Rescue Chu Wenqian who attacked
With this thought in mind, the crew of the ‘Phoenix’ became more motivated.
Wearing a spacesuit, he walked through the various cabins of the “Phoenix” continuously, repairing the leaked and damaged cabins one by one.
After the restoration of each ship cabin is completed, it is time to start repairing some large-scale equipment that maintains basic operation.
Fortunately, some of the Qinglong power modules and anti-gravity system engines are well protected because they are inside the ‘Phoenix’.
Under the preliminary judgment of the technicians, it is fully capable of maintenance and normal operation!
The most important thing is that before boarding the ship, some equipment for maintenance and replacement was prepared fairly well, that is to say, after the ‘Phoenix’ was able to maintain its basic operation.
It’s time for all the crew members of the “Phoenix” to go home!
After realizing this, the emotions of all the crew members became even higher!
In short, everything is developing towards the good side!
However, unlike the overall thriving atmosphere of the “Phoenix”, the main control room at this moment is a completely different scene.
At this time, the main control room was very dark. If it weren’t for the faint light emitted by the emergency lights at the four corners, the main control room would be pitch black.
If anyone can see what’s going on here. You will find that the originally well-organized main control room is in a mess.
The gap that was smashed just now also disappeared inexplicably.
Since the gravity system in the main control room was separately assembled at the beginning of construction, judging from the situation, in the impact just now, the gravity system in the main control room was not damaged.
So the ground is full of fragments of various instruments and equipment, as well as some rubble that was rolled in from the outside just now, and there are many metal fragments embedded in the walls.
Looking at the situation, it’s hard to imagine what happened in the main control room just now?
The surface of the current main control room looks fancyTo be devoid of wave and trace of life,
However, if someone is in the main control room, if you listen carefully with your ears, you will be able to hear a faint breathing sound on the side of the quiet main control room at this moment.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli was leaning against the window of the original main control room, his chest rising and falling weakly, and his eyes shone with a mysterious luster under the faint light.
Contrary to what everyone imagined, Tang Zhenli at this time was not absorbed by the gap just now.
Not only that, his current consciousness is actually very clear. Of course, apart from the clear consciousness, other parts are not so good.
At this moment, he can fully feel that his situation is very bad, and it is not so bad. It can be said that he has never encountered such a bad situation since he was a child!
He could clearly feel that his lungs had been pierced by an unknown object, which caused him to feel a piercing pain every time he took a breath as his chest rose and fell.
So every breath he takes now is extremely slow and weak, and this is the result of his best efforts to control it.
But even so, with his breathing from time to time, streams of blood gradually spread on the military uniform on his chest, reflecting a strange color against the already pure black military uniform.
The situation was far worse than that. Apart from his lungs, he could clearly feel that his left hand was completely out of control.
And this also means that his left hand is broken!
In addition to these two, there were many abrasion marks all over his body, and he could feel burning pain coming from his whole body.
All these things led him to lean against the wall halfway, waiting for rescue to arrive.
But compared to these injuries, he is already lucky enough!
If he can survive under the dangerous conditions before, if he is swept into space by the gap, then he will definitely die!
It’s impossible to still think that you can still hold your breath now.
Thinking about it, it was thanks to his flexible brain and reaction speed.
In fact, Tang Zhenli recovered from his light sleep the moment the main control room was smashed through the gap.
And with quick eyes and quick hands, he pressed the switch of the second mezzanine window in the main control room.
This was originally set up as an insurance policy for emergencies. Fortunately, Tang Zhenli is familiar with the “Phoenix”, otherwise he would not have reacted immediately.
This interlayer window is an opaque titanium alloy window inside the transparent window, and the titanium alloy window fell heavily just a second before Tang Zhenli was about to be absorbed into space.
He was successfully blocked by the window, cutting off the link between the ‘Phoenix’ and the vacuum environment. And saved his life!
For ordinary people, it would definitely be difficult for them to react before being absorbed!
Now that I think about it carefully, at the critical moment just now, I actually forgot to close this insurance in advance.
But after thinking about it, my energy was overdrawn to the limit at that time. After releasing the task, how could I think of these things?
After all, he is not really omniscient!
Fortunately, judging from the current situation, the “Phoenix” should be regarded as having survived this crisis.
Although he didn’t know the specific situation, he could feel it coming out of the warehouse.
The power of the shock wave this time was within his expectations, so (dead) if the crew of the ‘Phoenix’ followed his orders, there should be very little chance of casualties.
But now he doesn’t have the ability to think about these things anymore.
Because his crisis is far from over.
According to his current physical condition, if no one comes to him within a day, he will lose too much blood to death sooner or later.
But even thinking of this, his face still didn’t fluctuate, and it still looked normal, as if death was just an insignificant thing to him.
And in the passing of this minute and second,
While Tang Zhenli was waiting for rescue in the main control room, the various technicians of the “Phoenix” were also coming to an end to repair the traumatized large space carrier…

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