Tang Zhenli’s back alone, although I didn’t know what Tang Zhenli was doing, I was still touched…
“What is Professor Tang doing?? Could it be…”
4.2 “Two rounds of ballistic missiles have been launched, and human beings have all their cards out. It’s impossible…”
“But why do I feel something inexplicable in my heart…feeling…”
“Academician Xiao Tang hasn’t given up yet…”
At this moment, although everyone knows that this crisis is difficult to overcome, everyone can feel the power brought by Tang Zhenli at this moment.
Although Tang Zhenli was the only one in the picture, they seemed to see thousands of troops on him!
Because Tang Zhenli…has not given up yet!

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