Aliens in the main control room
Inside the ‘Phoenix’, after a technical crew welded the last leak.
The air pressure threshold in the entire “Phoenix” has returned to normal. For now, there is no need to wear a space suit inside the cabin of the “Phoenix”.
In addition, the engineers of the expert team stationed on the “Phoenix” have still repaired the gravity system at the bottom of the “Phoenix”. That is to say, everyone no longer needs to float in mid-air.
The non-technical sailors who were originally sitting in the core cabin also began to leave the core cabin one after another to carry out a series of aftermath treatments for the entire “Phoenix”.
In a cabin,
Chu Wenqian, who had just changed out of her heavy space suit, let out a long sigh of relief. At this moment, she was sitting slumped on the ground, with misty heat emitting from her whole body, and sweat dripping down her pure white cheeks.
It has to be said that in space, even if it is just to repair the leaks and shattering of the ship’s cabin, it requires high-intensity physical strength as support.
“Sister Qianqian, are you okay? Do you want to wash up first?”
At this time, a young-looking female technical crew member next to Chu Wenqian looked at her and couldn’t help but kindly suggested.
Although a large number of former technicians of the “Phoenix” were enrolled in the 140 Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force, butIt’s that the names of some familiar people haven’t changed.
Meng Siyuan didn’t ask all the technical staff to copy it according to the military.
Therefore, among the technical staff of the Space Strategic Force, the atmosphere is the same as before.
Hearing this, Chu Wenqian shook her head, smiled at her, and said calmly.
“No need, in this situation, why would you be shy about doing this…”
Seeing this, the female technical crew member also nodded, and her eyes were quite agreeable.
But after that, the female technical crew member seemed to think of something, and there was a bit of curiosity in her eyes, and a bit of admiration mixed with curiosity.
I saw her sitting cautiously next to Chu Wenqian, staring at Chu Wenqian with wide eyes.
Just when Chu Wenqian was a little unclear, she spoke slowly, her tone full of eagerness and expectation.
“Sister Qianqian, I heard that you and Tang Gong are very familiar, can you tell me what kind of person Tang Gong is?”
As she spoke, it seemed like a little star appeared in her eyes, and she stared at Chu Wenqian in a daze.
Unexpectedly, Chu Wenqian rolled her eyes at her, her eyes narrowed slightly, and then asked her back.
“Who said I’m very familiar with Tang Gong?”
Feeling the change in Chu Wenqian’s aura, the female technical crew member suddenly became nervous.
“This…this…I heard what others said…”
While talking, he watched Chu Wenqian’s reaction.
Who knew that Chu Wenqian looked at her who was getting more and more nervous, and then laughed outright in the next moment, and then said.
“What’s the matter? Do you want to steal someone from Sister Tianxian’s hands?”
Hearing this, the female technical sailor was stunned for a moment, then her expression changed, and she quickly waved her hand and said.
“No no no… I’m just curious…”
Seeing how nervous she was, Chu Wenqian stopped teasing her, but followed her inner feelings towards Tang Zhenli.
“How do you say it? Tang Gong… doesn’t feel like a normal person to me…”
As she said that, Chu Wenqian glanced from the corner of the eye, and saw the female technical crew member looking at her suspiciously.
With a tense face, it seemed that if Gong Gong was a normal person, there would be no normal person in the world.
At this time, Chu Wenqian also knew that there was a lot of ambiguity in what she said, and immediately explained it.
“I don’t mean what a normal person means… I’ve never seen a person like him before, especially in the process of his research and development projects…”
As she said that, Chu Wenqian seemed to have thought of something, and a glimmer of admiration flashed in her eyes that she didn’t even notice, and then continued.
“Even when he calms down, I don’t think he wants to be a human being, that kind of feeling…it feels like a robot?”
“And I always felt that he was perfectly in control of his thoughts and emotions… that was puzzling to me… but it was this that allowed him to immerse himself in experiments without any scruples. influences..”
Chu Wenqian was talking, and she was listening. Following Chu Wenqian’s story, she also listened with relish and nodded.
In the end, Chu Wenqian tilted her head slightly, her beautiful brows were slightly wrinkled, and then said in a somewhat surprised tone.
“So what I have been unable to figure out is, how did the Tianxian sister you talk about chase him? I imagine that a person like him who can even control his emotions should have a hard time accepting the love of others…”
After speaking, Chu Wenqian’s tone was broken, and her expression seemed to be lost in thought.
It has to be said that although Chu Wenqian understands Tang Zhenli to a certain extent, it is not enough.
She only saw Tang Zhenli’s work side, but didn’t see his normal side. Naturally, it was normal to not understand some things.
However, the female technical sailor heard something wrong, and then she subconsciously glanced at Chu Wenqian and said in a cautious tone.
“Sister Qianqian, isn’t it because you want to be rivals with Sister Tianxian?”
Chu Wenqian, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, then she showed a bit of annoyance on her face, and then said loudly to her.
“Huh? What? Nothing!”
However, in her eyes, this gesture seems strange, no matter how you look at it…
After a long while, Chu Wenqian also seemed to realize something, and her expression returned to her usual cold look. After that, the two of them didn’t speak.
In the end, the female technical sailor raised her eyebrows and said to Chu Wenqian.
“Sister Qianqian, do you feel a little strange? Why has Gong Gong not given an order for a long time… It stands to reason that the current situation has stabilized, it shouldn’t be…”
When the words fell, Chu Wenqian’s heart also flashed a trace of suspicion, then she simply stood up and walked outside the cabin.
“Hey! Sister Qianqian, where are you going?”
Seeing this, the female technical sailor also asked curiously.
“Main control room!”
Who knew that Chu Wenqian didn’t turn her head back, she just left a sentence.
After hearing the words, the female technical crew member’s expression changed, and she quickly followed.

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