The Danger of the ‘Phoenix’
At this moment, Tang Zhenli succeeded in doing what a god could not do with his mortal body!
And with his own strength, he successfully killed the gods! ! !
Not only that, but the explosion scene of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid also clearly appeared in front of all the viewers who were watching the live broadcast.
At the moment when the ‘Reaper’ asteroid exploded, everyone was stunned when they saw the fragments scattered all over the sky~.
Obviously, such a violent reversal made everyone’s brains offline, so that no one reacted.
One breath!
Two breaths!
Three breaths!
Still no one responded.
At this moment, everyone’s minds are blank!
No matter who comes here, it will be difficult to adapt to this transformation in a short period of time.
It is clear that at the previous moment, human beings were still in a life-and-death crisis, but in the next second, this crisis will be resolved? ? ! !
Miracles are no longer enough to describe what everyone is thinking at this time. I am afraid this series can only be attributed to miracles!
This is, someone finally reacted, the moment he realized it.
Everyone’s first emotion is ecstasy and relaxation. Nothing can be more ups and downs than a life-and-death crisis.
The feeling of surviving after a catastrophe is ten thousand times stronger than the thrill of riding a roller coaster.
Previously, the “Reaper” asteroid was like a heavy boulder, weighing heavily on the hearts of all human beings, and brought a life-and-death crisis!
But now, this boulder has turned into countless fragments. The boulder pressing on the top of the human head was directly smashed to pieces by a beam of laser cannon!
The next second, everyone who came to their senses rushed from the ground to the surface, wanting to see this exciting scene!
And as soon as everyone reached the ground, they found that the blazing light from the explosion of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid blinded them, as if another small sun had appeared in the sky!
But it also means that everything they saw on the live broadcast is real!
Humanity has really successfully overcome this crisis!
The dark clouds that had accumulated over human heads for a long time completely dissipated at this moment and turned into nothing!
After that, as the light from the explosion weakened, they gradually opened their eyes.
But at the next moment, they saw the most spectacular scene in their lives.
When the fragments from the explosion of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid fell towards the atmosphere, they turned into shining meteors one after another, appearing in front of everyone’s eyes.
A scene of a different kind of meteor shower just appeared in everyone’s eyes!
The ‘Reaper’ asteroid brought a visual feast to mankind at the last moment of its life!
It seems to be celebrating the new life of this human being!
In the next moment, smart people came to their senses.
That ray of light! ! !
And at this moment, the live broadcast platform was crowded with excited people and it was about to boil!
“Damn it! What happened??!!”
“Who can tell me what happened??”
“Why did the ‘Reaper’ asteroid explode in an instant??!!”
“Is it Academician Xiao Tang???”
“I see, light! It’s that light!!! Professor Tang??!”
“It turns out that the core weapon of the ‘God Slaying Project’ is that ray of light??”
“Impossible. If this is the case, it is impossible for all countries to issue a statement. I am afraid that the current leaders are at a loss! In my opinion, the core secret weapon of the “Slaying God Project” should be Professor Tang!”
“Yes, I think so too!”
“However, I have to say that the power of this light is even stronger than nuclear weapons?”
“One hundred and forty-four nuclear weapons have not been able to damage the asteroid ‘Reaper’, how strong is Academician Xiao Tang’s ‘secret hole card’???”
“The history of mankind will never forget this scene, and mankind has been reborn since then!”
“Using one’s own strength to kill gods and save mankind! What a great feat this is!!! A mortal body is comparable to a god!””I would like to be called the god of technology!!!”
“God of Technology!”
“God of Technology!”
While everyone was talking wildly, the senior leaders of various countries were indeed at a loss when the ‘Reaper’ asteroid exploded.
But soon, they all realized that this time, the human crisis has been resolved!
So in the first place, all countries, including the Dragon Kingdom, issued announcements one after another!
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
The threat of ‘Reaper’ has been completely lifted!
Humanity has successfully overcome this crisis! ! !
Yandu, Jinling Bieyuan,
At this moment, the streets that were empty a moment ago are full of people.
Including Wu Shaoying’s four daughters who were originally hidden in the underground storage room, they all came to the ground from the ground.
Obviously, everyone’s faces showed different expressions of relief after realizing that they had passed the crisis.
And the little assistant, who was always used to showing his emotions on his face, was even more excited, pointing to the meteors scattered in the sky and excitedly said to the other three girls.
“Sister Yingying, look quickly, Meteor!!!”
Seeing this, Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin also looked at each other and smiled. Obviously, they were also very excited at this time.
Wu Shaoying also looked up at the sky, staring blankly at the sky.
But unlike the little assistant, what she saw was not a shooting star…
At this moment, she looked at the boundless sky, her eyes were full of nostalgia and yearning, and a beautiful smile subconsciously appeared on the corner of her mouth.
Finally, finally, I can go on with Tang Zhenli again!
In low earth orbit, on the “Phoenix”,
Different from the relaxed mood of the people on the ground, Tang Zhenli had a solemn expression on his face at this moment.
Because he discovered that since the “Reaper” asteroid and the “Phoenix” are in low-earth orbit at the same time, the distance is neither close nor far.
So the shock wave generated by the explosion just now will affect the ‘Phoenix’ in a few minutes!
Of course, he wouldn’t worry if it was the ‘Phoenix’ under normal conditions, but now the energy of the ‘Phoenix’ is almost absorbed by the space-based laser cannon.
Now it can only complete the normal orbital operation. Although it can be recovered, it is definitely not a short-lived present!
According to his estimation, the shock wave generated by the explosion will reach the ‘Phoenix’ in a few minutes.
At this moment, even he doesn’t know what the consequences will be!
A little bit of trouble is the risk of falling!
So his heart was raised again in an instant…
The crisis of human life and death has passed, but at this moment the crisis of the “Phoenix”… is here!

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