The Worst Moment in Tang Zhenli’s Life
After Ji Cheng finished saying those words, the atmosphere in the office was a little frozen.
Ji Chengtian was thinking, while Li Wei was simply silent, recalling all the previous speculations.
After a long while, Ji Chengtian, who was in deep thought in his mind, gradually became clearer.
At this moment, his mentality was not optimistic because of Li Wei’s speculation. In fact, it was a critical moment.
But in the same way, Ji Chengtian did not give up on saving the ‘Phoenix’ or Tang Zhenli.
So in his mind, he was still thinking about the method.
With the current plan, even if the major aerospace bases in the Dragon Country dispatched all the reserved spacecraft, it would not be enough to search for the missing ‘Phoenix’ in space!
Judging from the situation before the ‘Phoenix’ lost contact, the ‘Phoenix’ should not suffer low losses when it suffered the shock wave generated by the explosion of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
Judging from the last transmitted data, the overall loss is still within the tolerable range, but it can also be seen from the final data that in addition to the damage to the communication system, the power system and gravity system of the ‘Phoenix’ are also damaged. Damaged to varying degrees!
In other words, the current ‘Phoenix 17’ is very likely to have escaped from low-Earth orbit, and it is very likely to fly away from the earth by the power of the previous shock wave.
Under such circumstances, the difficulty of searching only with the spacecraft of one country in the Dragon Kingdom is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack!
But what you need to know is… Humans are more than just the Dragon Kingdom…
If all human spacecraft can launch into the sky to search for the whereabouts of the ‘Phoenix’… then the efficiency will be greatly improved!
Under the premise that Tang Zhenli has just saved mankind not long ago, I believe that no country can refuse this reasonable request.
It’s time for the Dragon Kingdom to collect some interest on the matter of saving mankind…
In the blink of an eye, a rough plan was gradually completed in his mind…
So when his eyes returned to clarity, Ji Chengtian’s expression also became serious. After a light flashed in his eyes, he turned his head and said to Li Wei.
“Old Li, contact me with the leaders of all the national science and technology departments that have spacecraft in the world. I ask to talk to them!”
Hearing the words, Li Wei was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses in the next instant, and immediately replied.
“Okay, I’ll go now!”
With that said, Li Wei moved directly towards the door of the office.
After Li Wei left, Ji Chengtian was the only one left in the office.
After that, Ji Chengtian, who was thinking about something, seemed to have thought of something, then picked up the handle on the desk and instructed the propaganda unit under the Ministry of Science and Technology to leave.
At this time, it is time to make full use of the pressure of the fishing reel!
At that time, even if some countries are unwilling to dispatch their own spacecraft,Then, due to the fishing boat, it had to be dispatched!
Soon after,
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo issued a statement.
It explained that the official department of the Dragon Kingdom has prepared measures to rescue the “Phoenix”, but the Dragon Kingdom is weak and weak, and cannot undertake such a large search and rescue mission in space.
Therefore, I implore all capable countries in the world to dispatch spacecraft to search for the lost “Phoenix” in low-Earth orbit, and state that the time is urgent, and hope that all countries will start rescue as soon as possible!
And once this statement was issued, it caused widespread heated discussions!
As for the saviors and pioneers of all mankind, everyone with a conscience understands the principle of reciprocating gratitude.
Long Guo’s explanation undoubtedly meant asking for help.
At this point, a wave of fishing boats from all mankind began to sweep across the network at this moment.
“No matter what happens to Professor Tang, saving the ‘Phoenix’! Saving Professor Tang! It’s every human being’s due responsibility!”
“That’s right, we all owe Professor Tang a life just now!”
“No matter what the result is, at least we have to act now!”
“This is not just a matter of the Dragon Kingdom, it concerns all mankind! We must not sit idly by!”
“Except for Academician Xiao Tang, all the crew members of the ‘Phoenix’ are also human heroes!”
“That’s right! We can’t chill the hearts of the human heroes on the ‘Phoenix’!”
“Come on! It was Professor Tang who saved all mankind before, so now it’s our turn to save Professor Tang!!!”
Amidst the enthusiastic responses, citizens of countries around the world capable of launching spacecraft spontaneously organized themselves and asked the relevant departments of their countries to dispatch spacecraft to cooperate with Dragon Kingdom in searching for the lost “Phoenix”!
At the same time, it is also to learn about Tang Zhenli’s news as soon as possible!
This wave of public opinion fermented over time, and within ten minutes it swept the entire human race!
Countless people took to the streets, asking their country to respond to the call of the Dragon Kingdom!
At this moment, Tang Zhenli not only represents the people of Long Kingdom, but also a part of mankind!
In the end, under the sweep of public opinion, the reactions of all countries were somewhat beyond Ji Chengtian’s expectations.
Under the dominance of public opinion and fishing boats, every country capable of launching spacecraft has expressed that it will launch spacecraft to cooperate with Longguo in finding Tang Zhen 140.
Even the meeting requested by Ji Chengtian was not held…
All countries spontaneously contributed to this matter.
So far, shortly after the “Reaper” asteroid crisis, all mankind once again stood on the united front!
Looking for the ‘Phoenix’! Looking for Tang Zhenli! ! !
in space,
After being affected by the shock wave, the ‘Phoenix’ drifted away from the earth.
And soon deviated from the original planned track.
However, all of the crew of the “Phoenix” didn’t care about it, because the most important thing now is to repair the “Phoenix”.
In the current crisis situation, the non-technical crew members still stay in the core cabin, while the technical crew members are anxious in each cabin!
As far as the current situation is concerned, the crisis has not yet been resolved, and it will take most of the time for the leak and damage of the ship’s cabin alone!
Under such a busy situation, perhaps out of trust in Tang Zhenli, no one walked towards the main control room.
It is obvious that a subconscious mind has been formed in their hearts at this moment.
With Mr. Tang, everything is safe!

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