‘Sword of Slaying God’
Low Earth Orbit, the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’,
At this time, there are still three minutes before the asteroid “Death” hits the earth!
Tang Zhenli’s expression was extremely focused, even though the end of mankind was coming, he still did not stop the movements in his hands…
Superconducting energy storage device…continuously charging!
Seeing that the energy storage has reached 100%, Tang Zhenli’s expression remained unchanged, and he did not mean to stop charging…
One of the biggest advantages of superconducting devices is that they can be supercharged!
At this moment, Tang ZhenWell, that’s what I want!
In his estimation, the space-based laser cannon should be launched at a distance from the “Death” asteroid that would cause an acceptable range of disaster to the earth!
The reason is very simple. Now every second you charge, the odds of winning will increase by one point!
So he wants to control it within a limit distance17.
Because now, human beings really only have one last chance!
For this opportunity, Tang Zhenli was willing to take a risk!
everything! For the continuation of civilization!
At this time, Tang Zhenli was so calm that it was incomparable. He was strengthened by the system to make his brain run wildly. At this time, the monitoring data and trajectory map of the “Death” asteroid that needed supercomputer calculations were deduced in his mind like crazy!
In other words, at this moment, his brain computing power is comparable to that of a supercomputer, or even better!
Because in addition to this, he is still thinking and measuring the most suitable time!
Under the circumstance that he can fully use his brain power, Tang Zhenli has completely multi-tasked!
In this state, the blessing of Tang Zhenli’s personal abilities is undoubtedly terrifying!
But at this time, Tang Zhenli’s eyes were dry and bloodshot from staring at the orbital map of the asteroid “Death” for a long time, which made him look a little scary now.
This is also a side effect of this state. In addition to overdrawing a lot of energy, the brain can’t even blink the subconscious.
Because now, his brain has been used to the extreme!
Just like an overloaded computer, in the case of efficient operation, some unnecessary programs have been automatically closed. …
And at this moment, Tang Zhenli is this overloaded computer!
On the other hand, perhaps it is to record the doomsday moment of mankind, the live broadcast platform is still not closed at this time,
At this critical juncture, there are still many people watching the lonely back on the central control platform through the live broadcast, and their moods are inexplicably complicated.
It was so complicated that they didn’t even know how to describe this scene in words, like a bright light in the darkness that might go out at any time.
When everyone gave up, Tang Zhenli still didn’t give up.
At least at this moment, the fire of hope for mankind has not been cut off!
In an instant, the hearts of everyone watching the live broadcast at this moment seemed to be infected by Tang Zhenli in the picture. Just by looking at Tang Zhenli’s back, a fire seemed to be ignited in their hearts!
The pessimism at the end of the day has also been temporarily forgotten. . . .
As long as human beings retain hope, no matter how hard-hit human beings are, there will eventually be a day when they will rise again.
It’s like Pandora’s Box, although it brings doomsday, it also brings last hope!
When most people think of this, an inexplicable force seems to flow from their bodies!
Even when they looked at the lonely back in the center of the screen, their eyes were full of heat that they didn’t even notice!
This scene has been deeply engraved in their hearts and will never be forgotten!
It can be said without a doubt.
Now that figure has become the spiritual leader of all mankind! ! !
Although they do not think that Tang Zhenli can save the world and all mankind, but with this spirit of unwillingness to give up, this hope of forging ahead!
They firmly believe that no matter how much crisis humanity has suffered this time, they can go on with this hope.
And this emotion, this confidence, or the reason for this hope is all because of Tang Zhenli.
That Tang Zhenli who hasn’t given up yet!
At this moment, Tang Zhenli has truly achieved that one person affects everyone through his actions!
Under this premise, the fire of hope in the hearts of more and more people is ignited, and the number of people with pessimism is getting less and less. …
This fire of hope, in the last few minutes of human beings, was like a prairie prairie, spreading at an extremely rapid speed among all human beings.
And this fire of hope is burning regardless of region, race, ethnicity, or country…
It can skim the endless ice fields, the winding peaks, the endless deserts, and the 127 endless hills…
It can appear in anyone’s heart!
At the moment, everyone has forgotten the useless prayers and abandoned the false gods…  
At the moment when the fire of hope passed by, they clearly realized that it was never the gods who could save them, and only themselves could save them!
So, when everyone realizes this moment, all human beings become their own gods! ! !
It’s just that at this moment, it’s not too late, it’s too early…
It’s late that the asteroid “Death” is coming…  
Early on, after the disaster, the new life of mankind is also coming…  
At this moment, almost everyone is staring at the “Death” who is close at hand in the live broadcast screen.
It flew over the ‘tail’ left behind and pulled out a long trajectory, showing it in everyone’s sight.
This asteroid, which brought destruction and death, also heralded the arrival of a new era of mankind when it hit the earth.
So at this moment, everyone looked nervously at the ‘Death’ asteroid that brought drastic changes to mankind!

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