The return date of the ‘Phoenix’
‘Phoenix’, in the main control room,
The interior was still dark.
As time passed, Tang Zhenli’s military uniform on his chest was also soaked with blood.
With the blood loss gradually increasing, Rao was him, but he also felt a little chilly in his hands and feet, and it was difficult to maintain a clear consciousness in his mind~!After all, even if he is different from ordinary people, he is still a mortal body. This point may be the closest thing he is to ordinary people.
Although he was at the juncture of this life-and-death crisis, he couldn’t get up and look for rescue by himself.
Before his lung wound was healed, rash action would only increase the rate of blood loss, and he couldn’t control this rate, in case he fainted before meeting anyone.
That’s a big deal…
So at this moment, he can only use constant thinking to maintain the clarity of consciousness in his mind.
Right now, he is staring at a meteorite not far away, thinking constantly in his mind.
From this angle, the meteorite appears a strange dark black under the illumination of the weak light.
This kind of feeling is amazing. The meteorite just lay there quietly, but it was completely different from the surrounding environment.
Because of the dark black it reflects, the small space around it seems to collapse in.
In layman’s terms, it’s like nothingness!
You can clearly see it’s there, but it feels like there’s nothing…
And you must know that in any known material in the world at present, there is nothing that can show this strange dark black under the reflection of light, at least in his cognition…
More importantly, this meteorite seems to be able to affect the curvature of space!
Otherwise, it would not seem that the surrounding is a void on the surface, which is obviously because its existence affects the surrounding space.
But it is impossible for the earth or even the entire solar system to have this kind of material. . . .
Suddenly, a light flashed in Tang Zhenli’s mind, as if he had thought of something!
This is the composition on the “Death” asteroid! ! !
And he also realized at this time, where did this feeling of nothingness come from…
Isn’t the biggest background color in the universe the emptiness and darkness?
Could it be that……
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s breathing subconsciously became a little faster, and even the heaving of his chest became much more intense.
Then came the severe pain caused by breathing, and finally Tang Zhenli had no choice but to endure it and stop thinking.
Just when Tang Zhenli regretted not being able to study it carefully.
He felt that there seemed to be some movement outside the door of the main control room…
And his feeling was correct, with a mechanical push and pull, the door of the main control room was opened.
Two figures appeared by the door, but Tang Zhenli was too far away… If he shouted for help, he was afraid that the wound on his lungs would worsen again.
In desperation, Tang Zhenli could only wait for the two to approach…
Here, the two women who entered the door were first taken aback by the scene in front of them, and their emotions were inexplicably raised.
“Sister Qianqian, it’s so dark! And why is it so messy?”
Due to the dim lighting, neither of them could see the clear environment in the main control room, and could only perceive it roughly.
Fragments of various instruments and equipment are all over the place, among which there are many meteorites scattered in the main control room, and these various fragments are also scattered on the walls.
Then the two women looked at each other and could see the solemnity in each other’s eyes.
Needless to say, something must have happened in the main control room that they didn’t know about. For a moment, the two women seemed to have thought of something in their minds… and their expressions gradually became anxious.
The most urgent task now is to find Tang Gong!
In a hurry, Chu Wenqian wanted to turn on the light, but with a small light in his hand, he would definitely not be able to find Tang Gong..
But then it was discovered that the energy system in the main control room seemed to have suffered a heavy blow.
In desperation, the two women could only walk slowly towards the huge main control room based on their memory.
After the two women walked slowly to the central control platform, the two women looked at the seats on the central control platform with the little light source in their hands.
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers
When she saw the torn seat belt, Chu Wenqian’s heart suddenly twitched.
The younger female technical crew member even screamed, and she started to think wildly in her mind.
After pondering for a long time, Chu Wenqian seemed to have a deduction already in her mind. She looked at the environment in the main control room again, and said in a hoarse tone.
“Looking at this situation, there should be a collision in the main control room. After the collision, the main control room should be damaged, and finally…”
When it came to the end, Chu Wenqian seemed to be unable to speak any longer.
“What happened in the end?”
But the female technical sailor asked weakly.
Chu Wenqian didn’t answer, and after a long sigh, her expression became a little down.
The main control room was damaged, so the Tang Gong inside was naturally…
When the female technical sailor heard the words, she naturally came to her senses, and then a sad look appeared on her face.
This analysis has to be said to be very close to the real situation.
Therefore, Tang Zhenli’s expression in the distance was a little stiff…
At this time, he had already heard that the voice of one of them was Chu Wenqian.
This woman… did she judge herself dead so easily?
Just when he was about to speak, he found that a sharp pain in his chest made him swallow the words in his throat.
And although this gasping sound was very slight, it was still noticed by the two women.
Seeing it, thenThe female technical sailor’s expression changed, her face was instantly pale, and then she quickly hugged Chu Wenqian’s arm, looked at the surrounding environment subconsciously, and said in a frightened tone.
“Sister Qianqian, did you hear the sound? No aliens will enter the ‘Phoenix’, right?”
Unexpectedly, at this moment, Chu Wenqian’s eyes lit up after hearing the gasping sound. He didn’t answer the question from the female sailor, and then walked over in the direction of the voice.

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