Arrangement on the Eve of the Rescue
Thirty seconds before the shock wave arrived,
Shanghai market, Dijing Mansion,
Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue were sitting on the sofa, watching the live broadcast with extremely nervous expressions.
She clenched her fists together, and she turned pale when she pinched it. In the end, she couldn’t help but tremble slightly. Under the high tension, a morbid ruddy appeared on her face at this moment.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue on the side could not help but quietly hold her mother’s trembling hands.
Looking at her brother on the screen, she is not nervous, but she is nervous, she knows that emotional stability is the most important thing at this moment.
Later, at the moment when the shock wave arrived, the hearts of the mother and daughter were even mentioned in their throats.
Looking at the live broadcast, the mother and daughter are still watching the scene without blinking.
With the passage of time, the speed of the screen rotation gradually slowed down~.
And this also means that the shock wave brought by the “Death” asteroid is still in the past, and the impact has gradually disappeared.
Just when Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue put down the boulder in their hearts and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
An emergency happened, the main control room was knocked out a big gap, and everything was sucked and flew towards space, including Tang Zhenli sitting on the center console.
However, before they could react, the live broadcast screen went black and the signal was lost.
At the same time, Chen Xinyao’s face turned pale when she saw Tang Zhenli being absorbed, and then she felt faint in her mind, and then her eyes darkened.
It turned out to be too much sadness, and passed out directly.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue’s face turned pale in an instant, and she hurriedly approached her mother and hugged the unconscious mother into her arms.
For a while, Tang Ziyue only felt that she had suffered a double blow.
This kind of blow was undoubtedly too cruel for a young girl who had just grown up. In addition, Tang Lizhe went out again at the moment. With his mind swaying, Tang Ziyue, who had lost her support, gradually lost her sight.
While embracing the fainted Chen Xinyao, watching the live broadcast of the lost signal, big tears fell on her delicate and pretty face in an instant, and said while crying.
And this scene also happened in Jinling Garden.
As the turning speed of the ‘Phoenix’ gradually slowed down, the four women who thought that the ‘Phoenix’ had survived this crisis were relieved.
Especially Wu Shaoying, her pretty face returned to her usual very peaceful appearance, and the corner of her mouth showed a smile for the first time.
At the next moment, the crisis suddenly came, the air pressure difference pulled Tang Zhenli to fly into space from the gap, and the live broadcast signal was also interrupted.
Almost instantly, the smile on Wu Shaoying’s face froze, and her pretty face twitched, her pale skin didn’t look like a normal person’s.
With his eyes out of focus, a drop of rootless crystal tears also quietly slipped down his pale pretty face.
At this moment, Sister Tianxian seems to have lost all her holy light and spiritual energy, her whole person looks extremely sluggish, and her expression is extremely dull.
And these kinds of changes are said to be too late, but in fact they only happened in an instant.
Sister Xia, Ye Yingxin and the little assistant also immediately leaned towards Wu Shaoying when they saw this. Seeing Wu Shaoying’s haggard appearance, the three girls were also startled.
However, I couldn’t think of any words of comfort for a while. After all, what happened just now is still vivid in my mind!
They were watching that moment when Tang Zhenli flew out towards the gap.
Although I didn’t see it being sucked out of space, but looking at the situation…it’s probably not much different..
Thinking of this, Rao was a little sad in their hearts.
However, under the current situation, they couldn’t find any excuse to comfort Wu Shaoying.
Even the calm and experienced Sister Xia couldn’t think of anything to comfort her at this moment, she just looked at Wu Shaoying who was stunned on the sofa with pity, and her heart was secretly distressed.
The two of them have come this far, and they don’t know how many ups and downs there are, but now the sky is falling, and the blow to Wu Shaoying is not too deep.
So, now we can only expect a miracle to happen… Otherwise, depending on the situation, only time can heal the pain in Wu Shaoying’s heart.
for a while
At the moment of seeing the loss of the live broadcast signal,
Everyone on the live broadcast platform exploded in an instant, and some people screamed subconsciously.
No one expected that things would go on in such a way that no one expected.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
If you want to blame it, you must blame it. This happened so suddenly.
From that boulder slammed into the main control room, a gap was created, and everything was sucked into space through the gap, and finally the signal was lost, but it only took a few seconds!
And in these few seconds, no one can react!
At this moment, everyone’s heart is heavy,Under such circumstances… Can Academician Xiao Tang react?
So at this moment, all the people who are watching the live broadcast on the live broadcast platform are inexplicably sad and mournful!
“It’s over…everything is over…”
“Could it be that…Academician Xiao Tang really died here?”
… 0
“Finally…I mean the last moment…I saw that Professor Tang was really absorbed…”
As soon as these words fell, everyone on the live broadcast platform instantly became silent.
After these words were uttered, it seemed that Tang Zhenli’s life and death had been decided, because they also saw the scene mentioned…
After a long while, someone spoke on the live broadcast platform.
“Professor Tang is working hard to promote the progress of human civilization. From this point of view, it is no regret to dedicate himself to his career at the last moment of his life…”
“Academician Xiao Tang is not dead, he just returned to the sea of ​​stars that he loves!”
“Death is never the end of life, but oblivion is. Academician Xiao Tang will be remembered by all human beings and passed on from generation to generation. In a sense, at this moment, Academician Xiao Tang has obtained eternal life!”
“We should keep this scene in mind, and tell our descendants that there was a great pioneer of mankind. He saved mankind, and finally returned to the star sea, just like a shooting star, bright and brilliant!”
“Human civilization continues, Academician Xiao Tang should always be praised!”
“Praise Tang Zhenli, praise mankind!!!”
At this moment, the hearts of all mankind are gathered together at this moment!
A final tribute to this great pioneer of mankind!

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