Tang Zhenli, the ‘God’ Killer
The ‘Reaper’ asteroid hitThere are two minutes.
low earth orbit,
In the main control room on the ‘Phoenix’,
What Tang Zhenli didn’t know was that he just wanted to fight for the last chance for mankind…
It actually sublimated the hearts of all mankind, and directly added a hope buff.
At this moment, he was still looking at the trajectory of the asteroid “Death” with bloodshot eyes.
In one more minute, the asteroid Reaper will enter the Earth’s atmosphere.
And at that time, it was the critical moment that Tang Zhenli needed to control.
At the current speed of the ‘Death’ asteroid, this timing is only an instant, which is not a small difficulty for him.
And there are also high requirements for the accuracy of space-based laser cannons.
After all, there is only one chance for a space-based laser cannon!
This is another test for him!
In other words, he must aim at the head and control the timing perfectly before he can hit the ‘Death’ asteroid!
And it was just a hit. As for whether it would have an effect, Tang Zhenli himself didn’t know.
Looking at the charging data gradually turning red on the electronic screen, Tang Zhenli’s eyes became more and more firm.
At this time, everyone watching the live broadcast looked at the ‘Death’ asteroid that was ‘close at hand’, and then looked at Tang Zhenli, who was still motionless.
Even at this last moment, everyone couldn’t help but feel suspicious.
“What is Professor Tang doing?”
“If you didn’t give up, you should act…”
“Although I know that it is likely to have no effect, it should indeed take some action…”
“No matter what Professor Tang is going to do, all we need to do is to prepare for the bombardment of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid…”
“For mankind! For yourself! In the name of survival, everyone, live on~¨!”
At this moment, they all knew clearly in their hearts that two minutes later, under this apocalyptic disaster, the fresh life that was still speaking on the Internet might wither in an instant.
At the same time, low-Earth orbit,
On the central control platform of the ‘Phoenix’.
Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a crimson color. Under the high-speed operation of his brain, his face gradually turned red.
But he didn’t pay any attention to it at all. At this moment, all his focus was on the central control computer. While looking at the electronic screen, he secretly counted down in his heart.
In this state of using his brain to the limit, he can even control his heartbeat.
While this can calm him down, it can also control his heartbeat to beat every second, which can be used to accurately calculate the time.
Now, there are still one minute and thirty seconds before the ‘Reaper’ asteroid hits the earth!
In other words, there are still thirty seconds left before his time under control.
At such a tense moment, although Tang Zhenli’s face appeared to be flushed red on the surface, upon closer inspection, he would find that his crimson eyeballs were shining with rational light!
A strong sense of contrast was perfectly reflected on his face, and if anyone saw it, it would inevitably be another burst of amazement.
“twenty four….”
“twenty three…”
As time passed by, Tang Zhenli’s fingers also aimed at the space-based laser cannon in real time according to the data fed back in his brain!
At this moment, in Tang Zhenli’s brain calculation, the speed of the ‘Death’ asteroid has reached 20 kilometers per second!
In other words, the second round of ballistic missiles repeated the mistakes of the first wave of ballistic missiles!
Not only did it not stop the ‘Death’ asteroid, on the contrary, it greatly increased the speed of the ‘Death’ asteroid!
This has undoubtedly been confirmed, there must be something tricky behind this ‘Reaper’ asteroid of unknown origin!
But at this moment, there is no time for him to think about it.
Now his body is tied to the direction of human civilization!
Then Tang Zhenli subconsciously glanced at the electronic screen.
I saw that the pattern of the superconducting energy storage device representing the space-based laser gun on the screen has turned bright red, which also means that the charging of the superconducting energy storage device at this time is already on the verge of its limit!
But he knows that now is not the time…
With his mind very calm, he could clearly feel the sound of his heartbeat.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four…”
The last three seconds!
At this moment, Tang Zhenli’s eyes suddenly burst into a light!
His mind has never been so clear!
At the last second, he could clearly feel that everything was becoming extremely slow in his eyes!
In other words, for him, the flow of time has slowed down at this time!
At this moment, he can even see that the asteroid “Death” has begun to contact the earth’s atmosphere, and he can see that the fire caused by the friction with the atmosphere is obviously lit up!
It’s now!
In the next moment, with the heartbeat of the last ‘puff’ in his heart, Tang Zhenli completed all the calibrations and calculations in the last second, and then stably pressed the launch button!
Afterwards, I saw a blazing light from the newly installed space-based laser muzzle at the bow of the ‘Phoenix’, targeting the ‘Death’ asteroid that was about to enter the atmosphere!
(Get Zhao) From Tang Zhenli’s line of sight, the light emitted by the space-based laser cannon is generally golden. Although it is less than one millimeter directly, it is like a substance.Generally still,
Under the guidance of Tang Zhenli’s precise data.
The light formed by the space-based laser cannon is like a sharp sword that slays the gods, and it seems to be slashing straight towards the ‘Death God’ asteroid with supreme might!
This blow! It’s bound to kill God!
So, in the next instant, the sharp sword hit the body of the asteroid “Death”.
At this time, no matter how fast the ‘Death’ asteroid is, it cannot escape the pursuit of the speed of light!
In the next moment, the ‘Death’ asteroid seemed to be directly penetrated, and the light from the sky laser cannon poured out directly from the other end of the ‘Death’ asteroid, heading for space!

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