The Fall of the ‘Phoenix’
While Tang Zhenli pressed the button…
On the last minute live broadcast platform, there were still many people gathered, watching Tang Zhenli on the screen.
After Tang Zhenli pressed the button, a blazing light flashed across the screen, and the people who were still watching the live broadcast only felt their eyes blink and closed their eyes subconsciously.
Because the speed of light was so fast, they couldn’t see the scene where the laser cannon penetrated the asteroid “Death” in the blink of an eye.
“What happened? That light is so strong…”
“Did Academician Xiao Tang prepare it?”
“I only feel that my eyes are blurred… Is there a second plan for the ‘God Slaying Project’?”
“Is that a light? I’ve never seen such a blazing light, why do I feel even brighter than the sun?”
“Is that also part of the ‘God Slaying Project’?”
At this moment, not only ordinary people are dumbfounded.
Even all the senior leaders of the major countries were stunned.
Could it be that the Dragon Kingdom still has some unknown hole cards in the dark? ? ?
In fact, even Ji Chengtian at this time was shocked, and he was a little puzzled after being shocked.
At this time, he was in the emergency shelter under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Dragon Country.
The sanctuary under the Ministry of Science and Technology is actually another Ministry of Science and Technology re-engraved underground, and it can also meet the requirements and conditions of office work.
Ji Chengtian is now in the underground benchmarking office. Originally, he wanted to watch the scene of the asteroid “Death” hitting the earth from the perspective of the “Phoenix”.
But what happened just now still gave him an inexplicable shock in his heart.
However, his rich work experience allowed him to immediately judge what the light that flashed just now was.
As the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology for many years, he also has knowledge of high-tech laser weapons in various countries.
So after realizing it, a thought flashed in Ji Chengtian’s eyes, and then he murmured in a low voice.
“….this is….laser?”
After he finished speaking, Ji Chengtian’s eyes were condensed for the next second, his heart trembled, and then he looked at the live broadcast screen again, or, in other words, looked at Tang Zhenli in the live broadcast screen.
After all…he knew the purpose of the Space Strategic Force’s secondment of Tang Zhenli…
At this moment, whether it is Tang Lizhe’s family of three in the Shanghai stock market, Wu Shaoying’s daughters in Yandu, or Tang Heguang in the Northwest Aerospace Base.
After seeing this scene, my heart skipped a beat.
As Tang Zhenli’s closest people, according to Tang Zhenli’s character, this time, it seems that Tang Zhenli has been in the main control room for a long time.
So at this moment, there is an inexplicable anticipation in everyone’s heart.
Looking at Tang Zhenli in the center of the screen, he meditated in his heart,
This time, we must succeed!
Above low-Earth orbit, in the main control room of the ‘Phoenix’,
After seeing the ‘Reaper’ asteroid penetrated by the light from the space-based laser cannon.
In Tang Zhenli’s eyes, the world at this moment seemed to be frozen at this moment, becoming very quiet and slow.
Even he didn’t expect that the power generated by the space-based laser cannon could penetrate the ‘Death’ asteroid.
You know, this is an existence that one hundred and forty-four nuclear weapons could not shatter!
But thinking about Tang Zhenli is relieved. Although the energy generated by the Skyline Laser Cannon does not require nuclear weapons, it can generate energy with the same attacked area. Space-based laser cannons are definitely stronger than nuclear weapons!
But…the “Death” asteroid is penetrated does not mean that the crisis is lifted…
So at this moment, Tang Zhenli, who had been calm for a long time, couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.
He now wants to urgently know the result of the space-based laser cannon. Even if the result is not satisfactory, he can say that he did his best!
The next moment, the flow of time seemed to return to normal,
I saw that the ‘Death’ asteroid that was penetrated was still flying towards the earth as if it had not suffered any changes.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s whole person seemed to be in a much depressed state. Looking at the asteroid “Death” that was castrated, he lowered his eyes and murmured subconsciously.
“Did you fail…”
But just after his voice fell, the speed of the asteroid “Death” slowed down for a moment.
If someone can see the surface of the asteroid “Death”, then they can clearly feel the tremor on the star of the asteroid “Death” rushing towards the earth.
In the next instant, a golden light emanated from its interior, which seemed to be the energy of the laser cannon that had just been fired by the space-based laser cannon, creating a crack in its star.
This ‘Reaper’ asteroid, which is not even capable of nuclear weapons, has a space-based laser cannon.Under the penetration, it is undoubtedly suffering from internal injuries.
As the golden light became more and more intense, the cracks became bigger and bigger…. The interior of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid also became more and more unstable, like a trembling old man on the verge of death!
It can be seen from this that the previous space-based laser cannon did produce a reaction inside it.
And under the ultra-high-speed conditions, coupled with the violent friction just after entering the atmosphere, these cracks are undoubtedly like reminders,
Accelerating the demise of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid!
So in the next moment, the “Reaper” asteroid that was first disintegrated in the interior exploded at an extremely high speed and turned into fragments all over the sky. Most of them flew towards space by the impact of the explosion, and some of them flew towards the earth. fall.
But looking at the scale, most of them should be burned up in the atmosphere. Even if they are lucky enough to fall to the earth, it won’t cause any trouble!
It’s too late to say, but it’s too fast. In fact, all of this happened in an instant.
This moment was so fast that even Tang Zhenli couldn’t react.
In his line of sight, it felt like less than a second.
The ‘Reaper’ asteroid in the distance exploded, and the fragments scattered in all directions!
Seeing this moment, he raised his eyebrows for an instant, and then his expression moved, and he let go of his heart!

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