: Tang Zhenli Returning to the Stars
above low Earth orbit,
A huge tidal shock wave carried countless destructive fragments towards the ‘Phoenix’.
At this moment, whether it is the audience watching the live broadcast or the “Feng” who stick to their respective posts,The Phoenix’ crew members, too, looked at the shock wave that swept through the sky.
They all looked very nervous, especially the crew members on the ‘Phoenix’, their eyes flashed with determination while they were nervous.
They know that if the previous “God Slaying Plan” was to fight for all mankind, then now, it is to fight for themselves!
The most important thing is that now they have no way out!
Surrounded by this kind of tension, the shock wave carried by the asteroid “Death” went from far to near, and in a total of more than ten seconds from the initial discovery to the present, it has already approached the “Phoenix”.
And now it seems that where this shock wave is a ‘line’, this is clearly a monstrous ‘giant wave’!
Under this ‘big wave’, even the viewers who watched the live broadcast couldn’t help but feel heartfelt shock! So feel the insignificance of manpower!
They can’t help but wonder, are humans not even dust in the face of this supernatural phenomenon?
The audience through the live broadcast was still so shocked, not to mention the crew members of the ‘Phoenix’ at the moment, and in the field, the shock was far more than a small screen!
They can feel that in front of this ‘big wave’,
Even the huge ‘Phoenix’ in front of it is like a lonely, windy boat, and it may be torn apart by this ‘giant wave’ at any time!
But…for human beings, the universe is like this, magnificent and cruel, cold and small!
Looking at the approaching ‘giant waves’, the technicians in each cabin tightened the safety ropes tied around their waists, and their eyes exuded incomparable determination.
At the same time, the audience watching the live broadcast watched this desperate scene, and they were counting silently in their hearts.

It’s just that I haven’t counted one yet, and I saw that the shock wave generated by the explosion of the ‘Death’ asteroid hit the ship of the ‘Phoenix’ at a speed far beyond everyone’s expectations.
Almost instantly, the ‘Phoenix’ was really like a small boat in a storm. It turned over dozens of times and flew away in a spinning direction!
If it weren’t for the space environment, the terrifying speed of rotation alone would be enough to make people faint!
But this is the case. At this moment, the ‘Phoenix’ still lost the control of human beings, and was sitting and moving irregularly in the direction away from the earth!
Under the impact of various substances in the shock wave, the exterior of the ‘Phoenix’ was almost completely shattered, and the vacuum and low pressure environment instantly pushed into the interior of the cabin!
The body of the ship is even more red light, and the alarm is endless. If it wasn’t for Tang Zhenli’s order, everyone was evacuated to the second floor of the ship, or the moment the shock wave hit the ‘Phoenix’, ‘Phoenix’ The crew of the No. ‘ is about to suffer heavy casualties!
After dozens of seconds, the power of the shock wave gradually dissipated, but from time to time there were various meteorites, and the materials hit the exterior of the ‘Phoenix’.
But fortunately, the worst didn’t happen, the ‘Phoenix’ didn’t disintegrate. Anyway, under the buffer of the outer cabin, they managed to survive!
At this time, the various technicians who had prepared in advance did not relax, but under the protection of safety ropes, repaired the leaked and damaged parts of the second-floor cabin as originally planned.
The crisis has not been resolved, because they still have to rely on the ‘Phoenix’ to return to the ground. If the ‘Phoenix’ does not lose its basic functions due to damage, then even if they are not crushed to death by the shock wave, they will still be unable to survive. Go back to earth and starve to death!
At present, the internal basic energy of the ‘Phoenix’ is fairly stable, but the internal gravity system, the directional control system and the power module have all lost control, causing them to all float inside the cabin at the moment!
From the outside, the ‘Phoenix’ seems to have shrunk by a whole circle, and it looks much smaller, and these are caused by the forced separation of the outer cabin!
With the passage of time, the power of the shock wave gradually diminished, and the speed at which the ‘Phoenix’ was swept also gradually slowed down.
At this moment, all the crew members of the ‘Phoenix’ know that they have successfully survived!
Although it is temporary, it is still alive now!
Immediately, there was a burst of cheers from the cabin inside the ‘Phoenix’! ! !
On the other hand, unlike what the crew of the ‘Phoenix’ saw, the audience in the live broadcast room saw another picture.
At the beginning of the shock wave hitting the ‘Phoenix’, from everyone’s perspective, the picture twirled wildly, just when everyone was about to lose sight of it.
The speed of the rotation of the screen gradually slowed down, and it has reached a state where people can look directly.
But just when everyone was about to relax and think that the crisis was over, a violent sound resounded in everyone’s ears!
And the next picture made their hearts twitch suddenly.
A sharp column was swept by the shock wave, and it struck directly towards the main control room at high speed!
In an instant, he slammed into the transparent window of the high-strength molecule in the main control room, and the force of the force directly smashed the transparent window into a big gap!
Main control room, damaged! ! !
Almost instantly, everything in the main control room was sucked towards the smashed gap under the vacuum and low pressure environment!
Including all kinds of instruments and equipment, they were directly swept into space from the gap!
But what was even more shocking was behind.
faintThe seat belt on Tang Zhenli’s body, who fell asleep, was gradually torn under the control of the huge suction force. In the next instant, Tang Zhenli’s entire body, like the equipment, was directly sucked by the gap.
The next second, the screen in the hands of the horrified people instantly turned black!
The live broadcast signal is lost!
And Tang Zhenli, at this point, he doesn’t know if he is alive or dead! ! !

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