The Tang Zhenli Plan to Save All Humanity
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ever since the live broadcast signal was interrupted, Ji Chengtian has been pacing anxiously in the office, feeling extremely nervous.
After a long while, his footsteps suddenly stopped, his thoughts seemed to return to reality, and his depression was revealed without concealment.
Suddenly, Ji Chengtian stared at the night sky through the window, as if he wanted to penetrate endless obstacles, and saw the “Phoenix” in the thick fog, and Tang Zhenli in crisis!
On this special day, there were too many ups and downs. Even his state of mind fluctuated for a long time.
And at the end, Ji Chengtian sighed a long time, with complicated expressions in his eyes.
Could it be that…today, has this young man who was as bright as a star really lost “140”?
Think back to the various appearances of Tang Zhenli, which brought great impetus to Long Nation from the very beginning, and think back to Tang Zhenli’s step by step, every scientific research achievement has brought great advancement and changes to Long Nation and even the world!
Look at this young man, after saving the entire human race… his life or death is uncertain!
Or to put it another way… Can all gifted people not escape the fate of premature death?
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian’s mind was a little blank, as if he hadn’t been able to accept this reality yet.
In fact, he did not accept the reality of Tang Zhenli’s fall!
After pondering for a while, Ji Chengtian swept away all negative emotions, and his eyes became firm again!
Just at this time, Li Wei, who left a few minutes ago, left and returned.
At this moment, Li Wei’s expression was a little gloomy. Seeing this, Ji Chengtian’s heart twitched slightly, and then he asked him in a slightly hasty tone.
“How is it, Lao Li? Have you contacted the ‘Phoenix’? How is Tang Zhenli’s situation?”
Hearing this, Li Wei showed a bitter look on his face, shook his head towards Ji Chengtian solemnly, and then said in a low tone.
“No, the ‘Phoenix’ has not been contacted yet… Judging from the situation, the communication system of the ‘Phoenix’ should have been damaged after the shock wave arrived… That is to say, the current ‘Phoenix’ has lost contact …”
As Li Wei’s words fell, the luck in Ji Chengtian’s mind was shattered, and then his heart sank.
With a solemn expression, he didn’t speak any more.
And when Li Wei saw his old partner’s appearance, he sighed slightly in his heart. Thinking of the current situation, he wanted to open his mouth, but a few words got stuck in his throat again.
But in the end he decided to speak out. After deliberating for a while, Li Wei said in an uncertain tone.
“Old Ji, there is a piece of news about Academician Tang, I think it should be considered relatively important…”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian raised his head suddenly, his expression changed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the hope in his heart was rekindled.
“Tell me…..”
Seeing this, Li Wei didn’t talk nonsense, took out his mobile phone, found a picture, and handed it to Ji Chengtian.
I saw that above the picture was the photo of the last frame of the live broadcast.
On the photo, Tang Zhenli’s appearance is impressively displayed. In the photo, one can clearly see the appearance of Tang Zhenli being sucked into the gap at this time.
Looking at this photo, Ji Chengtian’s brows twitched slightly. Seeing Tang Zhenli who was still calm in the photo, he felt somewhat surprised.
At this time, since you can still be so calm? ? ?
For a while, Ji Chengtian didn’t know whether he felt that Tang Zhenli was in a high mood or he had something to do…
Then looking at Li Wei, I saw a meaningful expression on Li Wei’s face at the same time.
Seeing this, Ji Cheng TianmuThe light turned and asked directly towards Li Wei.
“What do you want to express?”
Hearing this, Li Wei shook his head slightly, then continued.
“At least at this moment, it is clear that Academician Tang is sober at this critical juncture, that is to say, this time there may be a backhand…”
When Li Wei’s voice fell, Ji Chengtian’s expression froze for a moment, and then he said in a suspicious tone.
“Will this conclusion be too arbitrary?”
“Why can you tell if you’re prepared just by looking at it?”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian looked at Li Wei without blinking, as if he wanted a reasonable explanation……
Looking at Ji Chengtian’s questioning appearance, Li Wei also answered directly.
“I showed this photo to a psychologist. When a person encounters a crisis, his facial expressions cannot be controlled at the first moment, because this is the behavior of the brain’s subconscious mind, and people’s subjective behavior cannot be controlled. If you can control your expression at the juncture, it means you must be mentally prepared!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian showed a thoughtful look, and it really makes sense to think about it carefully.
In the next instant, Ji Chengtian seemed to think of something and continued to ask.
“Is it possible that it is unreasonable?”
Unexpectedly, Li Wei immediately shook his head and said in a firm tone.
“This is not the case. So far, no matter how good the psychological quality is, it is impossible to maintain such a calm…”
However, Li Wei’s words were mediocre, but Ji Chengtian interrupted him.
“Then have you thought about it, Academician Tang?”
The moment Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, Li Wei’s voice was suffocated, and there was a subconscious stun on his face.
He naturally understood what Ji Chengtian meant…
After all, before that, Tang Zhenli’s state of mind and mentality 4.2 were completely different from ordinary people…
If he just kept calm subconsciously, but didn’t really leave behind…
Thinking of this, Li Wei felt a little chill all over his body.
This possibility cannot be ruled out. If Tang Zhenli is like ordinary people, then he is not Tang Zhenli…
In fact, it’s not that Ji Chengtian wants to pour cold water, he also wants to think that everything will be better.
But… at such a critical juncture.
A leader should think about the worst, not the good.
Only when the worst-case scenario is considered, is it possible to think of the most comprehensive arrangement when thinking about it!

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